Magic Cap Users Mailing List

Wednesday October 09, 1996

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 05:31:06 -0700
Subject: Re: Infrared printing?

J. Eric Townsend writes:
> >Sorry, the MC communicators do not speak SIR, the HP Serial InfraRed
> Do these printers in question use SIR or IRDA?

As I understand it from the things I have read, the IRDA standard is based on
HPs SIR protocol. They may or may not be identical, but my money is on the two
being close enough to respond to each others hardware.

From: Josh Schrier <0schrier_j@SPCVXA.SPC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 09:15:53 -0400
Subject: Re: cool stuff

Here's a couple more ideas...

[6] Make the alarms ring at full volume (or some user-definable volume)
even when the user has sound turned off, i.e., even if I keep the sound
turned off, when the device wakes up to sound an alarm, it "beeps" at
full volume.

[3] A pen-based OCR scanner, similar to the ones they sell for Windows
and Mac laptops.  It's a fat little pen that you just run over the text
to get it scanned.  Have all the software built into the pen's own ROM,
and have it plug into the Magic-Port.  Open a book, run the pen over it,
and bingo, it's in the ML.

[4] Interchangeable modems/communication devices.  Have the modems "clip"
into the device.  Have different ones that are available...a land-line
modem, a cordless (RF-based) modem, a cellular modem, a two-way pager
type modem, ISDN, etc.  Make them hot-swappable.  Also, let the buyer pick
which one they want, when they buy it.  If someone wants cellular, let
them have cellular...if they want land-line, let them have land-line,
etc.  This also allows for modem upgrades.

[6] Two words - "Flash ROM"

Listening Sony?


From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:47:08 -0400
Subject: SRAM card

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


I was wondering, will leaving the SRAM card in your Sony ML drain the battery
in the card?

From: Kevin Fredrick <Fredkr01@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 11:03:21 -0400
Subject: Re: Trouble with mail retrieval for large messages.

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

> I was trying to send myself the CujoChat package
> this weekend, using uudecode and Preso!Mail.  The
> message downloaded just fine until the flood bar
> got to 100%, when my PIC froze and went into a
> forced cleanup.  I know have more than enough
> room to store this package, why can't I  get it?
> I tried sending it about three times.  All
> without success.

First you need to pack up uudecode. Then get the message. Next unpack the
package. Look at the message and go into the magic lamp menu. There will be a
button that says uudecode, tap on it.

From: Tommy Thorn <Tommy.Thorn@IRISA.FR>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 17:21:28 +0200
Subject: Microphone and other Qs on the PIC-1000

I finally received my PIC-1000 and are now looking for SRAM and Magic

One thing puzzles me, though.  When and how to I use the microphone?
I've found absolute no application that uses it.


From: Dan Free <dharma@ARI.NET>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 12:21:59 -0400
Subject: PrestoLinks! Bookmarks

Fellow Caps,

In true cart-before-the-horse fashion, I loaded PrestoMail! and PrestoLinks! on
my PIC-1000's 1meg SRAM.  Now I've got a 2meg Reboot card, and have installed
those apps on it.

Is there any easy way anyone knows to migrate all my Links! bookmarks from the
one card to the other?  I've guessed that they are found in the following
        Presto!Data, and

and have transfered each package from my One meg card to Main Memory, switched
cards, and then transfered the package from Main Memory to the 2meg card all to
no avail.  My last guess is that bookmarks are found in the Presto!Links
package, but that's too large for me to move onto main memory.  Before I go
backup Presto!Links to Magic Exchange, and then restore to the new card, can
anyone tell me with any certainty where the bookmarks are???  I'm tired of
waiting 4.5 minutes every time I switch a card...

Thanks again...

Dan Free

From: Josh Schrier <0schrier_j@SPCVXA.SPC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 12:35:29 -0400
Subject: Re: SRAM card

On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, Jacqueline Curry wrote:

> I was wondering, will leaving the SRAM card in your Sony ML drain the battery
> in the card?

SRAM, unlike Flash RAM needs to have battery power to retain the items
stored on it.  That is why SRAM cards have a battery built in that you
have to replace every year or so.  Leaving it in or leaving it out should
make very little difference in how long the battery lasts, becasue the
card is using it anyway.

Hope that helps

From: Steve Wolfson <wolfson@UCS.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 09:10:13 -0700
Subject: Keyboard

Does anyone know if the Keyboard is available in stock.
Sony and PDA direct were out.  I'm going to the Bay Area next week
when I'll need it so if GoodGuys or Fry's has one that would be ok.

-- Steve

From: "Paul R. Michals" <pmichals@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:40:38 -0700
Subject: Beaming info to/from Newton

Is there a software solution to transfer text files via the IRs of the
Newton and MagicLink?

Paul Michals

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 12:56:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Microphone and other Qs on the PIC-1000

Tommy Thorn wrote:
> I finally received my PIC-1000 and are now looking for SRAM and Magic
> Xchange.
> One thing puzzles me, though.  When and how to I use the microphone?
> I've found absolute no application that uses it.
> /Tommy


  The primary usage of the microphone is to record short sound clips.
This is accomplished by using the lips-and-cartoon-bubble stamp in the
stamper.  Just grab a copy of it and tap on it to bring up the
record/playback controls.  Then you can use the stamp in Email, or to
record notes to yourself, or (my favorite usage) grab sound bites from
your favorite TV show, movie or relative.

  In the PIC-2000, the microphone is also used as part of the
speakerphone, which is enabled when you dial someone from the telephone
or their name card.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 12:47:03 -0400
Subject: Re: SRAM card

Jacqueline Curry wrote:
> [This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
> America Online.]
> Dear MAGICCAP List,
> I was wondering, will leaving the SRAM card in your Sony ML drain the battery
> in the card?


  On the contrary, SRAM cards typically draw power from the host device
when installed, saving the SRAM's battery for times when its removed
from the device.  I'm not certain if the SRAM card receives power at all
times when in the unit, or only when the unit is turned on however.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: "Eric P. Carter" <ecarter@REMEDY.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:08:54 PDT
Subject: Re: Microphone and other Qs on the PIC-1000

Go to the Stamps GENERAL drawer.  Select the mouth stamp. Option tap the mouth stamp to record a 1,
2, or 5 second sound bite.  When you tap the stamp it will play the sound bite.

--- On Wed, 9 Oct 1996 17:21:28 +0200  Tommy Thorn  wrote:
I finally received my PIC-1000 and are now looking for SRAM and Magic

One thing puzzles me, though.  When and how to I use the microphone?
I've found absolute no application that uses it.


-----------------End of Original Message-----------------

Name: Eric P. Carter
E-mail: ecarter@mail2
Date: 10/9/96
Time: 10:08:54 AM

This message was sent by Chameleon

From: David Gillett <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:42:48 -0700
Subject: Re: SRAM card

On  9 Oct 96 at 12:47, Luke Derossi wrote:

> Jacqueline Curry wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering, will leaving the SRAM card in your Sony ML drain the battery
> > in the card?
>   On the contrary, SRAM cards typically draw power from the host device
> when installed, saving the SRAM's battery for times when its removed
> from the device.  I'm not certain if the SRAM card receives power at all
> times when in the unit, or only when the unit is turned on however.

  I hadn't really intended to put this to the experiment, but I
accidentally installed my SRAM card originally without a battery in
it.  The ML did not notice this until, after a month or so, I had put
about 100K of stuff on the card.  I was able to install the battery
without removing the card from the ML, and never lost anything.
  I conclude that as long as the card is in the ML, it will get power
from the ML, even when the ML is turned off.  [But perhaps only if it
is not getting (enough) power from the card battery.]

Dave Gillett
General Magic DTS

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 10:30:57 -0700
Subject: Re: RFI & WTB: Magic Xchange for Windows

Tommy Thorn writes:
> > Yeah, it would have been great if it had been bundled. As for paying
> > $99.95, I got it for $35.00 at PC Zone.
> Hi!  Do you know if this was an exceptional
> offer?  Being an European,
> I'd prefer to order by mail, do you happen to
> know if PC Zone can be
> contacted via mail?
> Thanks in advance,
>   Tommy

PCZone(aka MacZone);
International Orders:
Voice 1-206-603-2570
Fax    1-206-603-2550

Snail Mail: 15815 S.E 37th St.  Bellevue,WA  98006-1800

Compuserve: GO MZ

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 14:07:09 -0400
Subject: Re: PrestoLinks! Bookmarks

Dan Free wrote:
> Fellow Caps,
> In true cart-before-the-horse fashion, I loaded PrestoMail! and PrestoLinks! on
> my PIC-1000's 1meg SRAM.  Now I've got a 2meg Reboot card, and have installed
> those apps on it.
> Is there any easy way anyone knows to migrate all my Links! bookmarks from the
> one card to the other?  I've guessed that they are found in the following
> packages:
>         Presto!PPP
>         Presto!Data, and
>         InternetSetup
> and have transfered each package from my One meg card to Main Memory, switched
> cards, and then transfered the package from Main Memory to the 2meg card all to
> no avail.  My last guess is that bookmarks are found in the Presto!Links
> package, but that's too large for me to move onto main memory.  Before I go
> backup Presto!Links to Magic Exchange, and then restore to the new card, can
> anyone tell me with any certainty where the bookmarks are???  I'm tired of
> waiting 4.5 minutes every time I switch a card...
> Thanks again...
> Dan Free


  You are correct, the bookmarks are kept in the Presto!Links package
itself.  Here's a long shot suggestion; open the marks page, and drag
all your bookmarks to the tote bag.  Go to the desk and start a new
message addressed to yourself.  Drag all the WWW bookmarks to the
message and mail it.  Then put the 2MB card in and make sure the
Presto!Links package on it is unpacked and working.  Then retrieve your
own mail and (hopefully) all your old bookmarks.  Let us know how it
works! :)


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 14:09:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Beaming info to/from Newton

Paul R. Michals wrote:
> Is there a software solution to transfer text files via the IRs of the
> Newton and MagicLink?
> Paul Michals


  There is no such functionality at this time.  The IR protocols used by
the two devices are vastly different, and unfortunately incompatible.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Dan Free <dharma@ARI.NET>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 14:23:13 -0400
Subject: Bookmarks

No need to respond to my earlier query concerning bookmarks in PrestoLinks!,
folks, they're in the PrestoLinks package, as I suspected...

Dan Free

From: "Tim J. Clevenger" <TClevenger@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 15:31:53 -0400
Subject: Re: Keyboard

Fry's generally has them in stock, but make sure that you ask around.  75% of
the employees don't even know what a Magic Link _is_, much less where the
accessories for them are.



From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:14:36 -0400
Subject: Beaming info to/from Newton

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


I asked Sony about the transfering of files from ML to Newton, but was told
that that development wqsn't in the cards right now.  I wish they did.

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:14:55 -0400
Subject: Microphone and other Qs on the PIC-1000

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


You can record messages (about a few seconds long each) into the ML.  The
drawback is that it takes mondo memory to keep it, and I can guess that it
takes awhile to send it to another ML

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:14:22 -0400
Subject: Re: SRAM card

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


So, when you have to replace the battery, what happens to the things saved on
it?  Will it be saved, say a few minutes while you change batteries?  Also,
can you get these batteries anywhere?

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:41:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Keyboard

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


You are so right, about the lack of ML accessories at stores.  I called and
got a list of stores near me (L.I. NewYork) and at each of them, there was
only a ML and maybe a keyboard.  Some of the workers there gave you that
'deer caught in the headlights' stare when you inquired about the ML.

From: Luke Derossi <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 20:22:59 -0400
Subject: Re: SRAM card

Jacqueline Curry wrote:
> [This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
> America Online.]
> Dear MAGICCAP List,
> So, when you have to replace the battery, what happens to the things saved on
> it?  Will it be saved, say a few minutes while you change batteries?  Also,
> can you get these batteries anywhere?


  If you keep the SRAM card in the unit while changing the battery,
you'll be fine.  The batteries are typically 3v lithium button cells,
available at any Radio Shack or similar store.  They're usually CR2032,
CR2025 or CR2015 types.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Curt Steindler <Steindler@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 20:32:46 -0400
Subject: Need CujoChat Help

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

I am having a spot of trouble with CujoChat.

I keep getting the message:

     DNS Lookup failed. Check your remote host name.

First of all, what does this mean? I have checked the DNS I am connecting
with and it seems to work. (The host I am using is '' and mIRC
connects just fine. I hve even gotten unto the magic-cap channel with no

How can I fix this? Must I use another host? Could the problem be that my ISP
isn't using the program that would prevent the tilde from being used on my

Any help would be appreciated.

Curt Steindler

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:38:55 -0400
Subject: Modems

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


Is there any way to use an external/pcmcia modem with the PIC1000?  Any
outside programs that would allow this?

From: Tony SJ <san17@MARS.SUPERLINK.NET>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:33:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Keyboard

Jacqueline Curry wrote:
> [This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
> America Online.]
> Dear MAGICCAP List,
> You are so right, about the lack of ML accessories at stores.  I called and
> got a list of stores near me (L.I. NewYork) and at each of them, there was
> only a ML and maybe a keyboard.  Some of the workers there gave you that
> 'deer caught in the headlights' stare when you inquired about the ML.

stop by computer city

From: Tony SJ <san17@MARS.SUPERLINK.NET>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:39:55 -0400
Subject: Nimble? Outfitters Direct

Is Nimble Defunct? I just sent out my credit card # via
Outfitters Direct. It registered and took me in, but no
new catalog.  Am i in deep doodoo?

From: Jacqueline Curry <Live4Words@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:58:04 -0400
Subject: Untitled

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


 You are so right, about the lack of ML accessories at stores.  I called and
> got a list of stores near me (L.I. NewYork) and at each of them, there was
> only a ML and maybe a keyboard.  Some of the workers there gave you that
> 'deer caught in the headlights' stare when you inquired about the ML.

stop by computer city

I did, and the selection they had was pretty much the same: a ML and the

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 20:46:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Trouble with mail retrieval for large messages.

Poster:       Matthew Richardson 
> I was trying to send myself the CujoChat package this weekend, using
> uudecode and Preso!Mail.  The message downloaded just fine until the flood
> bar got to 100%, when my PIC froze and went into a forced cleanup.  I know
> have more than enough room to store this package, why can't I  get it?  I
> tried sending it about three times.  All without success.

Magic Cap has had trouble with large text messages since it arrived. I was
never able to get text messages larger then about 60k bytes onto a
pic-1000. The 1.0f patch for the pic-1000 permits larger messages
sometimes. For some reason it stops working after a while. The envoy 100
can't get messages larger then about 40k bytes. Sadly the pic-2000 with its
larger memory can't seem to reliably accept large text messages either.

The presto! folks said that presto!mail won't accept very large text
messages either. I don't recall the limit and have never sat down to figure
it out.

What I have down to get text messages that almost download like what is
happening to you is:

remove as many things from the storage shelves as you can. If you can't
back them up then you will have to remail them. You can try mailing the
packages to yourself via presto!mail and leaving them on the server until
you download cujochat. The less things you have in main memory *or* on your
pc card the more room you will have to download. You could try packing
things up first. If you have a second pc card, then it may be easier. Good

Greg Satz

From: John Jerney <jerney@VOLKSWARE.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 01:54:24 -0400
Subject: mobilis October Issue Available (free)

The October issue of "mobilis: the mobile computing lifestyle=20
magazine" is now available. mobilis is a free monthly=20
magazine available exclusively on the web in its entirety=20
featuring interviews, tutorials, reviews, and opinion=20
concerning all aspects of PDAs, wireless communication, and=20
mobile peripherals.

The URL is:
mobilis: the mobile computing lifestyle magazine  =20

!!! H I G H L I G H T !!!
Win Free Software Including:
         InkWriter for Magic Cap
         FreeStyle for Newton
         HP OmniGo 100 Connectivity Pack
         PrestoMail! for Magic Cap
         QuickPrint for Magic Cap
         Ragout for Newton
         ViewFrame for Newton

The table of contents for the October issue is:

- To CE or Not to CE
     A Japanese Perspective on Microsoft Windows CE
     by Matsushita Shuji
- Mobile Insider
     A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Mobile Industry
     by Nigel Ballard
- Newton SpotLight
     The Latest and Greatest from NewtNews
     by Steve Holden
- Mobile Experiences
     Should You Take Your PDA on Your Family Vacation?
     by Bob Gourley
- The mobilist Survey
     A completely reader-driven survey
     by mobilis Readers
- Steve Mann's Developer Corner
     Returns Next Month=85
     by Steve Mann

Platform Watch
- Snow Boarding with NetHopper 2.1
     Apple Newton MessagePad
     by John Schettino
- Reintroducing the Hewlett Packard 200LX Palmtop Computer
     Hewlett-Packard HP LX Series
     by Conrad Cox
- Speaking With: Palm Computing's Jeff Hawkins
     US Robotics Pilot
     by Scott Andress
- Shareware Emporium
     Software Preview
     by Shareware Authors from Around the World

What's New?
- Mobile Watch (hardware, software, communication)
     - HP Updates Screen Technology with New OmniGo 120
     - Microsoft Windows CE - Will Users WIN CE?
     - Psion Teams with Oracle to Provide Mobile Agents
- Ask Ms. PDA ?!?=20
    (questions and answers about mobile computing)
- Mobile User Groups

- Editorial Viewpoint
     Important Lessons for Windows CE
     by the Editor, John Jerney
- Perspectives
     Welcome Microsoft, Really!?
     by Conrad H. Blickenstorfer

Top Ten Past Articles
- Trekking Through Tokyo's Akihabara Electric Town
- Exploring US Robotics' Pilot
- Speaking With...Apple Computer's Steve Capps
- mobilis Reader's Interview with General Magic's Jim White
- Apple Newton MessagePad 130
- Introducing the Newton 2.0 Operating System
- Something to DRAW On... (Psion)
- Hewlett-Packard OmniGo 100
- Introducing Sony's Magic Link PIC-2000
- mobilis Reader's Choice Awards

- Highlights in this issue
- Mailbag - Letters from our readers
- mobilis Jargon Index
- About mobilis
- Guide to Advertisers
- Next issue of mobilis
- mobilis Electronic Mailing Lists
- Interested in writing for mobilis?

Please feel free to contact me for any additional=20

John Jerney
mobilis: the mobile computing lifestyle magazine

From: Peter Merel <pete@ZIP.COM.AU>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 16:22:12 +1000
Subject: Presto Faxing

I recently had occasion to fax a web page to a client; of course my
first resort was my trusty ML-2k, but I figured that, to be on the safe
side, I'd try faxing it to a local machine first. I loaded the page into
presto links, hit the magic lantern, pressed fax and waited expectantly;
no good.  All it did was produce a wee little notebook page containing
the first 4 lines of the web page.

So I had a think, and I tried this: I dragged the web page into the tote
bag, created a new (fax) letter, and dragged the page from the tote bag
onto the letter. Then I dropped the letter into the outbox and sat back
with bated breath. Hooray! The page did indeed get faxed, but when it came
out of the machine it was formatted as per standard presto links format -
ie. too skinny for an A4 page and no page breaks.

So, thinks I, this looks like a job for the stretch tool. But, no matter how I
pressed, pulled and twiddled, I couldn't stretch the web page. I know it's a
lot to ask, and really I was amazed when the second idea worked, but I wonder
if this could be made easier in the next presto links?

And, while I'm wishing, it would be really nice if the next presto links
would read a local html file. And if presto links would offer to show
you the html source.  And if magic cap had scrollbars instead of those
dopey scroll buttons (like, how do you scroll horizontally?).  And ...
And ...

Just btw, this trick had my newton-accoutred friend salivating with envy.
Another one that stonkered him was when I copied a naughty gif off a web page
and installed it in my hallway picture. Now if only I could make a copy of the
hallway picure to hang some other places ... and ... and ...

I absolutely LOVE my ML-2k.

Peter Merel.

Mailing Lists MagicCap List