Magic Cap Users Mailing List

Monday November 04, 1996

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 10:43:27 -0500
Subject: settings

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]



Funny, as soon as I asked the question, I figured out how to do the text
coupons.  I was sort of unclear whether or not the words would have a border
around them like this: ----- or not.

Another question, I was fooling around on the Construction Mode and somehow
have a switch on a screen in Cujoterm.  How do you get rid of it.  Rebooting
my ML won't work because cujoterm is on my Sram card.

Thanks again,

From: Steve Eyler <seyler@GSTIS.NET>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 08:44:22 -0800
Subject: CujoTerm

So, where can I get CujoTerm anyhow?

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 10:41:05 -0800
Subject: CujoTerm

Steve Eyler Jr. writes:
> So, where can I get CujoTerm anyhow?

It is not where the last version used to be on the GM website. Check in the
section showcasing the new Internet tools.

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 09:55:37 -0800
Subject: settings

Live4Words writes:
> Another question, I was fooling around on the
> Construction Mode and somehow
> have a switch on a screen in Cujoterm.  How do
> you get rid of it.  Rebooting
> my ML won't work because cujoterm is on my Sram
> card.
> Thanks again,
> J

Enter construction mode, and select the move tool from the tool cup. Move the
switch to the trash and empty it.
From experience I have found that the only stuff you cannot move with the move
tool are things that have had their properties altered via the Tinker Tool to
prevent movement. None of the components dispensed from that construction
drawer are like that.

From: David Gillett <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 10:43:45 -0800
Subject: Re: settings

On  4 Nov 96 at 10:43, Jacqueline Curry wrote:

> Another question, I was fooling around on the Construction Mode
> and somehow have a switch on a screen in Cujoterm.  How do you get
> rid of it.  Rebooting my ML won't work because cujoterm is on my
> Sram card.

  In Construction Mode, there's an extra set of tools for the tool
cup -- you can get to them quickly by option-tapping the cup.  Select
the "move" tool.  You should then be able to drag the switch into the
trash.  [IF you have the Tinker tool, and have used it to mark the
switch "unmovable", you'll have to undo that first, but that seems

Dave Gillett

From: Steve Eyler <seyler@GSTIS.NET>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 11:26:27 -0800
Subject: Re: CujoTerm

I have searched the entire GM web page for CujoTerm.  It's not there!
Every page referenced by the search engines comes up missing or with
a message saying the page is obsolete, automatically forwarding me to
another page.

Does anyone have a copy of CT they could send me via eMail?
MIME-encoded ZIP for MXChange?

Wayne Sanderson wrote:
> Steve Eyler Jr. writes:
> > So, where can I get CujoTerm anyhow?
> It is not where the last version used to be on the GM website. Check in the
> section showcasing the new Internet tools.

From: David Gillett <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 11:54:36 -0800
Subject: Re: CujoTerm

On  4 Nov 96 at 11:26, Steve Eyler wrote:

> > > So, where can I get CujoTerm anyhow?
> >
> > It is not where the last version used to be on the GM website.
> > Check in the section showcasing the new Internet tools.
> I have searched the entire GM web page for CujoTerm.  It's not there!
> Every page referenced by the search engines comes up missing or with
> a message saying the page is obsolete, automatically forwarding me to
> another page.

  ... reached by following the "Internet Tools" links to the
"download" information....

Dave Gillett

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 12:48:43 -0800
Subject: Re: modems

>[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
>America Online.]
>Dear MAGICCAP List,
>-Paul wrote:
>-The Apex card is sold as a -wireless modem card for the -Magic Link, but can
>-also be used as a landline 14.4 -modem.
>Is that the only one?  The AT&T modem wasn't a mobile one.  I know that it
>would fit inside the pcmcia slot.

Sony Electronics' web site says there is a Wireless Modem Link driver for
an AT&T modem card (AT&T KeepInTouch Model 3762) that works only with the
PIC-2000.  I believe that the Apex & AT&T cards are the only modem cards
supported with a Magic Cap driver.



Wireless Modem Link(tm)

                                To order:
                  Call 1-800-571-SONY ext 333

              Suggested Retail Price $49.95 (PICS-WM1)
                              Now available!

Affordable, easy to use wireless for your Magic Link(tm)
communicator. Works with the most common cellular phones.
Simple to install, simple to use. No need for complex 'init strings.'
No need to plug in external power. Just email, fax or connect --

Also works with Metricom(r) Ricochet(tm) packet network, at a
low, fixed monthly cost. Find out about the availability of Ricochet
service in your area.

Available on 3.5" diskettes.

Supported modems:
Apex Mobile Plus V.32bis or V.34
AT&T KeepInTouch Model 3762 (with PIC-2000)
Metricom Ricochet

Supported phones:
Nokia/Technophone (232, 2120)
Motorola phones marked with EC2
Motorola Elite
GE/Ericsson (AH-ZXX, AH-3XX, CT 500, CT 700, DH300, DT3000)
Mitsubish/DiamondTel (3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 18X, 20X, 22X)

For cellular connection, requires cellular modem card and cellular connection
cable (available from SONY). For Metricom Ricochet connection, requires
connection cable, Ricochet modem and service. Requires Magic Xchange for

Sony New Technologies

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@ComCAT.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 16:16:32 -0500
Subject: Re: CujoTerm

Steve Eyler wrote:
> I have searched the entire GM web page for CujoTerm.  It's not there!
> Every page referenced by the search engines comes up missing or with
> a message saying the page is obsolete, automatically forwarding me to
> another page.
> Does anyone have a copy of CT they could send me via eMail?
> MIME-encoded ZIP for MXChange?
> Wayne Sanderson wrote:
> >
> > Steve Eyler Jr. writes:
> > > So, where can I get CujoTerm anyhow?
> >
> > It is not where the last version used to be on the GM website. Check in the
> > section showcasing the new Internet tools.

   Steve and all,

   The latest CujoTerm is available compiled at
along with the new Magic Internet Kit tools.  Check the bottom half of
the page for the CujoTerm-only download options.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Shawn Jipp <sjipp@IBM.NET>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 21:52:24 GMT


Due to Thanksgiving being on the 4th Thursday of November,  there will be no
BAMCUG meeting for November.

And since people will be busy preparing for Christmas we will make the
December meeting earlier.


The combined November/December BAMCUG meeting will take place on Thursday,
December 12th at 7:00 PM.

I believe that Josh Carter plans to host the virtual meeting again via
Internet Relay Chat on the "magic-cap"  channel.

As usual we will meet at General Magic in Sunnyvale.  The address is 420 N. Mary Avenue.  It is located near Mary and central expressway.  Pizza and beverages will be provided.

If you get lost call GM at 408-774-4000 or me at 408-736-5477.

I have begun creating the BAMCUG web site.  Hope to have it online in a few

Please also note my new email address.

Please try to attend.  Hope to see you there.

///////Shawn Jipp

From: Ted Sullivan <tsullivan@SNOWYMTN.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 14:49:17 -0800
Subject: does anybody know the status of NT Beta program?

I have lost contact with Cameron Wallace at Gen Magic.

Does anybody know the status of the Tabriz NT Beta program?
Was is cut with the staff reductions?
Who if anybody is responsible for this product?


From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 21:31:08 -0500
Subject: cujoterm site

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


I keep hearing about 'latest' version of cujoterm...

What are the changes?  What version number is it? (I believe I have 4)

From: Tony Ventura <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 19:40:31 +0000
Subject: Re: cujoterm site

Help me out......I can't get mine to work.

I keep getting the connection problem...and my ISP

says that he only uses login and password authentication.

When I set up Presto Links/Mail, I needed to use a PPP

dial-up stamp.


From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 00:25:36 -0500
Subject: construction mode

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


I was told of a 'move' stamp, but was unable to find it in construction mode.

This is about the switch I have onscreen that I can't get rid of.


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