Magic Cap Users Mailing List

Wednesday October 23, 1996

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 09:03:10 -0400
Subject: 1.0f patch for the PIC-1000

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


>From:san17@MARS.SUPERLINK.NET (Tony SJ) Could someone email me the 1.0f
patch? I called Sony awhile back,
but no results.

I, too contacted Sony, but by email and haven't received a response.  Not to
be a 'Ooh, ooh!  Me too!' person, but could someone send the patch to me as


From: Michael Colegate <Michael_Colegate@MAIL.SEL.SONY.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 12:19:12 -0400
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch for the PIC-1000

>Could someone email me the 1.0f patch? I called Sony awhile back,
>but no results.
>Thanks in advance.

If you can send me your e-mail address and whether you need it in Magic Xchange
for Windows or Macintosh format, I'll send you a copy right away.

Mike Colegate
Sony Magic Link Support

From: Tony SJ <san17@MARS.SUPERLINK.NET>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 15:19:26 -0400
Subject: Is Bastille the 1.0f Patch??

To everyone out there:
Is the Bastille patch (the one to remove personalink stuff from
your Magic Link) the same as the 1.0f patch?

From: Josh Carter <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 11:29:09 -0800
Subject: BAMCUG meeting IRC-cast tomorrow, 10/24, 6:30 PDT

Hi folks,

For those of you that can't attend the Bay Area Magic Cap User's Group
meeting tomorrow due to location, you can now attend regardless of
where you are! You have two options:

1. Fly into Sunnyvale, CA for the day (or just move permanently).

2. Get on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and join the live IRC-cast on the
   #magic-cap channel!

I'll be in the room typing away and letting our IRC attendees know
what's going on, and those on IRC can add their own input which I'll
voice during the meeting. Additionally, I'll have the online
conversation projected on a screen in the room for as much of the
meeting as possible, i.e. when the screen is not being used for demos.
Shawn Jipp should be posting the meeting topic soon.

If you haven't already checked out CujoChat, the IRC chat client for
Magic Cap, read the docs and download the package for free at:

The IRC-cast will start at 6:30 PM Pacific time tomorrow (10/24), and
the BAMCUG meeting proper will start at 7:00 PM. The IRC channel is
#magic-cap (the default channel in CujoChat), on EFNet (the largest
IRC network. If in doubt, your IRC server is on EFNet). Between 6:30
and 7:00 people online can introduce themselves to each other and have
their own free-form discussion. At 7:00 I'll start acting as the link
between the real and virtual meetings. The BAMCUG meeting usually
lasts 2-3 hours, but the IRC conversation can certainly continue on
after that.

If you haven't already, be sure to stop by the #magic-cap channel any
time! I've chatted with a number of Magic Cap users on the channel
during the day, and it's quite fun. I tend to use the nick "flume" or
"flume2," and Luke Derossi, Magic's online representative, tends to go
by "LukeD." Tomorrow I'll probably use "JoshC" or some variant.

See you tomorrow at the meeting!
-Josh Carter

A note about netiquette during the IRC-cast: while IRC is generally an
unmoderated medium, Luke Derossi and I will be channel operators on
#magic-cap for the evening. If another user acts rude or otherwise
reduces the effectiveness of the meeting, Luke and I may have to make
the channel moderated or, as a last resort, kick the user off the
channel. Making a channel "moderated" lets only channel operators talk
to the channel, and they can also specify other users that are allowed
to talk. Personally, I think that a moderated channel stifles active
discussion, so I don't want to do that unless it's really needed. I
don't anticipate problems, so everything should work fine as a
free-form discussion.

From: Dan Free <dharma@ARI.NET>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 16:07:04 -0400
Subject: Re: Is Bastille the 1.0f Patch??


No.  The Bastille patch is a separate patch from the 1.0f patch.  Bastille is
intended to "vaporize" the AT&T building downtown and all references to AT&T
Personal Link.  The 1.0f patch is intended to remedy bugs in the MagicCap that
shipped with the PIC-1000 models.  1.0f is *NOT* needed for PIC-2000s.

Hope this helps.

Dan Free

On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Tony SJ  wrote:
>To everyone out there:
>Is the Bastille patch (the one to remove personalink stuff from
>your Magic Link) the same as the 1.0f patch?

From: Kirschen Alcyone Seah <kseah@CS.UTEXAS.EDU>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 15:16:47 -0500
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch for the PIC-1000

>>Could someone email me the 1.0f patch? I called Sony awhile back,
>>but no results.
>>Thanks in advance.
>If you can send me your e-mail address and whether you need it in Magic Xchange
>for Windows or Macintosh format, I'll send you a copy right away.

Magic Xchange for the Mac please... =)

-- Kirschen

PS Just reply to this mail!

>Mike Colegate
>Sony Magic Link Support

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 16:13:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Is Bastille the 1.0f Patch??

Tony SJ wrote:
> To everyone out there:
> Is the Bastille patch (the one to remove personalink stuff from
> your Magic Link) the same as the 1.0f patch?


  No, the 1.0f patch came out long before the Bastille patch.  It fixes
a bunch of mostly-internal Magic Cap 1.0 bugs (its for PIC-1000's
only).  One of the most visible problems it fixes is where the time and
date change to something very weird every 45 days or so.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Shawn Jipp <sjipp@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 15:57:47 -0700
Subject: BAMCUG #5 Tomorrow...


The 5th meeting of BAMCUG will take place tomorrow evening at 7:00PM until
?? (i.e. God only knows!) at General Magic Headquarters in Sunnyvale,

General Magic is located at 420 N. Mary Avenue.

As is usual, General Magic will be providing pizza for all attendees.


1)  A rep from Metricom (Ricochet Modem) will give us a quick demo of their
modem and Internet connectivity.

2)  We will view a live demonstration of Magic Cap for Windows 95.

3)  We will also see a live demo of Internet Relay Chat as the entire
meeting will be held 'live' via IRC courtesy of Josh Carter (the creator of
CuJoChat) on irc channel #Magic-cap.  Any person in the world that has
access to Internet Chat will be available to 'listen' in to the meeting
regardless of their platform.  Tune in around 6:30 PM PST for warm-up events
before the meeting actually starts.

I will not be writing a summary of this month's meeting as it will be
summarized 'live' on irc.  So if you do not yet have CuJoChat (or a chat
program for your PC, Mac, Amiga, Timex Sinclair, or whatever) then get it

If you are flying to the meeting and get lost, contact Bay Approach.  If you
are driving and get lost then call me at (408)736-5477 or General Magic at

See you there....or out 'there'.

///////Shawn Jipp
Work=(408)746-1600 X109

From: Jerry Daniels <jbd777@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 18:31:09 -0700
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch for the PIC-1000

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,

I'd love one of those nifty Bastille patches in the Magic Xchange for the Mac
format, please 'n' thank you!

Jerry Daniels
Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: "J. Eric Townsend" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 02:17:31 GMT
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch for the PIC-1000

>I'd love one of those nifty Bastille patches in the Magic Xchange for the Mac
>format, please 'n' thank you!

It looks like you wrote this using Presto!.

You can use Presto!Links to download and install the Bastille patch
directly from General Magic's web site.    Use the URL:

J. Eric Townsend, webmaster, General Magic -- USA 408.774.4252
wanted: Copy of the Art of Noise "Into Battle" in good condition

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@CSN.NET>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 05:46:16 GMT
Subject: IRC Help

Hi guys,
    Without flying to California, again, (I got out of Ventura just in =
to miss the barbeque, why would I go back) I would like to listen in on =
BAMCUG proceedings.  Now my link is in San Jose at the Magic Link =
so I have to rely on my lap top and mIRC.  I spent this evening trying to
get it to connect to the Magic-Cap channel.  I will explain what happened
to the best of my ability to comprehend. Luke Derrossi and Josh Carter =
there.  I got one brief line in response from Luke but it was quite some
time after I sent the original message.  I clicked on so many things on =
screen, but could get no further response.  Both Luke and Josh has a star
by their names and I did not.  However, Luke did call me Kevin even =
I signed in as MileHighCapper.  Can someone familure with mIRC (Win 3.1
version) please help.


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