inherits from StackScene;
Magic Cap defines class ModalScene for scenes that contain several screens of information, like stacks of cards, but have little in common among the screens. Magic Cap's phone is an example of a modal scene.
Instantiate: rarely Subclass: rarely Call its methods: rarely
You might create an object of class ModalScene if you want your scene to have several screens of information that have little in common. You might create a subclass of ModalScene if you wanted to specialize its behavior for your scene.
Class ModalScene defines the following methods:
Method | Description |
CaptionInfo |
Overridden to use current card name as caption. |
GoToVia | Overridden to decide which card to go to. |
ViewMode | Indicates which card is current. |
SetViewMode | Sets which card is current. |
MakeContentProxyChoices | Overridden to disallow printing or faxing all cards at once. |
TypeKeys | Overridden to prevent arrow keys from changing cards. |
Info | Overridden to provide info for current card. |
InstallAdditions | Overridden to install current card's scene additions. |
InstallCurrentCard | Overridden to call InstallAdditions. |
InstallInto | Overridden to install into one card or entire scene. |
RemoveCurrentCard | Overridden to remove scene additions. |
Class ModalScene defines the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
Inherited from SingleLinkable: | ||
next | Object | Next item in view list |
Inherited from Linkable: | ||
previous | Object | Previous item in view list |
Inherited from Viewable: | ||
superview | Viewable | Container for this object |
subview | Viewable | Object contained by this object |
relativeOrigin | Dot | Origin relative to superview |
contentSize | Dot | Size of content rectangle |
viewFlags | Unsigned | Various settings |
labelStyle | TextStyle | Text style of object's label |
color | Color | Color of object's content |
shadow | Shadow | Shadow drawn with object |
sound | Sound | Sound associated with object |
Inherited from HasBorder: | ||
border | Border | Border drawn around object |
Inherited from Scene: | ||
sceneFlags | Unsigned | Various scene settings |
stepBackScene | Scene | Scene to step back to (at right of name bar) |
stepBackSpot | Viewable | Place to zoom to on step back |
image | Image | Image for scene's snapshots |
additions | SceneAdditions | First in list of scene-specific commands |
screen | Buffer | Cached bits to draw scene |
Inherited from StackScene: | ||
stack | Stack | Stack associated with scene |
cardNum | Unsigned | Index of current card |
Defined by ModalScene | ||
modalAdditions | ObjectList | SceneAdditions for each mode |
modalInfoList | ObjectList | Help info for each mode |
overrides CaptionInfo Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides CaptionInfo to use the name of the current card as the caption.
overrides GoToVia Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides GoToVia to decide which card to show by examining where the user came from.
attribute ViewMode: Unsigned // operation ViewMode():Unsigned // operation SetViewMode(newValue) Call: rarely Override: rarely
The attribute ViewMode corresponds to the card number of the current card.
overrides MakeContentProxyChoices Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides MakeContentProxyChoices to disallow printing or faxing all the cards in the scene as a single stack.
overrides TypeKeys Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides TypeKeys to prevent arrow keys from moving to another card and changing the mode.
overrides Info Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides Info to return help information about the mode represented by the current card.
overrides GoToVia Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides GoToVia to decide which card to show by examining where the user came from.
overrides InstallAdditions Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides InstallAdditions to install the scene additions that belong to the current mode.
overrides InstallCurrentCard Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides InstallCurrentCard to call InstallAdditions, adding the commands that are appropriate for the current mode.
overrides InstallInfo Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ModalScene overrides InstallInto to install items. If an item's parameter is a card in the scene, the item is installed only for that card. If an item's parameter is an integer, the item is installed only for the card represented by that card number. Otherwise, the item is installed for all cards.
overrides RemoveCurrentCard Call: rarely Override: sometimes