From: Mark Marshall <maxnight@MHV.NET>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 03:55:47 -0400
Subject: Re: multimedia telecards
This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail begin 000 PrestoMail M`0!CQSX/4&5R\!`_8,!_<@!TQI;FME "!.:6=H=`,@#D%M97)I8V$@3VYL M:6YEQ,VO"@RRAP#!)1)UQSX+4&]S=&%L3&%B96P"!R`12&%S8G)O=6-K($AE M:6=H=',@`U5301(2(`4P-S8P-"`"3DH@$3(X,"!087-A9&5N82!!=F4N`R`$ M:&]M9<3-KJ\,LH<`P-OV=<<^"$9A>$QA8F5L`P`!= ,3-KG`,LH<`P#\2=<<^$D-O;7!A;GE0 M;W-T86Q,86)E;`,$(`54:'EN>!(@'%!R;V1U8V5R($]F(%-P96-I86P@4')O M:F5C=',2!R`)4')I;F-E=&]N(`-54T$2$B`%,#@U-#`@`DY*(!$V,3D@06QE M>&%N9&5R(%)D+@,@!'=O &YI9VAT M0&UH=BYN970#(`A);G1E '0@<&]R=&EO M;B!O9B!T:&4@;65S 2X*"DTN"@`#$A(2#)$!7H`,D0&;``%B`W7'/A!%>'1E;G-I;VY%;&5M96YT M`@%UPCX)5&5X=$9I96QD#0,6!`,$`R`@`,3-JF(,LH<'@`$````!$@`*$A(6 M"```1BS__VM(%@@``!@````6`!8$<`&2`,W3]_@2$@$2`````77"/@53:&%P M90H"Q,VJ'@RRAP/@"PR00````77"/@Y-86=I8T-A<$]B:F5C=`$"$@RRAP&@ M`0H2= @`R1`9L`#+#B M``RPR\#]$A+]`Q)US:6Q`0$@#3$L,2XP+%-/3EDL,BQB!1(2$@R2("``0'7- MHEX$!,3-L.[=#+*'!L`"8@`,D/8`#)$!EP`!8@%US:0U`@%UPCX*4F5P;'E3 M=&%M<`D``<3-L.ZM#+*'`,%?"A(2%@@``$4`___7`!8(```````````6!%`( M$@#$S;#NA0RRAP>`!?@,L0```!(2`1(````!$@`#$G7-I18!`2`-,2PQ+C`L M4T].62PR+&(!/@I297!L>5-T86UP"?T,D/8`#)$!EP`,L.(`#*@`_1(2_0,2 A= From: "Steve Eyler Jr." <seyler@WORLDACCESS.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 09:17:04 -0700
Subject: Re: multimedia telecards
This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail Hmm. Well, I'm using Presto!Mail, and I received the recent voice message, as well as the original message that prompted all this talk about mm telecards... I recall a thumbs down. But since then, every reply comes in with the following error: David Devaney writes: > Some Magic Cap Encoded Information could not be > interpreted and has been discarded. The text > portion of the message follows. Bogus. There have been probably three or four such replies. I get the AOL message all the time, but of course that is to be expected as AOL strips graphics on the way out to it's Internet gateway. But this looks like someone wrote their eMail usint Presto and I just can't decode it? Any ideas? Thanks, Steve Eyler --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail begin 000 PrestoMail M`0!CQSX/4&5R0,@!'=O M 2!T:')E M92!O'!E8W1E9"!A 2X@($)U="!T:&ES(&QO;VMS(&QI M:V4@ +CX^/CXO+R$"\O M("\@+B\?#^_P\N+Q\B`P+Q`_/B_3X?(_+RXO+N$"$2`_/QX?X.'AXO(1,#`O M/S`O'@_.S[^?@/@!@/8`@/8`@/8!@/@`P>$@48`(`(`*_H`*`']0,````%H6 M```&XB\O+R\1(/+RX^+3X^(N+4Q.3C[DTN/BXO$0+BY-75XN(-+"Q+7$T^," M````<\H```H0+Q`@(#\@#O#@T<'!TM+R,#`@$`_0X>#AXO(",3\```!TE``` M$7[B\0(O("\?+M/BTN/Q````>0D``!0*/Q\O/RXM+2T?_N'BX]3C\_$","`^ M'A_1`A`@+Q`!$0```)9J```4=^#@T-#`T`Y`7FY>;4TM'_#2P[6EI,3B`@`` M`)5=```4=Q\?+R_R\@```)[/```4"O$`%@0```(`%@0```(`"?T,D"'B#)"I M:@RPAOP,D(J\_1(2_0,2$A()_0R1`8"`#)$!FP`,L.(`#+#7`/T2$OT#(!!) M;G1E !`3$S::/#+*'!L`"8@`,D/8`#)$!EP`!8@%UQSX017AT M96YS:6]N16QE;65N=`(!=<(^"E)E<&QY4W1A;7`)``'$S:90#+*'`,%?"A(2 M%@@``$4`___7`!8(```````````6!%`($@#$S:8I#+*'!X`%^`RQ````$A(! M$@````$2``,2= From: Kevin Fredrick <Fredkr01@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 17:56:44 -0400
Subject: Untitled
[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on America Online.] Is there a way to add places too the world map?From: Richard Lewin <sonyboy@WORLD.STD.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 22:24:31 -0400
Subject: Presto problems
If this helps anyone, sometimes, if one of the 6 Presto! packages is packed up, ALL Presto! packages must then be packed up. Then they should be unpacked in the order given for initial installation. The initial installation order is, of course, critical. Richard (sonyboy)From: Johnny Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 23:27:16 -0400
Subject: prestomail
i will see you this week re: magicexchange
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