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Defined in Kernel.Def
Inherits from SingleLinkable      

Class Description

To be written.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Programming information

Instantiate: rarely
Subclass: sometimes
Call its methods:rarely

Magic Cap has two built-in actors that

If your package doesn't use any custom actors, all of your code runs on the user actor.

If your package has any lengthy or computationally intensive operations, you should consider moving them onto their own actor. Magic Cap can't process user input if your code is in the middle of an intense calculation on the user actor thread. How long is lengthy? To answer that question, consider what your user's experience is going to be. If the operation takes a few seconds, you should at least call DriveBusyCursor to spin the hat. If your operation takes much longer than that, setting up a separate actor would be more appropriate.

Remember that you can't make calls that might change the screen from any thread other than the user actor. For example, you can't call RedrawNow or Draw from another actor. If you need to make calls like these from your actor, use RunSoon. You might call RunSoon like this:

RunSoon(true, (CompletionFunction) DrawSomeStuff, &parameters->header);

Methods defined by class Actor

Class Actor defines the following methods:

Method Description
CallWithStack Call a function with a particular stack
CheckInterruption Check if this actor should be interrupted
CurrentExceptionReason cover for setter that includes the boot reason if we failed early enough in
SetCurrentExceptionReason boot that no actors are yet running
Destroy Overridden to
FailSoon Make this actor fail soon with the given exception
Finalize Overridden to remove the actor from the scheduler and release all semaphores
GrowContextStack grow context stack of this actor
Init Overridden to set up the actor and its stack and to add it to the scheduler
Install Overridden to
Main The main action of the actor
Resume Run this actor (this is a BAD comment)
SetInterruptionCheck Set the function to poll to check if this actor should be interrupted
StackFree Get the number of bytes of free space on stack
Suspend Tell this actor it shouldn't run until Resume is called on it
SwitchingStateChanged The system is going to suspend or run this actor for some period of time (bad comment)
SwitchTo Switch from this actor to the given actor
Wait Wait for a semaphore

Methods you might override

You might override these methods in the following circumstances:

Method When to override

Fields defined by class Actor

Class Actor defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from SingleLinkable
next Object The next actor in the ready queue
Defined by Actor
status UnsignedShort
priority SignedShort
waitingFor Semaphore
state Pointer
stackSegment ProcessorStackSegment
stackSegmentSize Unsigned
exceptionStack ExceptionStack
exceptionStackPointer Unsigned
contextStack ContextStack
contextStackPointer Unsigned
process Process The telescript process or agent
associated with this actor
context Context The current cluster context associated
with this actor
interruptCheck Function
forUser Boolean True if this actor affects the user
interface by drawing or accepting
exception Object
exceptionReason Unsigned
globals Object
suspendLevel Unsigned

If any of the fields need to be filled out in any particular way, describe them here. You might want to put some object examples here, too.

Attributes defined by class Actor

Class Actor defines the following attributes:

Attribute Type Definition
Status UnsignedShort status of actor
WaitingFor Semaphore semaphore that this actor is waiting for
Process Process telescript process corresponding to this Actor
Priority Signed default should be 0, and lower is more important. range
should be [0,1024] for packages.
ForUser Boolean can it interact with the user?
ExceptionReason Unsigned reason for the current exception
Suspended Boolean used by scheduler to decide whether this actor is
temporarily persona non grata

Constants or Flags used by class Actor

Actor Status Constants

Status Value Description
kDying 0 The actor is being destroyed
kRunning 1 The actor is currently executing
kReady 2 The actor is in the queue of actors to be run
kWaiting 3 The actor is waiting to acquire a semaphore

Actor priorities

Priority Value Description
kLowPriority -8
kNormalPriority 0
kHighPriority 8

Method Descriptions


intrinsic CallWithStack(function: CallWithStackFunction; parameters: Pointer; requiredStack: Unsigned): Object;
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely

Call CallWithStack to call the given function with its own stack. Use CallWithStack for functions that use more stack space than your actor has free in its stack.

Here's an example of how you might use CallWithStack:

              &params, 0x1000);


operation FailSoon(exception: Object), intrinsic;
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely

Call FailSoon to make this actor fail with the given exception. You might call FailSoon if you're using more than one actor and you want to make one actor throw a particular exception while your code is running on another.

Make sure the actor you want to throw the exception does not have access to any semaphores. If it does, a deadlock will result, and Magic Cap will appear to stop. You can avoid this problem by using a fail-safe semphore instead of a regular semaphore.


operation Main(VAR parameters: Parameters);
Call: rarelyOverride: often

// subclasses override this to change main action of an actor

things to always do, things to never do



attribute Priority: Signed;
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely

Call Priority to get an actor's priority level and SetPriority to set it. If SetPriority changes the priority of an actor, it also adjusts its position on the ready queue.

The priority should be in the range from 0 to 1024. Lower priorities are more important. Actors in packages are created with priority 0 by default.

default should be 0, and lower is more important. range should be [0,1024] for packages.


operation Resume();
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely

let loose the running furies


intrinsic StackFree(): Unsigned;
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely
free space on stack (in bytes)


attribute Status: UnsignedShort;
Call: sometimesOverride: rarely

status of actor