Magic Cap Developer Resources
Last Revised: 5/15/1996
What's here
This page is a brief overview of what you need for starting Magic Cap
development. It starts at the beginning with tools, and then continues
on to discuss documentation, updates, support, and the Magic Cap
developer program.
For more technical information, see our Magic Cap Documentation
Development Environment and Tools
Getting Started
Magic Cap development is currently done with Macintosh computers using
Gold by Metrowerks.
Metrowerks is a leading provider of quality development tools for
Macintosh, Magic Cap, and other platforms.
CodeWarrior Gold includes two sets of tools that developers can use:
the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or Macintosh Programmer's
Workshop (MPW). Developers can use either set of tools for application
development, but the MPW tools have additional features not yet
present in the IDE. Be sure to check out the Metrowerks web site for
more information
on their Magic Cap tools.
Here's what you need for writing Magic Cap applications:
- Macintosh with 68030, 68040, or PowerPC processor
- 20MB RAM
- 100MB of Hard Drive space for CodeWarrior
- FPU unit (SoftFPU is provided with CodeWarrior)
- CodeWarrior Gold
Metrowerks provides periodic updates
to their CodeWarrior product, and we also provide various updates to our
tools and documentation. Be sure to
take a look at both of these pages if you're hunting for the latest
and greatest in tools and docs.
Where to go now
Now that you've got the tools, it's time to get your hands dirty.
There are several books available for Magic Cap development, and we'll
briefly describe a few of them. Many are even online in their full
Barry Boone's Cookbook is a fantastic hands-on book for
learning Magic Cap programming. We would strongly recommend a copy for
anyone starting out with Magic Cap development. Even experienced
programmers will probably learn a few tricks from it. The
Cookbook comes complete with sample code on CD-ROM, and it
should be available from local resellers (Published by Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company. ISBN 0-201-40953-4).
Concepts is a topic-based book on developing Magic Cap
applications. It's an essential book for both beginning and advanced
topics. The full text is available online, and Metrowerks sells paper
copies as well.
The Class and Method Reference is a class-based book that
discusses many Magic Cap object classes in detail. Like
Concepts, the Reference is essential and is available in
full text online. Metrowerks also sells paper copies.
Magic Cap in Depth is a collection of documents on advanced
topics related to Magic Cap development. These documents were written
by members of General Magic's Developer Technical Services group to
aid developers that really wanted to get their hands dirty.
Like tools, new documentation and updates are available from our web site. Additionally,
the Magic Cap Developer
Resources page has special topic pages like the Features page that
contain additional and late-breaking information.
Sample Code
Now that you know where the documentation is, you'll probably also
want to look at sample code. CodeWarrior Gold comes with our complete
library of DTS sample code, and you can always find the newest stuff
on our Sample Code web
page. The samples provide a starting foundation for many types of
applications, and they also show tricks for many types of problems you
may encounter.
Bowser Pro
Bowser Pro is a class browser that is included with the Magic Cap
development environment. It is extremely useful, so we thought it
deserved it's own heading on this page. Bowser can show you the
definitions of all of the different Magic Cap classes, and it can do
some fancy searches to help you find what you are looking for. Be sure
to check it out!
Metrowerks provides technical support to all registered owners of
CodeWarrior, and you can email them at
Additionally, there are a number of mailing lists and the comp.sys.os.magic-cap newsgroup for
Magic Cap users and developers.
General Magic Developer Program
General Magic has a developer program for developers creating highly
technical, leading edge Magic Cap products. Take a look at the developer program web page for more