inherits from PublicAddress;
Magic Cap defines class ManualDialWindow for the window that appears when the user must dial the phone manually in order to collect mail.
Instantiate: rarely Subclass: rarely Call its methods: never
Some telephone systems, especially some outside the United States, are not compatible with Magic Cap's e-mail service dialing. For these locations, Magic Cap defines the manual dial option in the phone setup panel. If Magic Cap is set for manual dial, a manual dial window appears when the user connects to the e-mail service. You'll probably never create an object or a subclass of this class.
Class ManualDialWindow defines the following methods:
Method | Description |
DialingSemaphore |
Semaphore that controls manual dialing. |
SetDialingSemaphore | Set semaphore that controls manual dialing. |
AboutToHide | Overridden to unblock communications before going away. |
Init | Overridden to set up the dialing semaphore. |
ShowInfoTopic | Overridden to resize to fit the dialing list. |
TouchTarget | Overridden to prevent a touch in the window from closing it. |
Class ManualDialWindow defines the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
Inherited from SingleLinkable: | ||
next | Object | Next item in view list |
Inherited from Linkable: | ||
previous | Object | Previous item in view list |
Defined by Viewable: | ||
superview | Viewable | Container for this object |
subview | Viewable | First object contained by this object |
relativeOrigin | Dot | Origin relative to superview |
contentSize | Dot | Size of content rectangle |
viewFlags | Unsigned | Property settings |
labelStyle | TextStyle | Text style of viewable's label |
color | Unsigned | Color of viewable's content |
altColor | Unsigned | Alternative color (not used by publicaddress) |
shadow | Shadow | Shadow drawn with object |
sound | Sound | Sound associated with object |
Inherited from HasBorder: | ||
border | Border | The window's border |
Inherited from Window: | ||
windowFlags | Flags | Window flags |
Inherited from TitledWindow: | ||
titleColor | Unsigned | The color of the title bar |
titleHeight | Micron | The height of the title bar |
dependents | ObjectList | The window's dependents, if any |
Inherited from BalloonSpout | ||
balloonDot | Dot | The balloon spout's origin |
Inherited from GadgetWindow: | ||
target | Object | The window's target |
Inherited from InfoTopic: | ||
info | Object | Text or list of viewables to display for this topic |
Inherited from InfoWindow: | ||
currentTopic | Object | Current topic with information being displayed |
infoFields | Object | A list of fields contained in the infowindow |
Inherited by PublicAddress: | ||
currentAnnouncement | Announcement | Current announcement |
Defined by ManualDIalWindow | ||
dialingSemaphore | Object | Manual dialing semaphore |
dialListView | Object | List view for window |
attribute DialingSemaphore: Object // operation DialingSemaphore():Object // operation SetDialingSemaphore(newValue) Call: rarely Override: rarely
The attribute DialingSemaphore refers to the semaphore that controls manual dialing.
overrides AboutToHide Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ManualDialWindow overrides AboutToHide to unblock communications before going away.
overrides Init Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ManualDialWindow overrides Init to set up the dialing semaphore before the window appears.
overrides ShowInfoTopic Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ManualDialWindow overrides ShowInfoTopic to resize the window to fit the number of dialing steps.
overrides TouchTarget Call: rarely Override: sometimes
Class ManualDialWindow overrides TouchTarget to prevent touches anywhere in the window from closing the window.