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August 18, 1992
last updated February 29, 1996

Defined in Card.Def 
Inherits from Viewable
Uses extra

Class Description

You can organize your package as a series of documents, with each document containing viewable objects, allowing the user to move from one document to the next. Each document is represented by a group of viewables collected on a card object. All the cards in your package taken together are a stack.

Each card is associated with at most one form, an object that specifies viewables that appear on all cards that use that form. (Cards don't have to have forms.) Although the objects appear with all cards that share the form, each individual card might have separate data for the form objects. For example, a text field object that's part of a form will appear on all cards that use that form. However, each card can have its own text that will appear in the text field object.

Each card serves these purposes:

Using a Card Object

If your package contains cards, it must also include a stack object that describes the collection of cards. The usual way to create the stack and cards is to copy an existing package that includes a stack, then change the object definitions as needed. Using the Magic Cap software itself, you can modify the card by adding and removing objects.

Each card is associated with a form. (That form could be nilObject, thougha card need not have a form.) The form specifies objects that are shared by more than one card. When a card is drawn on the screen, the objects in the card's form are also drawn. Although the form objects are shared across cards, each card has its own data for the shared items. The data for shared form items is kept in the card's extra data.

Each card is also associated with a special kind of scene object called a stack scene. The stack scene is the card's superview when the card is drawn. There's always exactly one stack scene for a stack.

Programming Information

Instantiate: sometimes
Subclass: sometimes
Call its methods: rarely

If your package consists of several groups of viewables, and you decide to use a stack to represent the entire collection of groups, you'll use cards for each group of viewables. As mentioned earlier, you'll probably make your stack and at least one card by copying an existing package.

You might also want to allow users to add their own cards to your stacks. To do this, you can use the StackScene_CreateNewCard method as part of a button script.

Class Card includes methods for informing the card if its being displayed, working with the card's form, moving and growing the card, handling scribbles, working with envelopes and mail, providing information about the card, working with the card's viewer, and searching and navigating through cards.

Most of class Card's methods are called by other parts of the system. You'll rarely have to call any methods of class Card directly.

Methods defined by class Card

Class Card defines the following methods:

Method Description
InstallMiniCard Put a miniature icon representing this card onto the specified object (often a telecard)
MiniCardPrototype Get the card's prototype mini card; returns iPrototypeMiniCard by default
MoveToStack Add the card to the given stack of cards
MoveToSorted Move the card to sorted position in its stack of cards; stack must be of a class that inherits from class SortedList
Visiting a card
AboutToHide Overridden to dismiss the card's form and stabilize the card
AboutToShow Overridden to summon the card's form, fill the form with the card's data, and size the card correctly
DefaultScene Get the scene to use if this card is viewed by itself (and not as part of a stack scene); returns iSingleCardScene
GoTo Go to this card, with no zoom back spot
GoToVia Zoom to this card using the specified spot as the step back spot
WasSeen Check if the card was seen by the user; uses the cardSeen flag
SetWasSeen Sets the card's cardSeen flag to the given value
Changing card size
CanMove Overridden to return false, since cards can't move on the screen while they're displayed
ConstrainMove Pin card top or bottom when scrolling down or up to keep card size reasonable; used by scroll arrows, not by the move tool
ConstrainToolTarget Allow objects to alter touch behavior; called by Tool_GetToolTarget; handles objects that refuse drawing and autodrawable objects; override to add other constraints
AdjustSize Shrink the card to fit its content
SetContentSize Overridden to also set the size of the card's form
Scrolling and moving within the card
RevealSelection If there is an active field, try to keep its insertion point above the keyboard
PageUp Overridden to move card up by 3/4 of its visible height
PageDown Overridden to move card down by 3/4 of its visible height
ScrollToTop Overridden to move card until its top is visible
ScrollToBottom Overridden to move card until its bottom is visible, taking the keyboard into account
RevealViewable Position the card to show the given viewable
PageUp Overridden to move card up by 3/4 of its visible height
PageDown Overridden to move card down by 3/4 of its visible height
CanDrawIn Check if this card can be drawn on; asks the user if the card is locked; otherwise returns the value of the noDrawing flag
Manipulating the form
ChangedContents Does nothing; override to do something
Manipulating text on a card
MainText Extract text from all body fields on the card and return it in a new Text object
SetMainText Put the given text into the card's first body field
MainField Get the first body field of this card
Interacting with the card's form
ICFContainerClass Overridden returnsExtensionElement if any form items are not translatable by ICF; otherwise returns inherited
SummonForm Acquire form for long-term use
DismissForm Done using form
BorrowForm Acquire form temporarily -- returns (former) owner
ReturnForm Give borrowed form back to previous owner
StoreFormData Call StoreCardDataFromForm with nilObject as form; convenience routine
ExtractCardData Call ExtractCardDataToForm with nilObject as form; convenience routine
StoreCardDataFromForm Store the data in the given form in the card
ExtractCardDataToForm Extract the data from the current card into the given form
BorrowCopyOfForm Borrow a copy of the card's form
ReturnCopyOfForm Destroy the form copy previously borrowed with BorrowCopyOfForm
EachExtraField Overridden to handle the fields in the extra data !!!!!!!!!!!
Drawing on the card
Erase Overridden to call Erase on the card's form, if it has one, then call inherited
DestroySubviews Overridden to temporarily remove the card's form, call inherited, then re- install the card's form
EraseRecent Overridden to temporarily remove the card's form, call inherited, then re- install the card's form, if the option key is down
Draw Overridden to borrow and return the card's form around a call to the inherited Draw method
DrawWithContents Overridden to borrow and return the card's form around a call to the inherited DrawWithContents method
CalcBorderBox Overridden to borrow and return the card's form; returns the union of the form's border box and the box returned by calling the inherited method
CalcInsidePart Overridden to borrow and return the card's form; calls CalcInsidePart on the form, if there is one; otherwise calls inherited
CalcOpaqueBox Overridden to borrow and return the card's form; calls CalcOpaqueBox on the form, if there is one; otherwise calls inherited
ChangedContents Overridden to ensure that the form remains the rearmost subview of the card
Copying Overridden to set the copy's stack to nilObject, if the copy is not in the original's stack
CanExtendBottom Overridden to return true.
ExtendBottom Overridden to center the form in the card after calling inherited method, then to scroll to the new card bottom.
Supporting ICF
AddToContainer Overridden to call AddCardDataToDocument and to handle the card's subviews
ExtractFromContainer` Overridden to call ExtractCardDataFromDocument and to handle the card's subviews
AddCardDataToDocument Add the card's data to the ICF document
ExtractCardDataFromDocument Restores data from an ICF document to the card
SetFirstSubview Overridden to avoid having the form as the first subview, since that can cause problems for package cards
Confirmed Overridden to set the confirmed card flag, then pass the Confirmed call along to the card's subviews
Getting and setting textual information
ActivateForTyping Activate a body field if possible; else call inherited
Label Obsolete; does the same thing as its inherited method
TextInfo Overridden to handle some card-specific cases
MainText Get text from the card's main field, or from the card data if there's no form installed
SetMainText Replace the text of the main field with the given text
MainField Find the first subview of the card that is a body field
Text substitution (for stationery)
SubstituteText Used by class Telecard to do text mapping on previously-hidden card text in stationery; Card_SubstituteText does nothing
Validate Check the reserved card flags, compares the setting of the canDelete bit with the setting in the subviews, compares the stack's links to the card's links
MatchText Overridden to check the card's data if the inherited method can't find a match
AttachmentPosition Overridden to put task proxies in the lower right corner of the card; otherwise calls inherited
MakeMiniCardAndHop Make a new minicard for this card appear in the desk scene, hop into position, and zoom open
MailOnTelecard Install a minicard copy of this card on a telecard for sending
SetSentFlag Set the flag on a card that indicates it was sent in email, or mark a stationery object as not editable
WasSent Check if this card was sent in mail by checking the sentFlag card flag
Confirmable Returns true; override to add criteria for returning true
IsConfirmed Check if the user has pressed the yes or no button in a confirmation form by checking the confirmed card flag
IsEnvelope Check if this card is an envelope for another card by checking the isEnvelope card flag
CanFileIntoFileCabinet Check if an item can be filed; cards always return true
CopyIntoSystem Overridden to keep card in same stack if it's in a system stack; makes new minicard if necessary; otherwise moves card to receiver from package's install list;
FileTo Overridden to destroy any minicards for this card, then calls FileInContainer
FilingChoiceImage Get the card's icon
NeedsInstallEntry Check if self is in a package and is not an envelope
Init Overridden to call SetCanContain(self, true) after calling inherited
Finalize Overridden to remove the card from a stack if it's in one, and removes any installed forms from the card
DefaultTool Determine which tool should be active when the card is displayed; checks the autoPencil card flag and the result of CanDrawIn
DetachCard Detach the card from its stack, passing along the card to its stack's stack scene, if possible
ArrowState Determine the card's vertical scrolling state by comparing its content box against its display area, taking the keyboard into account
CardIcon Get an image to use to represent this card
CardText Extract text from the card and all its data items, returning the text in the theText string
SetCardText Overridden to borrow the form or a copy of the form as nececssary, then set the text in the form
CanAccept Overridden to return true if the inherited method returns true and the probe is in the card's content box
CanAcceptCoupon Overridden to return true if the coupon is view coupon with the selector viewCouponShowSubviews
CanBringToFront Overridden to always return false
CanChangeContainers Overridden to always return false
CanCopy Overridden to always return false
CanDelete Overridden to return false if the card is the target of the system's default stationery; otherwise calls inherited
SetName Overridden to dirty the name bar after calling inherited
FillOutCard Set up a new card dynamically before calling AboutToShow; Card_FillOutCard does nothing
GarbageCollectSize Overridden to return the result of GetSize, since the card's extra data might contain objects
Render Overridden to render the card at the standard size, borrowing and returning the card's form as necessary

Class Card has several methods that are obsolete or will be obsolete in future versions of the software. Don't use these methods. Use their replacements instead. The following methods are obsolete:

Obsolete method Replacement
OpenCard Obsolete; use AboutToShow instead
CloseCard Obsolete; use AboutToHide instead
GoToNext Obsolete; use Scene_GoToNext instead
GoToPrevious Obsolete; use Scene_GoToPrevious instead
CanAutoGrow Obsolete; used to check the autoGrowCard bit
RevealTop Obsolete; use ScrollToTop instead
RevealBottom Obsolete; use ScrollToBottom instead
CompareCards Compare cards so they can be sorted in mail stacks; might vanish, so please don't call this method

Attributes defined by class Card

Class Card defines the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ContentIcon Image The card's icon, used to represent the card in ContentListViews and other places
DefaultTool ChooseableTool The tool that should be active when the card is displayed; if the autoPencil bit is set and this card can be drawn in, this is the last-used tool
DontPurge Boolean True if this card shouldn't be purged; corresponds with the dontPurge flag
Form Form The card's form; interface to the form field
IsReadOnly Boolean True if this card can't be changed by the user; corresponds with the cardReadOnly flag
Locked Boolean True if this card's locked bit is set or if the card's scene is locked
LShapedBodyField Boolean True if this card's body field is L-shaped; example can be seen on postcards
MinimumHeight Micron The shortest height this card can be; 246 pixels by default
SearchInitial UnsignedByte First letter of last name, or may be 0
Stack StackOfCards The stack this card is part of

Fields defined by class Card

Class Card defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object Next item in view list
Inherited from Linkable
previous Object Previous item in view list
Inherited from Viewable
superview Viewable Container for this object
subview Viewable Object contained by this object
relativeOrigin Dot Origin relative to superview
contentSize Dot Size of content rectangle
viewFlags Unsigned Property settings
labelStyle TextStyle Text style of object's label
color Color Color of object's content
shadow Shadow Shadow drawn with object
sound Sound Sound associated with object
Defined by Card
globalscreenRedrawCount Unsigned Used to keep track of the number of times screen has is redrawn while showing this card
form Object Form drawn with this card
stack Stack Stack that contains the card
cardFlags Unsigned Various settings for cards

Constants used by class Card

Class Card defines a number of flags, which this section describes in detail. Some flags should be set in a card's object definition. Others are set by the system on the fly. Some flags have pre-defined constants for the their masks and bits. Use whichever constant is most convenient for you.


#define reservedBit             31

This flag is reserved for system use. Please don't set it.


#define autoGrowCardBit         30
#define autoGrowCardMask        0x40000000

This flag is reserved for system use. Please don't set it.


#define noEnvelopeBit           29
#define noEnvelopeMask          0x20000000

This flag is used by class Telecard to distinguish postcard-style from letter-style cards. Set it if you are creating your own postcard-style kind of telecard.


#define sentFlagBit             28
#define sentMask                0x10000000

The system uses this flag to distinguish cards that have been mailed from ones that haven't. Stationery uses this flag to indicate that the stationery isn't editable. This flag is used by the SetSentFlag and WasSent methods.


#define isEnvelopeBit            27
#define isEnvelopeMask           0x08000000

Set this flag if your card is an envelope for a telecard. The system uses this flag to distinguish an envelope from other cards. This flag is checked by the IsEnvelope operation.


#define stationeryBit            26
#define stationeryMask           0x04000000

Set this flag if your card is stationery; that is, your card is the target of a stationery object.


#define substituteBit            25
#define substituteMask           0x02000000

Set the substitute flag if the form data of your card contains text that should be mapped before the card is displayed. The method Telecard_SubstituteText checks this flag.


#define suppressCardDataBit     24
#define suppressCardDataMask    0x01000000

Use this flag in conjunction with the substitute flag. Set it when the text from your card's form data shouldn't be displayed until the system has done the mapping.


#define autoAddressBit           23
#define autoAddressMask          0x00800000

Set this flag when your card is the target of stationery, and should be addressed automatically. When this flag is set, the system will address the new card to the current contact when the user taps the associated stationery.


#define cardSeenBit             22
#define cardSeenMask            0x00400000

The system setse this flag when the card has been drawn on the screen. This flag is used by the WasSeen attribute.


#define autoPencilBit            21
#define cardAutoPencilMask       0x00200000

Set this flag if the system should enable a drawing tool when it displays this card. If this flag is set and the noDrawing flag isn't, the system will set the current tool to be the tool used most recently.


#define noAutoKeybdBit            20
#define noAutoKeybdMask           0x00100000

Set this flag if the keyboard shouldn't be automatically activated for typing when your card is displayed.


#define tempTOCEntryBit         19 
#define tempTOCEntryMask        0x00080000

The system sets this flag for book pages when a marked page is inserted into an index.


#define rightPageEntryBit        18    
#define rightPageEntryMask       0x00040000

Set this flag for book pages that begin on the right side of a card.


#define noDrawingBit            17    
#define noDrawingMask            0x00020000

Set this flag if the user can't draw in this card. When it's set, drawing tools will have no effect on the card. The CanDrawIn method checks this flag.


#define dontPurgeBit            16
#define dontPurgeMask            0x00010000

Set this flag for cards that are so important they should not be offered to the user for deletion. The DontPurge attribute uses this flag.


#define cardLockedBit            15    
#define cardLockedMask            0x00008000

This flag is used by the Locked attribute. If it's set, the card is locked.


#define confirmedBit            14    
#define confirmedMask            0x00004000

The system sets this flag when Confirmed(…,true) is called. The IsConfirmed method checks this flag.


#define shrinkToFitBit            13    
#define shrinkToFitMask            0x00002000

Set this flag for cards that should be automatically resized when AdjustSize is called.


#define noFileAfterSendBit        12    
#define noFileAfterSendMask        0x00001000

Set this flag for a Telecard if the iMessageSent trigger shouldn't be posted when they're sent. As the name of the flag suggests, you might want to set this flag for telecards that shouldn't be filed when they're sent. Some examples of telecards that set this flag are directory requests and mailbox rule change notices.


#define noSubstituteCardBit        11    
#define noSubstituteCardMask    0x00000800

Set this flag for telecards that shouldn't map their text when they are reply messages or cover pages for forwarded messages.


#define cardReadOnlyBit            10
#define cardReadOnlyMask        0x00000400

Set this flag for cards that should never be changed by the user. Setting this flag makes are card truly read-only. Locked cards can be unlocked, but this flag means what it says. You might set this flag for messages that report errors, such as non-delivery report cards. This flag is used by the IsReadOnly attribute.


#define dontAppearInLogMask        0x00000200
#define dontAppearInLogBit         9 

Set this flag for Telecards that should not appear in the name card log.


#define searchInitialUsed        0x00000080

Set this flag if bits 0-6 of the card Flags field contain the unicode for this card's search initial. The SearchInitial method returns true if this flag is set.


#define searchInitialMask    0x0000007F

If this searchInitialUsed flag is set, this constant masks the section of the cardFlags field that contains the unicode for this card's search initial.

Method Descriptions

This section describes the methods of class Card that you're likely to call or override. You'll find that you rarely have to call methods of class Card.


operation InstallMiniCard(cardOrScene: Viewable): MiniCard;

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call InstallMiniCard to create a minicard for the current card, using the card's minicard prototype. The prototype is determined by calling MiniCardPrototype. The newly-created minicard is a subview of the viewable specified in the cardOrScene parameter. InstallMiniCard returns the new minicard.

InstallMiniCard handles several special cases for the cardOrScene parameter. If that parameter is the desk scene, InstallMiniCard puts the minicard onto the main desktop. If that parameter is a stack scene, InstallMiniCard puts the minicard onto the current card, if one exists.


operation MoveToStack(newStack: StackOfCards), noFail;

Call: sometimes
Override: sometimes

Call MoveToStack to move a card out of its current stack (if any) and into the stack specified by the newStack parameter. newStack can be nilObject. MoveToStack makes the card the current card of newStack's stack scene if it had no cards installed before.

Override MoveToStack occasionally to do some special processing when you're moving your custom cards into or out of specific stacks.


attribute Form: Form;
// operation Form(): Form
// operation SetForm(newForm: Form)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call Form to return the form that's used by the card. Form simply returns the value of the card's form field. Use SetForm to change the card's form.


overrides ConstrainToolTarget

Call: rarely
Override: never

The system calls ConstrainToolTarget whenever the user touches a viewable with a tool. The target viewable gets a chance to change the tool's target by redirecting the touch. Card_ConstrainToolTarget redirects a touch on the card's form to a touch on the card itself.

For more information on ConstrainToolTarget, see the description of Viewable_ConstrainToolTarget.



operation SummonForm(needCardData: Boolean);

Call: rarely
Override: never

The system calls SummonForm when a card appears on the screen. The form summoned is one the card will be using for a long period of time. The card is the form's rightful user. You are not likely to call SummonForm yourself. You're more likely to use BorrowCopyOfForm instead.


operation DismissForm(hadCardData: Boolean);

Call: rarely
Override: never

Call DismissForm to tell the system that you're finished using a form acquired with SummonForm.


operation BorrowForm(needCardData: Boolean): Card;

Call: rarely
Override: never

Call BorrowForm to get a form to use temporarily. You might do so if you're rendering a card for printing or faxing, while the user is perhaps viewing other cards. You may call Borrow Form only from the user actor. If another actor is running, you must use BorrowCopyOfForm instead. The needCardData parameter should be true if you want your card's data stored in the form.

BorrowForm returns the card's previous owner. You must keep track of that owner so you can return the form to it when you call ReturnForm.


operation ReturnForm(formerOwner: Card; hadCardData: Boolean);

Call: rarely
Override: never

Call ReturnForm to return a form that you've previously acquired with BorrowForm. If you called BorrowForm with needCardData set to true, you must call ReturnForm with the hadCardData parameter true.


operation BorrowCopyOfForm(readCardData: Boolean): Form;

Call: sometimes
Override: never

Call BorrowCopyOfForm to borrow a copy of a card's form in code that runs on an actor other than the user actor. This method is rather expensive so you should only use it when you need to support concurrent access to a form. The system uses this method, for example, when it's decoding and encoding mail messages. BorrowCopyOfForm returns the copy of the form.


operation ReturnCopyOfForm(copy: Form; writeCardData: Boolean);

Call: sometimes
Override: never

Call ReturnCopyOfForm when you're finished using a form copy created with BorrowCopyOfForm. The copy parameter is the copy you're returning. ReturnCopyOfForm destroys the form when it's finished.


operation StoreCardDataFromForm(form: Form);

Call: rarely
Override: never

Call StoreCardDataFromForm to extract data from a form and store it in the current card. The form parameter is the form to extract data from. If the form parameter is nilObject, StoreCardDataFromForm attempts to find the card's form by calling Form. If this form isn't currently attached to the card, StoreCardDataFromForm does nothing.


overrides ChangedContents

Call: rarely
Override: never

The system calls ChangedContents when the user drags an object into or out of a card. Card_ChangedContents does nothing. Override to do some work when objects move in or out of your card subclass.


operation Confirmable(): Boolean;

Call: sometimes
Override: sometimes

The system calls Confirmable when assembling buttons on a confirmation form. Card_Confirmable always returns true. Override Confirmable from your subclass to add custom criteria for returning true. Returning false disables the buttons on the confirmation form.


overrides CopyIntoSystem

Call: rarely
Override: never

CopyIntoSystem keeps the card in the same stack if it's in a system stack. It makes a new minicard if necessary. Otherwise it moves the card to its receiver from the package's install list.


operation CardIcon(sizeSelect: Unsigned): Image;

Call: sometimes
Override: sometimes

Call CardIcon to get an image to use to represent this card. The size choices are standardSize (used by mini-cards), and smallestSize (used in list views).

Size name Value Description
standardSize 1 Used for MiniCards
smallestSize 3 Used in list views

CardIcon returns iTinyCardImage if sizeSelect is smallestSize. You might override CardIcon if your card type has a specialized small image.


overrides FilingChoiceImage

Call: rarely
Override: never

FilingChoiceImage is a convenience routine. It returns the result of a call to CardIcon, with the size choice standardSize.


overrides TextInfo

Call: often
Override: sometimes

Call TextInfo to get a textual description of a card. Card_TextInfo handles several special cases of TextInfo types. Those types are:

Case handled Value Result returned
kContentDescription The card's name, if it has one, otherwise iCardDefaultType
kTypeDescription The card's name, if it has one, otherwise iCardDefaultType
kKindOfCard TextToString(cardKindOfCard, info)
default case The result of calling inherited