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June 10, 1992
last updated February 14, 1995

Defined in Array.Def 
Inherits from Object
Uses extra

Class Description

The Magic Cap system uses objects of class Array to represent indexed runs of same-size elements. Class Array is most noted for its starring role as a parent class of the text formatter classes.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Using an Array Object

Class Array provides the fundamental behavior for classes that represent indexed collections of elements that are all the same size. You'll rarely instantiate any objects of class Array; instead, you'll instantiate and use objects created from Array's concrete subclasses.

Programming Information

Instantiate: never
Subclass: rarely
Call its methods: sometimes

Class Array defines objects that consist of ordered, indexed runs of same-size elements. Other classes that require this ability, such as TextFormatter, are built on class Array. Class Array defines methods for reading and changing the array elements.

Methods defined by class Array

Class Array defines the following methods:

Method Description
Manipulating the whole array:
Clear Set the array length to zero, thus removing all elements
DeleteElems Set the array length to zero, thus removing all elements; yes, this is exactly the same as Clear
CopyElems Return a copy of the entire array
ReplaceElems Replace the entire array with the given array
ReplaceElemsWithData Replace the entire array with the given data
Manipulating ranges of the array:
DeleteElemRange Delete the given range from the array
CopyElemRange Return an array containing a copy of the given range
ReplaceElemRange Replace a range of elements with other object
ReplaceElemData Replace a range with elements from memory
FillWithBytes Fill a range of the array with a pattern of bytes
CopyToBytes Copy elements from the object to memory
Manipulating one point in the array:
AppendElems Append the given elements to the end of the array
InsertElems Insert the given elements into the array at insertPoint
InsertElems Append the given amount of the given data to the end of the array
InsertData Insert the given amount of the given data to the array at insertPoint

Fields defined by class Array

Class Array defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
length Unsigned Number of bytes of data in array

Attributes defined by class Array

Class Array defines the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ArrayLength Unsigned Number of elements in the array; getter and setter for the lenth field
ArrayCapacity Unsigned The maximum number of elements the array can contain
Stride Unsigned The size of one array element in bytes; returns 1 by default

Method Descriptions

Data types used by class Array

When you want to operate on an array object, you'll find that many Array class routines use the concept of an array point, which is a position between two elements. The array point before the first element is numbered 0, the position between the first and second elements is numbered 1, and so on. The array point type is defined as follows:

typedef ulong ArrayPoint;

Class Array defines several methods that require you to specify a range of elements in the object. There's a data type for a range of elements, defined as follows:

typedef struct 
    ArrayPoint start;  /* starting point for range */
    ulong      length; /* number of elements in range */
    }    ArrayRange;

Manipulating the whole array


operation Clear(), noFail, safe;
operation DeleteElems();

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call Clear to remove all elements from an array. Call DeleteElems to do the same. Both methods just set the array's length to zero using SetArrayLength. Parsimonious programmers will want to conserve memory by deleting unwanted array elements. You could so so by overriding DeleteElems.


operation CopyElems(): Array, noFail, safe;

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call CopyElems to get a new array that contains copies of all the elements of the current array. CopyElems returns the new array. It uses CopyElemRange to do the copying.


operation ReplaceElems(elemsToInsert: Array);

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call ReplaceElems to replace the entire contents of an array with the contents of the array in the elemsToInsert parameter. To do its work, ReplaceElems calls ReplaceElemRange with a range that covers the entire array.


operation ReplaceElemsWithData(data: Pointer; numberOfElems: Unsigned);

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call ReplaceElemsWithData to replace the entire contents of an array with data that isn't already in an array. The data parameter should point to the data you want to replace the current array elements. The numberOfElems parameter should contain the number of elements you wish to use. ReplaceElemsWithData calls ReplaceElemData to do its work.

Manipulating ranges of the array


operation DeleteElemRange(rangeToDelete: ArrayRange)

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call DeleteElemRange when you want to set a range of elements in the object to 0. Before you call DeleteElemRange, set rangeToDelete to indicate the range of elements that should be set to 0. DeleteElemRange calls ReplaceElemData to perform its action.


operation CopyElemRange(rangeToCopy: ArrayRange): Object; noFail

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call CopyElemRange when you want to create a new Array object that contains some or all of the elements that are in the object. The range of elements to copy is specified by rangeToCopy. CopyElemRange calls New to create a new object, then copies elements from the specified range into the new object using CopyToBytes. The new object is returned as the function result.


operation ReplaceElemRange(rangeToReplace: ArrayRange; elemsToInsert: Object)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call ReplaceElemRange when you want to replace a range of elements in the object with all the elements of another object. The elements to be added come from elemsToInsert, and they replace the elements in the object at the range specified by rangeToReplace. The elements that were at rangeToReplace in the object are lost. Replace calls ReplaceElemData to perform its action.


operation ReplaceElemData(rangeToReplace: ArrayRange; data: Pointer; 
count: Unsigned)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call ReplaceElemData to move data into the array from somewhere else in memory. The data parameter points to the bytes to be moved into the array, and count specifies how many elements to move. The moved elements take the place of the elements specified by rangeToReplace, and the old elements at that location are lost.


operation FillWithBytes(source: Pointer; numberOfBytes: Unsigned; 
fillRange: ArrayRange)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call FillWithBytes when you want to fill a specified range in the object with a pattern of bytes. The source pointer is the address of the first byte to be inserted. The numberOfBytes parameter indicates the length of the pattern of bytes. The fillRange parameter gives the range in the object to be filled.

If there are more bytes to be inserted than will fit in fillRange, bytes of the pattern are used until the range is filled. If the range to be filled is larger than the pattern, the pattern is repeated until the range is filled.


operation CopyToBytes(copyRange: ArrayRange; copyTo: Pointer); noFail

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call CopyToBytes to copy a range of elements from the object to a location in memory. The elements are copied from copyRange to the location that copyTo points to. The copyRange parameter specifies both the starting element and the number of elements to copy.

Manipulating one point in the array


operation AppendElems(elemsToAppend: Object)

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call AppendElems to add all the elements of another object to the end of the object. The elements to be appended are in elemsToAppend, and they are added to the object following its last element. AppendElems calls ReplaceElemRange to perform its action.


operation InsertElems(insertPoint: ArrayPoint; elemsToInsert: Object)

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call InsertElems to insert all the elements of another object into the object. The elements to be inserted are in elemsToInsert, and they are inserted into the object at insertPoint. InsertElems calls ReplaceElemRange to perform its action.


operation AppendData(data: Pointer; numberOfElems: Unsigned)

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call AppendData when you want to add a run of elements of any length onto the end of the object. The data parameter points to the start of the elements to be added, and numberOfElems indicates how many elements to add. AppendData calls ReplaceElemData to perform its action.


operation InsertData(insertPoint: ArrayPoint; data: Pointer; numberOfElems: 

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call InsertData when you want to insert some or all of a run of data elements into the object. The data parameter points to the first element to be inserted, and numberOfElems specifies how many elements to insert. The elements are inserted into the object at insertPoint. InsertData calls ReplaceElemData to perform its action.

Structure of the Array


overrides Compact

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call Compact to reduce the size of the array by making it just large enough to hold all its elements. Compact performs this action by calling SetArrayCapacity.

Length and Capacity


attribute ArrayLength: Unsigned

// operation ArrayLength: Unsigned
// operation SetArrayLength (newArrayLength: Unsigned)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call ArrayLength when you want to find out the number of elements that the array holds. ArrayLength returns the value that's in the object's logicalLength field.

Call SetArrayLength when you want to set the array's length to a new value. SetArrayLength makes the array large enough to hold newNumberOfElems elements.


attribute ArrayCapacity: Unsigned
// operation ArrayCapacity: Unsigned
// operation SetArrayCapacity(newArrayCapacity: Unsigned)

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call ArrayCapacity when you want to find out the number of elements that the array can hold. ArrayCapacity computes the number of bytes that are being used for array elements, then divides by the size of a single element.

Call SetArrayCapacity when you want to set the array's capacity to a new value. SetCapacity makes the array large enough to hold newNumberOfSlots elements.

Debugging and Testing


overrides Validate

Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

Array_Validate checks for the following conditions:

‡ The object's capacity is less than its length.

Validate writes a debugging message if it discovers any of these conditions. After checking these conditions, Validate calls its inherited implementation.

You should override Validate if you want objects of your class to perform any additional validity checking. See Object_Validate for more information.