Field stackSegment is a private field and no longer has a getter.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
This class has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
The values kBatteryLow and kBatteryDead have been swapped to come into adherence to the PCMCIA spec.
Operation DisableClass() has been removed.
Field city is noCopy in 1.0, but not in 1.5.
Operations ShadowObject() and Clean() have been removed. This should not affect your package.
Operation SetUpContextRuntime() has been removed. This should not affect your package.
Attribute Amount is type Unsigned in 1.0, but it is Signed in 1.5. You can treat the value as Signed.
Operation ApplyAndDiscardCoupon() has been removed, because its interface has changed.
The defines kVisaType and kAmericanExpressType have swapped values, which makes kVisaType the default credit card selection in iCreditCardTypesText. This also changes the order of credit card types in edit steps and corresponding constants for type checking. If you cannot avoid iCreditCardSteps, you must avoid using the defines to determine which type of card was selected; compare Text values, instead.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation Confirm() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5.
This class has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation InitFaxModem() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5. Magic Cap 1.5 uses Modem_InitFax, which does not exist in MC1.0. Build using the MC1.5 interfaces and make a runtime version check to call the correct operation. If you need to override InitFaxModem(), General Magic has a workaround that will enable you to build a version which works on both MC 1.0 and MC 1.5 using the MPW-based development environment.
Operations ReadHDLC(), WriteHDLC(), DoPhaseB(), DoPhaseC(), and DoTCFTraining() have been removed because their interfaces have changed in 1.5.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation NewFolder() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5.
This class has been removed.
This class has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operations EmptyMailbox(), RequestSummaries(), EmptyMailboxForService(), and RequestSummariesForService() have been removed because they no longer exist in 1.5.
Operation ExtendBottomToFitContent() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5.
This class has been removed.
Operation ValueAt() is now defined to return an ObjectID. To maintain compatibility, return an ObjectID if the value is an Object, and return nilObject if it is not an Object.In Magic Cap 1.0, one could display lines of a multi-line text object by specifying the line number desired as the ListView key. This feature has been removed from 1.5 and future versions of Magic Cap.
This class has been renamed MacintoshModem.
This class has been removed.
This class has been renamed MacintoshWindow.
This class has been removed.
Field sortKind is now private, because it is used differently in 1.5.
Attribute SortKind has been removed.
This class has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Attribute IsOrdered has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation AutoUpdateMode() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation DispatchLookup() has been removed. It was private, anyway.
Attribute Named is now readOnly. SetNamed had no coherent purpose.
Operations StringData() and EachInspectorField() have been removed.
This class has been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operations DestroyKeepChanges(), MakeAllValid(), MakeAllValidByList(), CleanSystemReferences(), and ForgetClusters() have been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Attribute Data has been removed, because it has been replaced with attribute Package in 1.5. If you need to access this information, you will have to determine which version of Magic Cap you are running under at run time, and use the appropriate attribute.
Fields blindCopyRecipients, copyRecipients, from, groupCards, replyTo, and toRecipients are defined noCopy in 1.5, but not in 1.0.
Operation PlayDTMFStr() has been removed, because it no longer exists in 1.5.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Operation InitiateIncomingMagicmail() has been removed.
Operations SleepNow() and WakeUpEventNotify() have been removed.
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Intrinsic PurgeableContents() has been removed, because its interface has changed in 1.5 (it is now an operation).
Private fields removed from interface. Use the attributes instead.
Field additions is noCopy in 1.0, but not in 1.5.
Operation Breaks() has been removed because it no longer exists in 1.5.
All the functionality and interface of Scrollable has been moved to a mixin class named HasScrolling in MC1.5. A placeholder class in 1.5, named CompatibilityScrollable, which inherits from HasScrolling will allow objects of class Scrollable to work seamlessly in 1.5. You should use HasScrolling for all new development. If you subclass Scrollable in 1.0, or HasScrolling in 1.5, you need to override either ScrollToEnd(), ScrollToBottom() or both. If not, option-tapping a scroll down arrow will accomplish: in 1.0: nothing will happen, not even scrolling; in 1.5: the two routines will recursively call each other and overflow the stack, thereby resetting the device.
Fields topArrow and bottomArrow are defined as noCopy in 1.5, but not in 1.0.
This class has been removed.
Operation CleanAll() has been removed. This should not affect your package.
This class no longer implements the operations AboutToShow() and AboutToHide(). If your package relies on these overrides, you must subclass TextContainer and implement them yourself.
Field tool is defined as noCopy in 1.0, but not in 1.5.
Field entity is noCopy in 1.0, but not noCopy in 1.5.
Operation EnableClasses() has been removed.