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May 8, 1995

Inherits from Box
Inherits from Tool  

Class Description

Windows float on top of scenes. They usually don't fill the screen. They're temporary, some vanishing when their informational job is done and some vanishing when the user dismisses them. Since they cover up part of the screen, they are often moveable. Magic Cap has many kinds of windows. Some have title bars, some have borders, and some have balloon spouts. You'll probably use several of the various window kinds in your packages.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Related Classes

Here are some of the window classes you're likely to use often:

Window class Description
ConfirmationDialog A window with a framework for letting you ask users yes/no questions
ContainerWindow A window that aligns its contents to a grid
AttributeWindow A window that displays attribute steps
GadgetWindow A window that spouts from another viewable, usually a an object of class Gadget.
InfoWindow A window that displays help for an object or a scene.
ListWindow A window that is tailored to display lists
TitledWindow A window with a bar on top that displays its name

This isn't a complete list of window classes, since Magic Cap defines nearly 50 subclasses of class Window. Some of those are tailored for very specific purposes, but others are general enough to be useful for you.

Programming information

Instantiate: never
Subclass: sometimes
Call its methods: sometimes

You'll never use an object of class Window. Instead, you'll often use objects of Window's many subclasses. Class Window does define a large set of flags which you can use to control the behavior of many windows, and it also overrides many methods that give windows their basic character.

Methods defined by class Window

Class Window defines the following methods:

Method Description
AcceptMorsel Make morsel a subview of self, and put it in default position
DropACopy Drop a copy of source viewable onto card (or scene if none)
Showing and hiding
PersistentWindow Called by system to determine whether self should remain shown when scene changes
Show Show window if it's hidden, zooming up if necessary
Hide Hide window if it's shown
ShowOrHide Show if hidden or hide if shown
Appear Called by Show to make the window visible on the screen
Clear Clear the window; does nothing to standard windows
Disappear Called by Hide to remove the window from the screen
ZoomFromWhere Check if window should zoom open and closed in Show and Hide, and check where to zoom from and to
CanCoexist Check if this window can co-exist on the screen with other open windows
HasDependent Check whether candidate should be closed when self is closed, and whether opening candidate should keep self open
Coexisting with the keyboard
CheckCoveringKeyboard Call before and after doing something that changes window bounds
SetBorder, SetContentSize, Overridden to call CheckCoveringKeyboard
SetVisible, AboutToShow,
BringToFront, SendToBack,
AllowedToLeaveScene Overridden to return true
AutoMove Overridden to return true
CanAcceptCoupon Overridden to reject "no border" coupons
CanChangeContainers Overridden to return false
CanShowLabel Overridden to return false so the tinker window won't let the user change the label position
ConstrainToolTarget if closeBeforeTouch or closeAfterTouch flag is set, makes self the tool with some exceptions
TouchTarget if closeBeforeTouch or closeAfterTouch flag is set, closes window before or after calling Touch on target
DontCopyToPackage Overridden to return true
ShouldBufferBehind Overridden to return true
Searchable Overridden to return value of searchableWindow flag
MakeValid Ensure that superview is nilObject, or screen if self is in screen's subview chain

Methods you might override

You might override these methods of class Window in the described circumstances:

Method When to override
PersistentWindow If you need to dynamically determine when to stay on-screen
Appear If you need to do something before the window is shown
Disappear If you need to do something each time a window is closed
ZoomFromWhere If you want to enable zooming and set where the window should zoom from
CanCoexist If your subclass can always coexist or can never coexist
HasDependent If your subclass of windows can have dependents
KeepFrontmost If windows of your subclass should always stay in front, and should ignore the flag

Fields defined by class Window

Class Window defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable Object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Flags Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of object's label
color Color Color of object's content
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Inherited from HasBorder
border Border Framed border drawn around object
defined by Window
windowFlags Flags Stores various boolean attributes of the window

Attributes defined by class Window

Class Window defines the following attribute:

Attribute Type Description
KeepFrontmost Boolean Called by system to determine whether this window
should appear and remain in front of all windows
that return false

Constants used by class Window

Class Window has handy names for the bits you can set in its windowFlags field. This section lists and describes all the window flags.


#define canCoexistBit            0
#define canCoexistMask           0x00000001    

Set this flag if your window can coexist on the screen with other windows that set this flag. For example, the system keyboard, which inherits from class Window, sets this flag. The keyboard is often on the screen with other windows. The tool window sets this flag, to allow users to leave it open as a kind of floating palette.


#define persistentWindowBit      1
#define persistentWindowMask     0x00000002    

Set this flag if your window shouldn't disappear when the user changes scenes. Reserve this flag for only the most important windows, or you risk annoying your users.


#define dontAutoExtendBit        2
#define dontAutoExtendMask       0x00000004  

Set this flag in your InfoWindow objects if they shouldn't extend their bottoms to fit their content.


#define ignoreGridBit            4
#define ignoreGridMask           0x00000010    

Set this flag for your ContainerWindow object if it shouldn't enforce a grid on its subviews. See class ContainerWindow for details.


#define closeAfterTouchBit        5
#define closeAfterTouchMask       0x00000020    

Set the closeAfterTouch flag if your window should be closed after the user touches it. The touch will be passed to a subview of the window, and then the window will be closed. There are exceptions to this rule, which are explored in detail later in this chapter in the description of the ConstrainToolTarget method.


#define closeBeforeTouchBit        6
#define closeBeforeTouchMask    0x00000040  

Set the closeBeforeTouch flag if your window should be closed as the user touches it and before the touch is passed to a subview of the window. There are exceptions to this rule, which are explored in detail later in this chapter in the description of the ConstrainToolTarget method.


#define autoPositionBit            7
#define autoPositionMask           0x00000080  

Set this flag if your window should be positioned before it appears. Classes GadgetWindow, ListWindow, and TextStyleWindow are the subclasses that respect this flag. Class TextStyleWindow, for example, uses this flag to check if the style window should position itself where it won't cover up the text the user wants to style.

This flag will have no effect for other subclasses. If you're creating a custom subclass that should respect this flag, you'll probably want to override Appear to check the flag and do any required repositioning.


#define noCloseBoxBit            8
#define noCloseBoxMask           0x00000100    

Set this flag if your window shouldn't have a close box. If it's set, the HasCloseBox method returns false and the Draw method won't draw a close box.


#define downArrowVisibleBit        9
#define downArrowVisibleMask       0x00000200    

The system uses this flag to cache the state of the down arrow for objects of class ContainerWindow. Don't set this flag yourself.


#define upArrowVisibleBit        10
#define upArrowVisibleMask       0x00000400  

The system uses this flag to cache the state of the up arrow for objects of class ContainerWindow. Don't set this flag yourself.


#define rightArrowVisibleBit    11
#define rightArrowVisibleMask   0x00000800    

The system uses this flag to cache the state of the right arrow for objects of class ContainerWindow. Don't set this flag yourself.


#define leftArrowVisibleBit        12
#define leftArrowVisibleMask       0x00001000  

The system uses this flag to cache the state of the left arrow for objects of class ContainerWindow. Don't set this flag yourself.


#define autoMoveContentsBit        13
#define autoMoveContentsMask       0x00002000  

Set this flag for windows that let users move their contents without using the move tool. For example, the tote bag window, the trash window, and the stationery window all set this flag. The TouchTarget and ConstrainToolTarget methods check this flag. When this flag is set, TouchTarget passes along presses to the target by calling MovePress on it. See the description of TouchTarget for more details.


#define searchableWindowBit        14
#define searchableWindowMask       0x00004000    

Set this flag if searches should check the contents of your window. The Searchable method checks this flag and returns true if it's set. See the description of Viewable_Searchable for more information.


#define autoCopyWindowBit        31
#define autoCopyWindowMask       0x80000000  

Set this flag if you want a copy of your window to be displayed instead of the original. Show checks this flag and, if it's set, makes a copy of the window before displaying the window. The copy is in the same cluster as the original object. Hide destroys the copy when the window is closed.

The method ConfirmationDialog_PerformWithConfirmation uses this flag to make a copy of the confirmation window if the original is already in use.

Method Descriptions


operation AcceptMorsel(morsel: Viewable);
Call: rarely
Override: rarely

The system calls AcceptMorsel when a user has successfully dropped an object into the window.

AcceptMorsel unlinks the morsel from its previous superview then determines the morsel's new position inside the window. It determines the morsel's position by calling FindContainerPosition, a method class Window inherits from class Viewable. It then sets the morsel's new superview to be the window. AcceptMorsel finishes by calling MovedContents to give certain kinds of windows a chance to reposition the morsel. (Some subclasses, like class ContainerWindow, align their contents to a grid.)


operation DropACopy(source: Viewable; touchInput: TouchInput);
Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call DropACopy to drop a copy of the viewable in the source parameter onto the current card or scene. Windows like the magic hat and the tinker window call this method to make copies of their contents when the user taps. You'll call this method if your subclass of class Window contains objects the user copies.


operation PersistentWindow(): Boolean;
Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

The system calls Persistent Window to check if the window should stay on the screen when the scene changes. PersistentWindow returns the setting stored in the flag persistentWindow.

You might override PersistentWindow if you needed to determine dynamically whether a window should stay on the screen.


operation Show(), safe, common, noFail;
Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call Show to show a window if it's hidden, zooming the window open if necessary. You'll override Show only rarely. Show calls Appear, which you should override instead.


operation Hide(), safe, common, noFail;
Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call Hide to hide a window if it's shown. You'll override Hide only rarely. Hide calls Disappear, which you should override instead.


operation Appear();
Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

Call Appear to show a window by adding it to the screen's view list.

Appear will call Disappear on other open windows if this window can't coexist with them. Appear makes this decision by checking the window's canCoexist flag.

Override Appear if you need to do other work each time your window appears. You could override AboutToShow instead of Appear.


operation CanCoexist(): Boolean;
Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

The system calls CanCoexist to check if this window can be visible at the same time other windows are visible. Windows that return false won't be shown at the same time.

CanCoexist checks the canCoexist flag and returns true if it's set. Override CanCoexist to ignore the flag if you know that windows of your subclass always answer yes or no.


operation Clear(), noFail, safe;
Call: sometimes
Override: sometimes

Override and call Clear if your window subclass can clear itself in some way. Window_Clear does nothing. For example, class TrashWindow overrides Clear to empty the trash; the button in the title bar of the trash window calls Clear on the trash window.


operation Disappear();
Call: sometimes
Override: sometimes

Call Disappear to hide a window by removing it from the view list. Disappear also flushes any pending touches on the window.

You might override Disappear to do other work each time your window disappears, though you could also override AboutToHide instead.


operation HasDependent(candidate: Window): Boolean;
Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

The system calls HasDependent to check if the window in the candidate parameter is a dependent of this window. If it is, the candidate window should be closed when this window is closed, and it should stay open when this window is opened.

Window_HasDependent returns false because basic windows don't have dependents. If your new window type has dependent windows, override HasDependent to check.


attribute KeepFrontmost: Boolean, readOnly;
Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

The system calls KeepFrontmost to check whether this window should appear and remain in front of all windows that return false. Window_KeepFrontmost returns false. You might override to return true or to check a flag if your window class should always be in front of other windows.


operation ShowOrHide(), safe, common, noFail;
Call: often
Override: rarely

Call ShowOrHide to show a hidden window and hide a visible window.


operation ZoomFromWhere(VAR zoomFrom: Box): Boolean;
Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

The system calls ZoomFromWhere from Show and Hide to check if the window should zoom open and closed, and if it does, where it should zoom from and to. Window_ZoomFromWhere returns false.

Override ZoomFromWhere to enable zooming and set where your window should zoom from and to.


overrides ConstrainToolTarget;
Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Unfortunately, to be written. Here's a brief comment: if closeBeforeTouch or closeAfterTouch flag is set, ConstrainToolTarget makes self the tool with some exceptions.