Magic Cap Users Mailing List

Sunday October 06, 1996

From: Mark Marshall <maxnight@MHV.NET>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 02:55:24 -0400

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@CSN.NET>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 01:00:19 -0600
Subject: Re: CujoChat w/o PAP

Hi guys,

Robert Kantor writes:
> You can easily setup your login script in
> CujoChat.  I just discovered tonight that if
> either part of the script does not fit in the
> alotted space just make a coupon of it any place
> it over the space.  It then nicely fits and
> works.  I had to do that with ATT Worldnet who is
> my ISP.

Please excuse me if this sounds a little unintelligable, but, huh? what?  What
space are you talking about?  The script I have includes "expect" and "send"
commands.  How does your method handle these?

Kevin Fries

From: John Beechler <vegasj@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 03:59:30 -0700
Subject: FAQ for PIC2000

Dear Magic,

I know there is a web site of FAQ to help PIC1000 users who move up to a
PIC2000, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone know the URL.

Thanks in advance
John in Vegas

From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 01:44:29 -1000
Subject: Re: FAQ for PIC2000

On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, John Beechler wrote:

> Dear Magic,
> I know there is a web site of FAQ to help PIC1000 users who move up to a
> PIC2000, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone know the URL.
> Thanks in advance
> John in Vegas

go to its at:


From: Shawn Jipp <sjipp@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 08:45:51 -0700
Subject: BAMCUG #4

                      THE BAMCUG#4 MEETING
                  Copyright 1996 by Shawn Jipp

The meeting was held on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 PM.  Seven
GM Magicians attended, 2 people from Sony New Technologies in
Monterey, and 7 of us common folks (i.e. customers).

The meeting started off with a surprise as Al Salerno had loaned
me his notebook and I slid it back across the large table after I
had torn a piece of paper from it.  The pad hit a bottle of
mineral water sitting on the table (GM had once again fed us
pizza and sodas).  The bottle fell over pouring it's contents all
over the table.  Luckily it missed soaking the high tech (and
expensive) speaker phone that was on the table laying just next
to it.

Brenda Holloway from Sony New technologies was the guest speaker.
She described and demonstrated most all of the applications and
games that she has written for the Magic Cap platform.  We also
found out that Brenda's WEBFOOT program is currently being
'productized' by General Magic.   It was further revealed that
Brenda is working on a future version of Presto! Links/Mail as
Sony New Technologies is under contract by General Magic to
improve this software.  I was happy to learn that an even better
version will one day arrive into our hot little hands.

Brenda also showed a pre-release of "Scriptorium" (I don't know
about that name!) which takes HTML files from certain WEB pages
and makes neat little books using the notebook format.

Mark announced that there will be a developers conference
December 4-6, 1996 at the Westin Hotel in Santa Clara.  He said
anyone could attend.  The only thing keeping me from going is
that the registration costs at least a couple of hundred dollars!

We learned that the new CEO that has come to General Magic from
Novell is an engineer (some magicians even called him a 'rocket
scientist'!).  He is not from a marketing or sales background but
is indeed from a technical background.  The hope is that he will
be able to help General Magic sell their technologies for a

During the question and answers segment I complained that since
installing the Ricochet modem, Presto! Mail would leave all of
the messages on the server and not remove them after I download
(read) them.  It also would bypass certain messages saying that
it was doing this 'per the rules that I had selected'.  Mike
Matrix quickly responded that the default rule was to leave
messages on the server and that the default settings were to
bypass any message bigger than 10K.  Jon Heinz then responded
that it was in the manual or else he would not have been able to
figure it out.  I admit it has been awhile since I read the
manual.  Mike went on to explain that I need to drop a rules
stamp onto the ISP setup and change them.  I asked for a future
version of Presto! Mail to change the default settings to remove
mail from server and allow larger mail to be downloaded.  On
second thought, I see no reason why when one is setting up a new
ISP in the Presto! Diner it should not put the rules stamp onto
the page automatically.  At least it should be more obvious.

Sue Ann Pratt took down my suggestions.  She is the marketing
manager for the Presto! products.  If you agree (or disagree)
with my suggestions, or have those of your own, send them to her

General Magic T-shirts were distributed by Mark Harlan.  Since
there wasn't one small enough for my 9 year old son, a General
Magic Cap was substituted.

During the meeting I used a Ricochet modem and Presto! Links to
find a WEB site that had the actual time of the lunar eclipse
since several of us had heard conflicting times mentioned by the
media.  At 8:15PM we took an 'eclipse break' to wonder out behind
the General Magic building to view the lunar eclipse.  I had
brought my binoculars but viewing it with the naked eye was just
as good in my opinion.

The latest General Magic press release was concerning the Magic
Internet Developers Kit that had shipped 2 weeks earlier.  This
was created by Josh Carter and is available free for downloading
on the General Magic WEB site.

I then began to ask the usual blunt and unanswerable questions
such as:  "Are there any companies that will be releasing a PDA
based on Magic Cap V2.0?"  Mark cringed as usual and I assured
him that I had only a few more questions.  I got the usual "We
can't comment on that."  At least I tried.

At the end of the meeting Josh announced and demonstrated his
latest creation called "CujoChat."  If I may briefly talk like
one who is much younger than I, THIS PROGRAM IS AWESOME AND
TOTALLY COOL!  Imagine being able to log into an IRC channel
(like a chat room on AOL) and type to others from around the
world. in nearly real-time.  If you do not know anything about
IRQ then go onto the Internet and perform a few searches on IRQ.
Read the FAQ on IRQ.  Coupled with a Ricochet wireless modem
(currently available only in the S.F. Bay Area and Seattle) one
can take their communication ability to new places (literally).
I hope to write about the experience in a Bay Area Microtimes
Magazine article in a few months.

Josh gave two of us the CujoChat program.  I assumed that he had
put it onto the GM WEB site for downloading or would the next day
since this was a Thursday night.  I of course then sent out a
message to the Magic Cap mail list telling everybody why they
should download this freeware program.  The next day I was
barraged with email from people that could not find the program
and needed the URL.  These messages were forwarded  to Josh.  I
found out that he had not yet put the program on their server as
he wanted to write the documentation first before releasing the
product.  I apologized to everyone on the mail list for the
mistake and the program has since been released so go get it!

As a side-note, I have also since downloaded a program for the PC
called "mIRQ."  It is a shareware program from an author in
London, England.  It is a full featured chat program that runs
under Windows 3.11 or Win95.  It also works great.

Josh plans to host the next BAMCUG meeting live using a MAC and
an IRC  chat program.  This will allow all Magic Cap users
worldwide to participate in the meeting at least in spirit,  if
not in body.  You too can now telecommute to the meeting.  More
on this later.

The next BAMCUG meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24th,
at General Magic, which is located at 420 N. Mary Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA at 7:00 PM sharp. The meeting will be simulcast on
IRQ channel #MAGIC-CAP.  The guest speaker will be Neil Byrne
from Metricom of Los Gatos, California.  Neil will be
demonstrating the Ricochet wireless modem, telling us how EXACTLY
it works, where next in the country that it will be available,
and what it costs.

See you then.
///////Shawn Jipp
Work=(408)746-1600 X109

From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 11:03:56 -1000
Subject: easter eggs?

Anyone have a list of easter eggs for Magic Link 1000 and 2000?

would like to see them!


From: Kevin Fredrick <Fredkr01@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 17:43:01 -0400
Subject: Re: easter eggs?

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

> Anyone have a list of easter eggs for Magic Link
> 1000 and 2000?

If you put cupon with "parade" on the street, something
will happen.  This works on mc 1.5 in the pic 2k.

From: Curt Steindler <Steindler@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 18:42:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Magic Cap devices

OK, I know when I'm licked.

As many people have pointed out on this list, the Sony device does not
contain any easy way to upgrade and have lamented this lack. I disagreed
stating that the best way to upgrade would be to have the next version so
cheap you would have to be a fool NOT to upgrade.

Then Wayne Sanderson pointed out that Motorola had a good solution to the
upgrade problem which was to load the OS and ROM packeges into internal flash
ROM. He also pointed out that the Envoy also has an upgradable screen.

This seems, in fact, to be an eminantly practicable solution. I don't think
that it is the best solution, still thinking that aside from the screen, OS,
internal ROM and modem, what really is in a MC device. However, I still think
that from a marketing point of view, the real competition for a MC device is
a cheap laptop. They must continue to offer more for less than a 2nd or 3rd
generation laptop. Simply put, the Newton and other wallet sized PDAs are not
in the same class as MC devices (perhaps causing some of Sony's and
Motorola's problems since they really don't know what they have; an
inexpensive net-surfing computer which is easier to use and cheaper than a
computer.) The MC technology must be made very, very inexpensive to win that

I still point out that a major lack in the Envoy is the 2400 baud modem. Now,
if the modem were also upgradable. . . (Anyone else thinking that the
simplest solution is to bundle a fast PCMCIA modem with the devices along
with an additional PCMCIA slot? That way the development costs for the modems
could be passed along to 3rd party manufacturers. Just a thought.)

As to Zalman's statement that I put a religious slant on his position, I
plead guilty. Sorry, that is what it sounded like to me. The comparisons with
that other device were flying fast a furiously. If I was wrong, I apologize.
(However, I do not apologize for any other comments made about the Newton.
Let's face it, the damn thing is impossible to understand and too hard to
learn, the screen is too small, and I hate the interface-pah, pens. Don't you
know that this is why God invented keyboards? :> )

I do have a great respect for Zalman; he has a tremendous insight into the
way PDAs fit into the marketplace. (Even when I don't agree with him.)
However, let's not hear anymore about Magic Cap being dead. It has not yet
begun to realize what it can really do!

Curt Steindler

P.S. And to those who complain that there are not enough applications for MC
devices, claiming that what is available is shareware--what is your beef!

Yes, let's pay big bucks for software that doesn't work rather than being
able to try before you buy. That is a great idea!

I suggest you check out that shareware before you complain. Much of it is
very useful and powerful stuff. And if you need a new application (such as a
financial app, or jewish holidays, for instance) just ASK on this list. Some
good person here will have some ideas. CS

From: Will Stillwell <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 19:09:10 -0700
Subject: Help... Presto Mail/Link & Ricochet

Has anybody got this combo working?  I just got Presto this weekend and
installed it fine, but when I try to connect I get a "No Phone Line
Connected" Message.  How do I make it work with an external modem?
Presto has a provider card for Ricochet so I thought it would do the
redirecting for me.. Is there something else I need to make this work?
The guy that took my order at GM said it should work without a


From: Will Stillwell <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 18:55:37 -0700
Subject: Help..... Presto Mail / Ricochet

Anybody have experience making this work?  I just got Presto this
weekend, and I'm trying to get it to work, but it gives me the message
"No Phone Line connected".  What do I need to do to get it to use the
external modem instead of the phone jack?


From: Johnny Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 22:26:29 -0400
Subject: Re: magic helpers in nyc

my prestomail package arrived, but I have a favor to ask of any good souls in
new york city. does anyone  have magicexchange that I could borrow to install
my presto mail stuff? I willl come to you and alll help would be compensated
( a drink, a bit of good cheer, etc)

thanks in advance

From: Dan Hanttula <DarkDan@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 00:32:19 -0400
Subject: Re: easter eggs?

There's a complete list of Magic Cap Easter Eggs in this month's issue of Pen
Computing Magazine.

Actually, in all fairness, they are hints on how to find the eggs...

A complete list of Eggs, and a stop-by-step set of instructions on how to see
them will be in the Magic Mirror section of PCM's Magic Cap web site
 by the end of this week.


Magic Cap Gnostic (for Pen Computing Magazine)
& Marketing Wizard (for HomeRun Advertising)

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