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inherits from Button;

Class Description

Class SpecialButton is an example of a hackitecture. It provides a framework for light subclasses of class Button, each of which is only slightly different from the others. It also provides a framework for updateable buttons that change over time or that depend on the state of other objects.

Programming information

Instantiate: rarely
Subclass: sometimes
Call its methods: rarely

You're unlikely to use class SpecialButton in its factory state. You're more likely to subclass it to define your own special button types.

Methods defined by class SpecialButton

Class SpecialButton defines the following methods:

Method Description
AboutToShow Overridden to call UpdateButton before showing the button
Action Overridden to handle special cases
Idle Overridden to call UpdateButton before calling inherited
Orientation Overridden to return kFlipMask if the button selector is FlipButton
Swallow Overridden to allow certain kinds of buttons to swallow certain kinds of
Touch Overridden to do the button's action immediately if the option bit of the
operation field is set
Target Overridden to return the value of the button's specialData field
UpdateButton Handle the zillions of special cases understood by class SpecialButton

Methods you might override

When you subclass SpecialButton, you are likely to override the following methods:

Method When to override
Action To handle any special case or set of special cases
Swallow If some of your special buttons should be able to swallow certain kinds of morsels
UpdateButton To add your own custom special cases

Fields defined by class SpecialButton

Class SpecialButton defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable Object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Unsigned Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of object's label
color Unsigned Color of object's content
altColor Unsigned Not used by button
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Inherited from Stamp
image Image Image used to draw stamp
Inherited from HasBorder
border Border The button's border
Defined by class SpecialButton
selector UnsignedShort The type of special case this button is
operationNumber Unsigned Number of an operation to be called; used by certain kinds of special buttons
specialData Object Any other object used by a special button; use is defined by the particular button type

Constants used by class SpecialButton

Class SpecialButton comes from the factory understanding nearly fifty kinds of special buttons. They are listed here, in the off chance that you might find them useful someday in some bizarre set of circumstances.

Special case Value Description
ClearPasswordButton 1
FolderSortingButton 2
EnvelopeButton 3
MailAddressButton 4
NameCardButton 5
DiscardButton 6
EditCardButton 7
ChangeButton 8
FlipButton 9
ScheduledTaskButton 10
TaskNotesButton 11
GroupButton 12
NoGroupButton 13
GroupAddButton 14
SelectionButton 15 button is visible if Selection(target) is not nilObject
ExtendButton 16
ReplaceButton 17
NewTaskButton 18
TaskRepeatButton 19
TaskRemindButton 20
TaskInviteButton 21
SendButton 22
GetInfoButton 23
CanDeleteVisButton 24
BookmarkButton 25
CanDeleteButton 26
ReplyButton 27
NoSelectionButton 28 button is visible if Selection(target) is nilObject
ContentListButton 29 button is disabled if contentList of HasContentList_ is empty
NewNameButton 30 button is visible if the PeopleList has a target
SignatureDoneButton 31 button is visable if both signatures filled out
SearchStartedButton 32 button is visible if find dog has been started
ChangeAddressButton 33 button is visible if card's address can be changed
NoAttributeButton 34 button is disabled if attribute window's are showing
CanDeleteSelectionVisibleButton 35 button is visible if CanDeleteSelection(target)
CanDeleteSelectionButton 36 button is enabled if CanDeleteSelection(target)
TOCButton 37 contents button in books
LogButton 38 button is disabled if current user or not person or company
MustHaveCardButton 39 button is disabled if DirectID(iCurrentCard) is nilObject
EnabledSelectionButton 41 button is enabled if Selected(target) is not nilObject
PreviousRecipientButton 42 button is disabled if iCurrentCard (a delivery report) does not
have a previous recipient
NextRecipientButton 43 button is disabled if iCurrentCard (ditto) does not have a next
DatedWordListButton 44 button is enabled if current card is a BookOfListsPage and its
list is a DatedWordList
DeliveryLogButton 45 button is enabled if iCurrentScene's stepBackScene is not
EnabledGoToSelectionButton 46 button is enabled if CanGoToSelection(target) is true
DeleteControlsButton 47 button is disabled if there are no controls to delete
RemoveCurrentTaskButton 48 button is disabled if iCurrentTask is not delteable, or not
TurnDSTOnButton 49 button is used to turn dst on for a specific group of cities
TurnDSTOffButton 50 button is used to turn dst off for a specific group of cities
IsAssignedCardButton 51 button is visible when IsAssigned(iCurrentCard) is true
PhoneLineConnectedMailButton 52 button is disabled when in the register for mail lesson

Method Descriptions


overrides Action

Call: rarely
Override: often

The system calls Action when the user has tapped a button. See the description of Button_Action for details. Class SpecialButton overrides Action to do special work for certain cases. If the current button matches none of those certain cases, by default Action checks the button's operation number field. If there's an operation number, Action gets the button's target by calling Target. It then calls OperationByNumber on the target, using the given operation number.

Override Action to implement special actions for your own special button cases.


overrides Swallow

Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

The system calls Swallow when the user attempts to drop an object onto the button. SpecialButton_Action overrides Swallow to handle one special case. If the button is a NewTaskButton, it accepts task morsels.

Override Swallow if some of your special buttons can accept particular morsels.


operation UpdateButton();

Call: rarely
Override: often

The system calls UpdateButton from various other methods of class SpecialButton, most notable at idle time. You should not need to call UpdateButton directly. UpdateButton is a very large switch statement that calls various private methods for various special button types. The types handled are listed in the table in the section on Constants used by class SpecialButton. UpdateButton usually checks whether the particular button should be visible or disabled, but it can potentially do a large number of updating tasks.

Override UpdateButton to perform your own special update tasks for your button types.