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May 8, 1995 
Inherits from TitledWindow Inherits from BalloonSpout Defined in Window.Def

Class Description

Gadget windows are windows with targets. They have balloon spouts that sprout from their targets. Usually that target is a gadget. Gadget windows typically appear when the user taps on the window's target gadget. The illustration at the beginning of this chapter shows a gadget windowa window containing two locksspouting from its gadget, the drawer in the small table.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Programming information

Instantiate: often
Subclass: often
Call its methods: rarely

Gadget windows, deep in their heart of hearts, are windows that spout from something. That something is usually a gadget, which deep in its dark heart is nothing more than an object that displays a window when it's tapped. You'll use gadget windows whenever you use gadgets. See the chapter on class Gadget for details on gadgets.

Sometimes you'll use gadget windows without gadgets. For example, class AttributeWindow isn't associated with a gadget. Neither is class TextSelectionWindow, which spouts from a chunk of selected text and not from a gadget.

Magic Cap has a variety of subclasses of class GadgetWindow, each designed for a specific use. Some notable gadget windows subclasses are classes AttributeWindow, ListWindow, ContainerWindow, and InfoWindow. You will often create subclasses of your own when you want your gadget window to behave in a special way or contain special objects.

Here's an example of a simple subclass, class BackUpWindow:

Define Class BackupWindow;
    inherits from GadgetWindow;
    field prototypeName: HasText;  
        // default backupName
    field backupName: HasText; 
        // name user has entered for package to create 
        // for backup
    field backupChoices: ChoiceBox; 
        // choices for list of ContainerDevices available 
        // to store the backup or restore
    field backupListView: ListView; 
         // pop-up list of packages that can be restored
    field containerDevice: ContainerDevice, getter;
         // currently selected ContainerDevices from 
         // backupChoices 
    field storageBox: StorageBox;  
         // storageBox to restore from
    operation DoFullBackup(), safe, common;  
         // perform FullBackup using our containerDevice 
         // and backupName fields
    operation DoFullRestore(), safe, common; 
         // ask user if he really wants to Restore
    operation ConfirmedFullRestore(), safe, common;
         // perform FullRestore using our containerDevice 
         // and storageBox fields
    overrides AboutToShow,AboutToHide,Notice;
    attribute ContainerDevice: ContainerDevice, safe;
End Class;

You'll notice that this subclass has very little in common with other kinds of gadget windows. It adds many new fields and operations to do its specialized job. It overrides AboutToShow and AboutToHide to manage observing a list of possible destinations for filing objects, iFileDestinationList. In all other ways, it just inherits its behavior from class GadgetWindow, without changing it.

Here's a back up window in its native habitat:

Notice that the back up window displays the two distinguishing characteristics of the gadget window: it spouts from something (the magic lamp) and it has a title bar.

Methods defined by class GadgetWindow

Class GadgetWindow defines the following methods:

Method Description
SetUpTargetWindow Set the target of this gadget window and set the target of all controls inside this window
Appear Overridden to position the window if the autoPosition flag in windowFlags is set, and to call TargetChanged on target if it's a gadget
Disappear Overridden to call TargetChanged on target if it's a gadget
CanAccept Overridden to reject its own target
BalloonDot Overridden to get the spout point from its target
ZoomFromWhere Overridden to use the balloon dot as the spout origin
ChangedContents Overridden to call TargetChanged on the window's target, if the target is a gadget
MakeValid Overridden to add self to iMakeActive list
MakeActive Overridden to call TargetChanged on the window's target, if the target is a gadget

Fields defined by class GadgetWindow

Class GadgetWindow defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable Object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Flags Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of object's label
color Color Color of object's content
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Inherited from HasBorder
border Border Framed border drawn around object
inherited from Window
windowFlags Flags Stores various boolean attributes of the window
inherited from TitledWindow
titleColor Unsigned RGB value used to fill in the window's title box
titleHeight Micron Height of the title box
dependents ObjectList List of windows used by HasDependent
inherited from BalloonSpout
balloonDot Dot The spot the balloon spouts from (ignored by gadget windows)
defined by GadgetWindow
target Object Used by the Target attribute

Here's the object definition for the gadget window shown at the beginning of this chapter:

Instance GadgetWindow 'Drawer' 3247;
           next: nilObject;
       previous: nilObject;
      superview: nilObject;
        subview: nilObject;
 relativeOrigin: <-25.5,-50.5>;
    contentSize: <299.0,102.0>;
      viewFlags: 0x50105000;
     labelStyle: iBook12Bold;
          color: 0xFF000000;
       altColor: 0xFFFFFFFF;
         shadow: nilObject;
          sound: nilObject;
         border: iBorderBlack2;
    windowFlags: 0x00004000;
     titleColor: 0xFF333333;
    titleHeight: <28.0>;
     dependents: nilObject;
     balloonDot: <0.0,0.0>;
         target: (Gadget 3246);
End Instance;

Fill in the balloon dot field with <0.0,0.0>. Gadget windows spout from their targets and don't use their balloon dot fields.

The target field should point to the object the gadget window spouts from. This object will probably be the viewable the user taps to make the gadget window appear, though sometimes it makes more sense for the gadget to spout from a related viewable. For example, the back up window shown earlier in this chapter spouts from the magic lamp, even though the user taps a back up button inside a different window to make it appear. The back up button is inside the command window, a gadget window that spouts from the magic lamp. Only rarely should there be more than one window at a time on the Magic Cap screen, and it would be confusing to have one window spouting from inside another window. So the back up window spouts from the magic lamp, thus avoiding clutter and confusion.

Attributes defined by class GadgetWindow

Class GadgetWindow defines just one attribute:

Attribute Type Description
Target Object The viewable (usually a gadget) that the window points to

Method Descriptions


operation SetUpTargetWindow(viewTarget: Viewable; attributeTarget: 
Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call SetUpTargetWindow to point the gadget window and any controls it contains to a particular target. The viewTarget parameter is the new target for the gadget window. The attributeTarget parameter is the new target for any controls inside the gadget window . Often these two parameters will be the same.

The system uses this method only when setting up the window that controls recording sound stamps and the window that controls song stamps. Gadget windows that spout from a fixed target can ignore this method. You'll use this method only if you're calculating on the fly the viewable your gadget window spouts from.