Magic Cap Users Mailing List

Thursday October 31, 1996

From: Steve Eyler <seyler@GSTIS.NET>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 11:16:15 -0800
Subject: Re: Questions...

Speaking of an on device scripting language... I know it's a long shot
but has anyone written even the simplest scripting language for
I assume I would have probably heard about it by now, but it never
hurts to ask.

Anyone interested in writing a basic compiler or interpreter that lives
in MagicCap?  Now that would be useful...

Luke Derossi wrote:
>   Justin,
>   You're right, there's some creative ways to take advantage of some of
> the components in the ways you describe, and I wouldn't want to
> discourage any creative tinkering! :)  But what I wanted to express was
> that interaction between buttons and similar controls wasn't possible
> (say, via an on-device scripting language).
> Regards,
> Luke Derossi
>  for
>   General Magic, Inc.

From: John Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 16:40:30 -0500
Subject: Re: Outfitters Direct

Can someone help me? I am trying to get in touch with the people at
Putfitters Direct regarding a memory card that I fedex'd to them, but they
have an answering machine and NImble Corp. seems to not exist in Seattle

Outfitters Direct people, if you are reading this, please let me know when
you will be sending back my memory card. I am lost without it, and I really
want to buy software from you.

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 22:05:13 -0800
Subject: WML on Envoy?

I remember reading on the list a few months ago that someone had tested the
Sony Wireless Modem Link software on an Envoy and it didn't work. I am curious
as to how intensive the test was, and whether it went beyond an initial
failure. Was the Wireless Toolbox package packed up beforehand, etc.

From: Toby Dunn <tdunn@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 16:01:51 -0800
Subject: Re: Questions...

>Steve Eyler wrote:
>Speaking of an on device scripting language... I know it's a long shot
>but has anyone written even the simplest scripting language for
>I assume I would have probably heard about it by now, but it never
>hurts to ask.
>Anyone interested in writing a basic compiler or interpreter that lives
>in MagicCap?  Now that would be useful...
>Luke Derossi wrote:
>>   Justin,
>>   You're right, there's some creative ways to take advantage of some of
>> the components in the ways you describe, and I wouldn't want to
>> discourage any creative tinkering! :)  But what I wanted to express was
>> that interaction between buttons and similar controls wasn't possible
>> (say, via an on-device scripting language).

Ok, I'll bite.  What would you like to see?  What would the scripting
language do?

Toby Dunn
Sony New Technologies
One Lower Ragsdale Drive, #150
Monterey, CA  93940
v: (408) 642-6409

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