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March 15, 1993
last updated February 9, 1996

Defined in Button.Def
Inherits from Stamp, HasBorder
encodes empty field list;

Class Description

Class Button defines viewable objects that users touch to perform some action. Buttons have images that define their appearance on the screen. Buttons can be set to trigger their actions when the user first touches them or when the user releases the touch.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Using a Button Object

You can use buttons in your package to provide users with a way to trigger actions, such as creating a new object, opening an auxiliary window, or moving to another scene. Most buttons should perform their action when the user touches and releases them. This gives the user a chance to correct a mistaken touch before the action takes place. For a few buttons, it's more appropriate to take the action immediately upon the user's touch.

Programming Information

Instantiate: often
Subclass: sometimes
Call its methods: rarely

If your package has buttons, you'll probably get them from the Magic Hat and add Magic Scripts for their actions. To write a script for a button, select the tinker tool and then option-tap the button. For complete documentation (or at least a good start at documentation) on writing Magic Scripts, see Magic Cap Concepts.

When a button's action is simple and expressible in a few lines of code, you should script the button. If a button's action is complex, you should consider instead creating a subclass of class Button and overriding the Action method.

You probably won't have to call methods of class Button from your package. You'll simply put buttons in place in your object definition files. Here's an example of a button definition that shows common values for most button fields:

Instance Button 'next' 367;
           next: (Button 'previous' 368);
       previous: (Button 'button' 366);
      superview: nilObject;
        subview: nilObject;
 relativeOrigin: <-7.0,66.0>;
    contentSize: <65.0,23.0>;
      viewFlags: 0x70103000;
     labelStyle: iLargeButtonStyle;
          color: 0xFF000000;
       altColor: 0xFF000000;
         shadow: nilObject;
          sound: iTouchSound;
          image: nilObject;
         border: iPointRightButtonImage;
End Instance;

This button uses the right-pointing border image, so it looks like a "next" or "move right" button. Without a script, though, this button does nothing.

Methods defined by class Button

Class Button defines the following methods:

Method When to override
AdjustSize Overridden to also adjust the button's label size
AutoMove Overridden to return false
Border Overridden to use the next border in a linked list if the button is highlighted or disabled
SetBorder Overridden to adjust the button's label location if necessary to accomodate the new border
CalcContentBox Overridden to leave room for special button borders
CalcInsidePart Overridden to delegate the call to Viewable if the button has no border (that is, it's just an image)
CalcLabelBox Compute label's box for standard positions; override if subclass defines
nonstandard label positions
CalcOpaqueBox Overridden to return an empty box if the button has no border
CanAcceptCoupon Overridden to reject the "no border' coupon if the button has no image; otherwise, calls inherited; always returns true for image coupons
CanContain Overridden to return false
CanDrawIn Overridden to always return kDontDrawHere
CanStretch Overridden to call Stamp_CanStretch if the button is just an image, and
to call Viewable_CanStretch if it's more than just an image
ContentSize Overridden to delegate the call to Viewable if the button has no border
Draw Overridden to draw the three pieces of the average button: the border, the l label, and the image
EraseablePiece Return nilObject if self is current button; else returns self
Hilited Check if object is highlighted (checks view flag)
SetHilited Overridden to call the inherited method
ImageOrigin Overridden to handle the various label locations
PartColor Overridden to return colors for various parts of the button, such as the border
SetPartColor Overridden to honk and do nothing if the part to be changed is the image (and the button has a border)
SetScript Overridden to resize the new label, if the label is showing the script name
TimedAction Overridden to call Action
Touch Overridden to honk if the button's disabled, otherwise to highlight the button while the user's touch is over it

Methods you might override

When you create a subclass of class Button, you might override these methods under the following circumstances:

Method When to override
Action Override to define the function of the button
Touch Very rarely, you might need to add to the existing touch behavior
Draw If your buttons draw more than just their images, or are highlighted in a special way

Description of fields

Class Button inherits the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable Object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Unsigned Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of object's label
color Unsigned Color of object's content
altColor Unsigned Not used by button
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Inherited from Stamp
image Image Image used to draw stamp
Inherited from HasBorder
border Border The button's border

The image field should contain the image that depicts the button in its normal state.

The border field should contain the border object that depicts the frame your button should have. The system defines a variety of button borders you can use. The following table gives the indexical names for those borders, together with pictures showing what they look like.

Indexical What the border looks like When to use it
For most buttons
For special buttons; especially useful for groups of buttons that abut each other, such as a column of buttons along the right side of the screen
For buttons that label a field or control
iPointLeftButtonImage For "previous" buttons
iPointRightButtonImage For "next" buttons
For buttons that should be emphasized, such as the most important button in a group, or a "done" button
For keyboard buttons

Some of the borders have two components, you'll notice: an "up" component and a "down" component. You don't have to specify both. Just use the "up" component in your button's border field. For example, to use the standard button border, use the iStandardButtonBorderUp indexical.

Magic Cap provides two button-specific label styles:

Style name Is the same as Looks like this
iSquareButtonStyle iBook10Bold
iLargeButtonStyle iBook12

Use the square button style for square buttons, and the larger style for most other buttons.

Experiment with label locations to see which one works best for a particular button. The locations that place the label on the border generally look bad, but the locations below and to the right of the button might be useful.

Related Classes

Class SimpleActionButton is a class you should consider using instead of Button whenever you need a button that just calls one method. Other button classes you'll use often include SpecialButton, ModeButton, ToolButton, and GadgetButton.

Method Descriptions

Most of the methods of class Button are overrides of methods inherited from classes Stamp and Viewable, and aren't noteworthy. The only method you are likely to override often is Action.


operation Action

Call:  rarely
Override: often

The system calls the Action method of a button when the user taps it. The main Button class doesn't override this method, but you will often override it when you create a subclass. This method does the real work of the button.

Here's how the GadgetButton subclass defines Action:

Method void
GadgetButton_Action(ObjectID self)

This override allows gadget buttons to perform their major function: displaying their associated gadget windows.

Instead of overriding Action and creating a subclass of Button, you could script a button object instead. See the discussion in the programming section earlier in this chapter for some hints on deciding when to script and when to override.