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August 18, 1992
last updated September 30, 1993

Defined in Stack.Def 

Class Description

A stack is a list of cards that are maintained together in a software package. All the cards in the stack share a single scene. Users can navigate through the stack by moving from one card to another.

Version note: This chapter is probably out of date.

Remember that if the documentation and the software (especially the definition files) disagree, always trust the software.

Using a Stack of Cards

If your package contains cards, it must also include a stack object that describes the collection of cards. The usual way to create the stack is to copy an existing package that includes a stack, then use the Rename Package menu item to begin your new package. You can also construct a stack object in an instance definition file.

The stack's protoCard field defines its prototype card, which serves as a template for adding new cards to the stack. The stackScene field identifies the scene, if any, in which the stack is installed.

The stackFlags field defines a number of properties that affect the adding and display of cards. When a new card is added to the stack, the insertOrder property specifies where the new card should be added: before or after the current card, or at the beginning or end of the stack.

Another property flag, containsNewItems, tells whether any new cards have been added to the stack since the last time it was displayed on the screen.

Programming Information

Instantiate: sometimes
Subclass: rarely
Call its methods: sometimes

You probably won't ever have to make a stack object programmatically, but you'll need a stack if your package contains a collection of cards. As mentioned earlier, you'll probably make your stack by simply copying one from an existing package, then modifying its fields if necessary.

You might want to allow users to add their own cards to your stacks. To do this, you can use the StackScene_CreateNewCard method as part of a button script.

Class StackOfCards includes methods you might want to call for getting and changing information about the stack's contents and the way it displays them.

Methods you might call

Class StackOfCards has the following methods that you might Call:

Method Description
Appearance and behavior
StackScene Get scene in which stack is installed, if any
SetStackScene Set scene in which stack is installed
CanWrap Does last card wrap back to first?
SetCanWrap Set whether last card wraps back to first
ProtoCard Get prototype for new cards inserted in stack
GetInsertOrder Find out where newly created cards will be inserted
SetInsertOrder Set where newly created cards will be inserted
ContainsNewItems Have new cards been added since stack was last displayed?
SetContainsNewItems Set whether new cards have been added since stack was last displayed
Debugging and testing
Validate Test stack for validity

Description of fields

Class StackOfCards defines the following fields:

Field Type Description
Inherited from AbstractList:
length Unsigned Number of cards in stack
Inherited from FixedList:
Stride Unsigned Size of each card in bytes
Defined by Stack:
protoCard Card Prototype for new cards inserted in stack
stackFlags Unsigned Various flags and properties (see below)
stackScene Object Scene in which stack is installed, if any

The stackFlags field contains the following flags and properties:

Property Bits Description
insertOrder 01 Controls where newly created cards will be inserted
containsNewItems 30 Tells whether new cards have been added since stack was last displayed
canWrap 31 Controls whether last card wraps back to first

The following constants are defined for accessing the contents of the stackFlags field:

Constant Value
insertNewCardHere 0
insertNewCardAfterMe 1
insertNewCardAtStart 2
insertNewCardAtEnd 2
containsNewItemsBit 30
wrapFlagBit 31

Method Descriptions

This section describes the methods of class StackOfCards that you're likely to call or override.

Appearance and Behavior


attribute StackScene: Object, safe, common
// operation StackScene: Object, safe, common

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call StackScene to get the scene (if any) in which a stack is installed. If the stack is not installed in a scene, the result is nilObject.


attribute StackScene: Object, safe, common
// operation SetStackScene (newScene: Object), safe, common

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call SetStackScene to set the scene in which a stack is installed. The scene is normally defined in the instance definition file and not changed thereafter, so you'll probably never need to call this method.


attribute CanWrap: Boolean; safe; common
// operation CanWrap: Boolean; safe; common

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call CanWrap to find out whether a stack's navigation arrows allow the user to wrap around from one end of the stack to the other. If CanWrap is true, touching the next-card arrow when the last card is showing movea to the first card, and touching the previous-card arrow when the first card is showing moves to the last card. If CanWrap is false, the next- and previous-card arrows do not appear when the last or first card is showing, respectively.


attribute CanWrap: Boolean; safe; common
// operation SetCanWrap (newWrapFlag: Boolean); safe; common

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call SetCanWrap to specify whether a stack's navigation arrows allow the user to wrap around from one end of the stack to the other. See CanWrap for more information.



attribute ProtoCard: Card, readOnly

// operation ProtoCard(): Card

Call: rarely
Override: rarely

Call ProtoCard to get the prototype card a stack uses for adding new cards.


operation GetInsertOrder(): UnsignedShort

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call GetInsertOrder to find out where a stack will place newly added cards. There are four possible values for the insertion order:

Value Meaning
0 Before current card
1 After current card
2 At beginning of stack
3 At end of stack


operation SetInsertOrder (newOrder: UnsignedShort)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call SetInsertOrder to specify where a stack should place newly added cards. See the description of GetInsertOrder for the values of the newOrder parameter.


operation ContainsNewItems(): Boolean

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call ContainsNewItems to find out whether any new cards have been added to a stack since it was last displayed.


operation SetContainsNewItems (newItemsFlag: Boolean)

Call: sometimes
Override: rarely

Call SetContainsNewItems to specify whether any new cards have been added to a stack since it was last displayed.

Debugging and Testing


overrides Validate

Call: rarely
Override: sometimes

StackOfCards_Validate checks for the following conditions and takes the following actions if it discovers any of them:

Condition Action if true
The stack field of the stack's Prints debug message:
scene is not the stack [stack] points to [scene], but not the other way
The stack contains an element that Prints debug message:
is not a member of class Card [stack] contains non-card element: [element]
The stack field of one of the Prints debug message:
stack's cards is not the stack [stack] contains [card], but card references [other stack]

In addition to checking these conditions, StackOfCards_Validate also calls its inherited implementation to check the validity of the stack's structure at the superclass level.

You should override Validate if you want objects of your class to perform any additional validity checking. See Object_Validate for more information.