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August 29, 1994

Defined in GridView.Def 


Inherits from Box, Scroller
Uses extra

Class Description

Class GridView provides the basic behavior and framework for a family of classes that display objects in rows and columns. Class GridView has one Subclass: class ListView. Class ListView is a popular class, and has several useful subclasses.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Using a GridView Object

Class GridView is abstract. You'll never instantiate a grid view object. Intead, you'll use objects of one of GridView's subclasses, such as class ListView or class PeopleList. You might create a subclass of class GridView, though you're more likely to create subclasses of class ListView.

Programming Information

Instantiate: never   
Subclass: sometimes   
Call its methods: rarely

You will call the methods of class GridView only rarely. To use grid views, just put instances into your object definition files. The grid flags are more important to you than class GridView's methods. (The flags and other constants are described in the section on Flag Descriptions later in this chapter.)

Methods defined by class GridView

Class GridView defines the following methods:

Method Description
AddColumn Add a column at the given index
ColumnFlags Read the column flags from the flagsn extra field stored in extra (see Utilities.h for flags)
ColumnKey Read the column key from the keyn extra field stored in extra
ColumnOffset Get a column's offset from left edge, read from offsetn extra field
ColumnTitle Read the specified line from columnTitles to get this column's title
ColumnType Read the column's type from the typen extra field
ColumnWidth Compute a column's width by subtracting its offset from the offset of the column to its right
HasColumn Check if the grid view contains at least the given number of columns
RemoveColumn Remove the column at index column
SetColumnFlags Set the column flags in the flagsn extra field
SetColumnKey Set the column key in the keyn extra field
SetColumnOffset Set the column offset from left edge in the offsetn extra field
SetColumnTitle Set the given line in columnTitles to the specified string
SetColumnType Set the column type in the typen extra field
HasRow Check if the grid view contains at least the given number of rows
RowHeight Get the height of a row using the view's textStyle
ShowSelection Make selected row visible
FirstCell Get the row and column of the first cell
SelectedCell Get the row and column of the selected cell
SetFirstCell Scroll the grid view so the given cell is at the top left
SetSelectedCell Set the selection to the cell at the given row and column
framework methods:
DrawCell Draw one cell
DrawColumnTitles Draw titles at the top of the columns
DrawGridLines Draw lines between columns and rows
DrawRow Draw one row
DrawRowTitles Draw titles at the left edge of the rows
DrawSelection Draw the selected cell
Render Render grid view to a full page
Calculating bounds
CellBounds Calculate the bounds of the given cell
ColumnBounds Calculate the bounds of the given column
ColumnTitleBounds Calculate the bounds of a single column's title
ColumnTitlesBounds Calculate the bounds of all the column titles
ColumnTitleHeight Calculate the title height, derived from titleTextStyle
GridBounds Calculate the grid view's content bounds minus title areas
GridHeight Calculate the grid view's content height minus column title area
GridWidth Calculate the grid view's content width minus row title area
RowBounds Calculate the bounds of the given row
RowTitleBounds Calculate the bounds of the given row's title
RowTitleWidth Calculate the width of the column containing the row titles
RowTitlesBounds Calculate the bounds of all of the row titles
SelectedBounds Calculate the bounds of the selection
TotalHeight Get the sum of the heights of all rows
TotalWidth Get the sum of the widths of all columns
Hit testing
InsideCell Check if the dot is inside the given cell
InsideColumn Check if the dot is inside the given column
InsideColumnTitle Get the number of the column is the dot is inside a column title; otherwise return 0
InsideRow Get true if the dot is inside the given row
InsideRowTitle Get the number of the row if the dot is inside a row title; otherwise return 0
Tracking touches
TrackMoveColumn Reorder column after tracking touch
TrackSelectCell Select by cells
TrackSelectColumn Select by columns
TrackSelectRow Select by rows

Attributes defined by class GridView

Class GridView defines the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ColumnCount Unsigned Total number of columns
FirstColumn Unsigned Scrolled-to column (1-based)
LastColumn Unsigned Last visible column (might be only partially visible)
SelectedColumn Unsigned Column or cell's column
FirstRow Unsigned Scrolled-to row (1-based)
LastRow Unsigned Last visible row (might be only partially visible)
RowCount Unsigned Total number of rows
ConstantRowHeight Boolean False; override to return true for a performance improvement
SelectedRow Unsigned The selected row, or the selected cell's row
CellTextStyle TextStyle The text style to use to draw cells, from the cellTextStyle field
TitleTextStyle TextStyle The text style to use to draw titles, from the titleTextStyle field

Fields defined by class GridView

Class GridView defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable:
next Object next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable:
previous Object previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable:
superview Viewable container for this object
subview Viewable first object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot size of content rectangle
viewFlags Unsigned property settings
labelStyle TextStyle text style of viewable's label
color Unsigned color of viewable's content
altColor Unsigned alternative color (used only by Control and DrawShadowedImage)
shadow Shadow shadow drawn with object
sound Sound sound associated with object
Inherited from HasBorder:
border Border the gridview's border
Inherited from ScrollableByMicron:
scrollOffset Dot stores the scroll position
Defined by GridView:
gridFlags Flags flags that control various aspects of the list view's appearance
cellTextStyle TextStyle also determines row height
columnTitles Text 1 line per title
emptyMessage Text shown if row count is 0 and no row lines
selectedColumn Unsigned selected column
selectedRow Unsigned selected row
titleTextStyle TextStyle used for both columns and rows

Each column of a grid view needs four extra fields to describe it. The four fields are:

offsetn The position of the left edge of this column, given as the number of microns from the left side of the grid view.
keyn The column's key. For ListViews, this is passed to TextInfo or to Attribute.
typen The type of the data this column displays, to be passed to ValueToText.
flagsn Additional flags that control how the column is displayed and specify what kind of information is in the column.

Include one set of each of these fields for each column in your list view, and append the column number to the field names. For example, a list view with three columns would include 12 extra fields in its instance definition. Those fields would look like this:

// beginning of instance definition here

        offset1: <2.0>;
           key1: 7;
          type1: 3.w;   // kString
         flags1: 2.w;
        offset2: <34.0>;
           key2: 3;
          type2: 3.w;   // kString
         flags2: 0x000A.w;
        offset3: <175.0>;
           key3: 4;
          type3: 3.w;   // kString
         flags3: 2.w;
        offset4: <254.0>;
           key4: 8;
          type4: 7.w;   // kObject
         flags4: 0x000A.w;

The section in this chapter on flag descriptions lists the values you can use in the flags, type, and key fields For more information on these extra fields, also see the chapter on class ListView.

Flag Descriptions

Class GridView uses four sets of constants. This section describes only the grid flags defined by class GridView.

For a description of the column flags, attribute codes, and type codes, see the chapter on class ListView. The chapter on class ListView also describes additional grid flags supported by ListView and its subclasses, but not by class GridView.

Grid Flags

Class GridView defines a number of masks which it uses to get and set flags in the gridFlags field. These flags affect how a grid view object is drawn. They are described below. Class ListView also uses the gridFlags field. It defines an additional set of flags. See the chapter on class ListView for more information.


#define showCountMask   0x40000000

Set this flag if your grid view should display the number of rows in front of every column title. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag.

You can use this flag to create grid views like this one, from the word lists book:

The "17" in the title is the number of rows in the grid view, and hence the number of cities in the list.


#define showColumnTitles   0x10000000

Set this flag if your grid view should display its column titles. If you don't set this flag, GridView_Draw won't call DrawColumnTitles, so none of the flags used by that method will have any effect.

This flag is checked by the Draw method and by methods that compute column bounds, such as ColumnTitleBounds, ColumnTitleHeight, and ColumnTitlesBounds.


#define showColumnLines   0x02000000

Set this flag if your grid view should draw lines between columns. The DrawGridLines method checks this flag.


#define showRowLines   0x01000000

Set this flag if your grid view should draw lines between rows. The DrawGridLines method checks this flag.

The phone log is displayed using a subclass of GridView (class ContentListView), and draws lines between rows like this:


#define showExtraRowLines   0x00800000

Set this flag if your grid view should draw row lines between empty rows, in addition to lines between filled rows. The notebook's check list page uses an EditableList object that draws extra row lines, like this:

The Draw method checks this flag.


#define showTitleLines   0x00200000

Set this flag if your grid view should draw a line under its column titles and a line to the right of its row titles. The Draw method checks this flag.


#define showColumnTitleAsLetter   0x00008000

Set this flag if your grid view should title its columns with letters: A, B, C, and so on. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag, and calls the DrawTitleAsLetter method if it's set.


#define showColumnTitleAsNumber   0x00004000

Set this flag if your grid view should title its columns with numbers: 1, 2, 3, and so on. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag, and calls the DrawTitleAsNumber method if it's set.


#define showRowTitles   0x00002000

Set this flag if your grid view should show its row titles. The Draw methods checks this flag, and calls DrawRowTitles if it's set.


#define showRowTitleAsLetter   0x00001000

Set this flag if your grid view should title its rows with letters: A, B, C, and so on. The DrawRowTitles method checks this flag, and calls the DrawTitleAsLetter method if it's set.

Here's an example of lettered rows which uses the grid flags 0x12323400:


#define showRowTitleAsNumber   0x00000800

Set this flag if your grid view should title its row with numbers: 1, 2, 3, and so on. The DrawRowTitles method checks this flag, and calls the DrawTitleAsNumber method if it's set.

Here's an example of numbered rows, using the grid flags 0x1232200:


#define noPartialCellMask   0x00000200

Set this flag if your grid view shouldn't display cells that are only partly visible.

The LastColumn and LastRow methods checks this flag. These two methods both call a private routine that determines which cells of the grid view are visible. If this flag is set, cells that are partially on the screen won't be considered visible, and thus won't be drawn. If this flag is not set, cells that are partially on the screen will be drawn.

Here's an example that shows you how setting this flag changes which cells are visible. The top grid view does not set this flag; the bottom one does:


#define grayTitleBackgroundMask   0x00000100

Set this flag if your grid view's column titles should be displayed on a gray background. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag, and fills the column titles bounding box with rgbGray20 if it's set.

The phone's location list view (a subclass of GridView) sets this flag. That grid view looks like this:


#define gridViewCenteredTitle   0x00000080

Set this flag if your grid view's column titles should be centered. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag, and uses a centered style to draw column titles if it's set.


#define forPrintingMask   0x00000020   

The system sets this flag for list views that are to be rendered for printing. The Render method checks this flag, and calls its inherited method if it's set. You probably won't need to set this flag yourself.


#define removePluralMask   0x00000004

Set this flag if your grid view's column titles should not be plural if they contain only one row. The DrawColumnTitles method checks this flag. If it's set, DrawColumnTitles removes an `s' character from the end of a column's title. For example, it'll change a "ducklings" title to "duckling". It won't perform more sophisticated changes, such as changing "children" to "child".