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April 1, 1994

Defined in Window.Def
Inherits from GadgetWindow

Class Description

Attribute windows display attribute steps, either one at a time or two at a time. Each attribute step list has one attribute window which it uses to display all its steps.

If you haven't read the chapter on class AttributeStepList, you might want to do so now.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Related Classes

You will always use attribute windows in conjunction with attribute steps and attribute step lists. Start with the chapter on class AttributeStepList for a description of how the three classes work together.

Using an AttributeWindow Object

Attribute windows appear in two major flavors: the one-step flavor and the two-step flavor. Steps ask for your input with either text fields or controls. Just tap in a text field to type into it, or use a control the way you normally would. When you're done entering the requested information, tap a button to move on.

Programming Information

Instantiate: sometimes
Subclass: never
Call its methods: never

You'll probably never create subclasses of class AttributeWindow, and never even call its methods directly. You'll just use attribute window objects by putting them into place in object definition files. Usually you won't even do that: for most attribute steps, one of the three attribute windows built in to the system will suit. Those three are the following indexicals:

iTwoStepAttributeWindow The most common attribute window, because it's the most flexible. You can display two steps at once, or just one step with a long prompt.
iOneStepAttributeWindow A smaller attribute window that displays only one step.
iWideAttributeWindow An attribute window with an extra-large form step field. Use this instead of a one-step window when you need extra space for your user's text.

The two-step and one-step windows are pictured in the illustration at the beginning of this chapter. The following figure shows a wide attribute window, used to add an electronic mail stamp to a name card.

To use one of these attribute windows, just point your attribute step list to it by editing its attributeWindow field. Here's an example:

Instance AttributeStepList 4582;
         length: 6;
attributeWindow: iTwoStepAttributeWindow;
          entry: nilObject;
          entry: (AttributeStep 'Street address' 4591);
          entry: (AttributeStep 'City' 4569);
          entry: (AttributeStep 'City and State' 4571);
          entry: (AttributeStep 'zip code' 4573);
          entry: (AttributeStep 'Postal code' 8228);
End Instance;

For more information on attribute step lists, see the chapter on class AttributeStepList.

On some rare occasions you might need to customize an attribute window. For example, you might want to change the default buttons. As a sample of how you might define a new window, here's the object definition of the most popular attribute window, iTwoStepAttributeWindow:

Instance AttributeWindow 'two steps' 5198;
              next: nilObject;
          previous: nilObject;
         superview: nilObject;
           subview: (TextField 3643);
    relativeOrigin: <91.5,-58.5>;
       contentSize: <279.0,133.0>;
         viewFlags: 0x50105000;
        labelStyle: iBook12Bold;
             color: 0xFF000040;
          altColor: -65;
            shadow: (Shadow 'Gray 6' 496);
             sound: nilObject;
            border: (BorderLine 'Black 2' 469);
       windowFlags: 1;
        titleColor: 0xFF333333;
       titleHeight: <28.0>;
        dependents: nilObject;
        balloonDot: <0.0,0.0>;

            target: nilObject;
     spoutPosition: <0.0,0.0>;
       promptField: (TextField 3643);
          controls: nilObject;
       prefixField: (TextField 8578);
        timePicker: (TimePicker 8848);
 attributeFieldLow: (FormStepField 3645);
attributeFieldHigh: (FormStepField 3644);
        nextButton: (SimpleActionButton 'next' 3646);
        prevButton: (SimpleActionButton 'previous' 3791);
        doneButton: (SimpleActionButton 'done' 4293);
    labelButtonLow: (SimpleActionButton 4295);
   labelButtonHigh: (SimpleActionButton 4294);
          stepList: nilObject;
       currentStep: 0;
            target: nilObject;
      redrawObject: nilObject;
          isActive: false;
          twoSteps: true;
End Instance;

Most of these fields are set by the system while the window is in use, and you won't set them yourself. Other fields you can customize, such as the button fields, the color fields, and the label style field. See the section on field descriptions for short notes on each field.

Methods defined by class AttributeWindow

Class AttributeWindow defines the following methods:

Method Description
AcceptField Accept changes to the current field and reset text in the next field
Confirm Attempt to update the target with the user's changes
GoToNext Finish up this step and display the next
GoToPrevious Finish up this step and go back to the previous step
SetUpStep Set up the attribute window to display information for the given step
AboutToHide Overridden to clean up and redraw what needs redrawing
Confirmed Overridden to allow scripting
BalloonDot Overridden to get the spoutposition field
ZoomFromWhere Overridden to get the balloon dot as the zoom position
Info Overridden to return information about the current step
Notice Overridden to set up step buttons

Fields defined by class AttributeWindow

Class AttributeWindow defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Defined by Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable First object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Unsigned Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of viewable's label
color Unsigned Color of viewable's content
altColor Unsigned Alternative color (used only by control and drawshadowedimage)
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Defined by HasBorder
border Border The border drawn around the window
Defined by Window
windowFlags Flags Flags controlling the window's appearance and behvaior
Defined by TitledWindow
titleColor Unsigned The color of the title bar
titleHeight Micron The height of the title bar
dependents ObjectList The window's dependents
Defined by BalloonSpout
balloonDot Dot The spot the balloon should spout from (handled by the balloon spout updating mechanism)
Defined by AttributeWindow
spoutPosition Dot The spot the balloon should spout from (used by the step list to tell the balloon spout method)
promptField Object Prompt text that can replace the top attribute field
controls Object Controls that can replace the top attribute field (set by each step)
prefixField Object Label prefix for bottom attribute field
timePicker Object The time picker to use with this window
attributeFieldLow TextField The form step field to use for the bottom step
attributeFieldHigh TextField The form step field to use for the top step
nextButton Button The button to press to display the next step
prevButton Button The button to press to display the previous step
doneButton Button To button to press to end this series of steps
labelButtonLow Button The label button for the bottom step
labelButtonHigh Button The label button for the top step
stepList ObjectList The step list currently using the window (set by the step list)
currentStep Unsigned The index number of the current step (set by the step list on the fly)
target Object The target being edited by the steps
redrawObject Viewable An object that will need to be redrawn because of changes made by these attribute steps (similar to observe/notify)
isActive Boolean True if the window is active (set by the system)
twoSteps Boolean True if the window displays two steps at once

Version Note: Class AttributeWindow inherits a number of methods and fields from classes like Window, TitledWindow, and GadgetWindow. See the descriptions of those classes for information about these methods.