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Tuesday September 17, 1996

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 23:46:14 -0700
Subject: Wayne's Post

David Devaney, Jr. writes:
> Regarding the BUG question.  What changed from
> Scott to Magic?
> David Devaney, Jr.

I wrote a reply to Scott's post, mentioning him by name, and then I changed
the addressee. When I changed the addressee to Magic Cap Discussion List, it
changed my mention of Scott's name to Magic. Try it yourself. Draft a reply to
any piece of mail, mentioning the first name of the listed sender, then change
the addressee after you finish the message. Even writing just the first name
alone on the reply message works: change addressees and the name changes to
that of the new addressee.

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 05:01:09 -0400

Wayne Sanderson wrote:
> > I think that you Magic, with your ISP admin
> > responsibilities, will probably
> > flip when you get your hands on this one.
> Check this out. This was my reply to a list posting by Scott Yoshinaga, using
> a reply telecard. When you receive list postings from the list with
> Presto!Mail, they appear with the original poster's name in the from field,
> and this is who it attempts to reply to. I usually readdress the telecard to
> the discussion list. This time, I happened to include Scott in the reply, and
> when I changed addresses, it changed Scott to magic! BUG!


  Did you by chance 're-use' the recipient's name from Magic's 'Dear
Scott' or similar?  Like, delete the Word 'Dear' and replace it with 'I
think that you' and then continue the letter after the word Scott?  I'm
just curious, but it sounds like the name was being generated by the
stationary's /name/ field instead of hard-coded.  The /name/ field will
change with the designated recipient(s) of the letter.  Otherwise if you
manually typed 'Scott', then something's trying to be overly helpful...
I think I'm gonna do some experimentation here... :)


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 04:56:23 -0400
Subject: Re: help

Athanasios Athanasiades wrote:
> Dear MagicCap,
> I let my nephew play with my pic2000 and he somehow managed to remove all
> stamps  from my personal namecard (I think he started the 'Getting Started'
> program, but I don't know what he did after that). Anyway, my namecard is
> empty now, and it won't let me add new stamps to it (once I finish providing
> the information on a new stamp, it just disappears).
> I don't know if it is relevant, but I am using the Bastille program to hide PL
> references.
> Any suggestions? I remember someone once wrote about not being able to change
> the info on their own namecard.
> Athanasios


  Is there possibly something 'covering' the area where the stamps would
normally appear, like a text field object (creatable through the tool
cup)?  You can do a test to see if the card is really barren by going
into a new postcard from the desk scene, selecting your own name, and
see if it offers you your known ways to send.

  Otherwise, try going into the storeroom, tapping the Magic Lamp, and
then option-tapping the 'Suggest Items' button to initiate an automatic
memory clean up, then take a look at your card.

  By the way, are all other namecards behaving normally?

  Hope this helps!  Let me know what happens.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 05:27:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Where to get cool demos

Josh Schrier wrote:
> You don't hear a lot about Magic Cap software.  Where can I pick up some
> neat demos on the web?  Also, how about shareware and freeware...the
> Spies archive hasn't changed anyone writing Magic Cap software
> these days?
> Talk soon
> --Josh


  The very latest goodies have yet to be added to Spies, but will be
eventually I'm sure.  Other great sources are CompuServe (GO MAGIC), AOL
(Keyword: GENERAL MAGIC), and of course the web sites of the owners of
packages, like the recently announced bookreader/compression package
(  Also, Brenda Holloway's page
( is choc full of goodies for your
communicator.  Finally, you might want to check some of the
user-maintained Magic sites, which either have packages or at least
links to even more sites that might.  A good starting point is DarkDan's
Domain (

  I for one am just getting started doing some freeware stuff; I have
three active projects in the works right now, all at different stages of
completion (the first should be done within the next week if all goes
well).  I hope to have quite a few neat things done and released over
the next two months.

  Also, I'd like to stir up some interest in a 'community effort'
package over on the magicdev list.  Something new and seasoned
programmers alike can contribute to, mostly to learn and share concepts
and ideas.  I think it would be a lot of fun. :)


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Karen H <MindFire@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:28:42 -0400
Subject: 1.0f patch

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> I am interested in knowing  the approximate
> number of Magic Link ( 1000
> + 2000) users  or buyers? Can someone  give me
> some infomation about
> this  ?

Gee, I dunno, let's count them....


Okay, seriously, I have a question.  I have pulled the batteries on my
PIC1000 and re-initialized without PLink.  Prior to the demise of PLink, I
had requested the 1.0f patch and filed the email from Sony in a package.

Now, when I move the package to main memory and try to open the email, it
goes into cleanup.  Should this have worked?  How can I get the silly patch

Karen H
(Happiness is a PIC1000 with 300k main memory free and a 2 meg ram card for
$79 from Reboot, and Presto!  (which I finally received yesterday).  Now I
just have to get ATT Worldnet set up..... )

P.S. Did anyone go to the PDA conference last week in Chicago?  How was it?

From: Alan Latteri <alatt@POBOX.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 07:56:12 -0000
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch

>2 meg ram card for
>$79 from Reboot,

Where to get this?


From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 08:04:46 -0700
Subject: Re: Wayne's post

Luke Derossi writes:
> Otherwise if you
> manually typed 'Scott', then something's trying
> to be overly helpful...
> I think I'm gonna do some experimentation here...
> :)

The above is the case. When I use the reply function in the in box, I get an
automatic greeting at the top: Dear'whoever'. I automatically erase this and
then type my own message. Maybe erasing the greeting with the addressee's name
in it confuses the device. It is told to change addressees, can't find the
greeting, and changes the next mention of the addressee's name to the new
name. Possible?

From: Ted Sullivan <tsullivan@SNOWYMTN.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 08:23:08 -0700
Subject: Re: has this been your experience....

But I am in Canada... and I cannot dial those nifty 1-800 numbers so I
will be needing the Direct Dial Number.

By the way, this comment while not directed specifically at Motorola
goes for Web Pages also. There is no value to a non US resident if the
phone number does not work world wide when you Advertise PDA Stuff on
the Net. Your customers [ read the 4.6 billion people that do not live
in the US ] cannot call you so we go somewhere else we can call.


>From:  Rick Tasher (via RadioMail)[SMTP:palpha6@RADIOMAIL.NET]
>Sent:  Monday, September 16, 1996 9:19 PM
>To:    Magic Cap Mail List
>Subject:       Re: has this been your experience....
>Mon., Sept. 16, 1996 11:12 p.m.
>Paul Linhardt writes:
>> Magic Xchange is used to downloading software to the PIC as well as
>> transfering certain types of data.  Try ordering from Sony Gallery above.
>> If they are out of stock I heard that Motorola has it in inventory.  I
>> think the Motorola number in the USA is 1-800-4WIRELESS.  If you check
>> Motorola link on our web page in the section "Magic on the Web" section
>> should give more current contact information.  My understanding is that
>> Motorola version of Magic Xchange works fine on the Magic Link.  You
>> call IntelliLink to confirm.  Their contact information should be on our
>> web page under "Sources of Magic Cap software".
>Paul, as usual, is right on the money.  Except for the phone number.
>Motorola does have Magic Exchange in stock and you can call 1-800-WDGISA1
>to get it.
>Rick Tasher
>Motorola WDG

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:07:30 -0700
Subject: Re: 1.0f patch

Karen H writes:
> Now, when I move the package to main memory and
> try to open the email, it
> goes into cleanup.  Should this have worked?  How
> can I get the silly patch
> now?

Get Eternity v1.3. It installs the patch automatically when you rez-erect.
It's good for saving other things than the now useless PLink info. It makes
setting back up after cold boot quite a bit easier. Cold boot, hit rez-erect,
then go make coffee or a sandwich and by the time you are done, it's ready.
Just create a phone setup, correct the date and time, and set your power and
security preferences, and you are off. Plus if you do a save-your just before
you pull the batteries, you will have the correct date and year, and need only
set time zone and the correct time.

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:07:46 -0700

This is to all of you Envoy users out there that have the first model and upgraded to MC v1.5. How is the memory compared to the 1.0 OS? Do you still get
frequent cleanups, etc? With 1-2 megs of SRAM in the PCMCIA slots, can you now
download 100k+ packages, or is the main memory still a dog just like the
I am curious to see whether the original Envoy, when upgraded to MC v2.0 and
equipped with 2megs of SRAM, is just as capable a device as the Envoy 150, or
whether the main memory is still inadequate for processing large packages and
messages. MC v1.5 has been said to change and make more efficient the process
of system memory usage and allocation. If the device, after the OS upgrade, is
just as capable in all functional respects as the PIC2000, with the exception
of memory, and if the addition of SRAM brings it up to a par with the PIC2000,
I might look into buying one on clearance. Springing for the OS and screen
upgrade on a reasonably priced Envoy might be cheaper than buying the 150.

From: Athanasios Athanasiades <athan@RUF.RICE.EDU>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 12:11:27 -0500
Subject: Re: help

> Athanasios Athanasiades wrote:
> >
> > Dear MagicCap,
> >
> > I let my nephew play with my pic2000 and he somehow managed to remove all
> > stamps  from my personal namecard (I think he started the 'Getting Started'
> > program, but I don't know what he did after that). Anyway, my namecard is
> > empty now, and it won't let me add new stamps to it (once I finish providing
> > the information on a new stamp, it just disappears).
> >
> > I don't know if it is relevant, but I am using the Bastille program to hide
> PL
> > references.
> >
> > Any suggestions? I remember someone once wrote about not being able to
> change
> > the info on their own namecard.
> >
> > Athanasios
>   Athanasios,
>   Is there possibly something 'covering' the area where the stamps would
> normally appear, like a text field object (creatable through the tool
> cup)?  You can do a test to see if the card is really barren by going
> into a new postcard from the desk scene, selecting your own name, and
> see if it offers you your known ways to send.
>   Otherwise, try going into the storeroom, tapping the Magic Lamp, and
> then option-tapping the 'Suggest Items' button to initiate an automatic
> memory clean up, then take a look at your card.
>   By the way, are all other namecards behaving normally?
>   Hope this helps!  Let me know what happens.
> Regards,
> Luke Derossi
>  for
>   General Magic, Inc.


I have tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. When I create a
letter to send to myself the mail stamp reads "add way to send". When I
tap on it, it allows me to  enter an Internet address but when I tap
"Done" it takes me back to "add way to send".

The namecard is empty for sure because it reads "add stamps from the drawer,
 etc". What I don't understand is why it does not let me edit it.

I have also tried dragging a stamp into my name card from somewhere else,
but it disappears as soon as I let it go on the namecard. The cleanup you
suggested didn't work either. By the way, all other namecards work fine.

Is there anything else I should try, or do I have to pull the batteries
(as Sony support suggested)  ?


From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:23:45 -0700
Subject: Re: has this been your experience....

Ted Sullivan writes:
>I will try the Chicago Sony Store [ probably cannot reach the New York
>one's 1-800 number for here ] when I purchase software & other options

>>From:  Paul Linhardt[SMTP:plin@SONYSOFT.COM]
>>Sony's Magic Link fulfillment does not sell "overseas".  However, Sony
>>Gallery in New York (which is a showcase retail outlet) does.  You can call
>>1-800-833-8800 or fax to 212/833-8808.  There is also a Sony Style in
>>Chicago at 312/943-3334.

Oops.  Correction: the New York Sony Style number is NOT an 800#.  It
should be 212/833-8800.


Also, you might try Jaydee Camera in NY at 212/759-6610.  I don't know if
they do mail order, but they are very helpful with Magic Link sales.

Sony New Technologies

From: Joel Skelton <skeltonj@ICE.NCR.DOE.CA>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 18:08:41 GMT
Subject: CujoDeath

I've heard many good words about CujoTerm here on the mailing
list but I haven't heard anyone mention any major problems. Whenever
I hit CujoTerm's disconnect button my PIC-1000 goes into the
"Cleaning Up..." mode and then it gives me the "Your communicator
has just experienced an error..." or something like that. Is it
just me? Am I holding the pen wrong?


From: Justin Martin Anderson <janderso@MNSINC.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 19:48:57 GMT
Subject: Bookreader problem, sort of.

Okay, so I see this new spiffy Bookreader program from Algorithmic
Associates or whatever their name is.  I download it, install it, and
put on Shakespeare's tragedies.  Ugh.  Don't get me wrong, nothing
wrong with the program, I'll just stick to my Folger editions of
Shakespeare, thank you very much.  So I decide to put on the Sherlock
Holmes package.  Oy!  If only it were that easy.  First I try to put
this ~1M package on my 2M card.  It finishes downloading the whole
thing from my Windows95 box and then says there was an error
downloading it.  But my meg is missing from the memory card.  Okay, I
force a cleanup and get it back.  Repeat process in case of momentary
unfavorable planetary conjunction.  No dice.

Okay, I figure, maybe I can put it in Built-in storage (I've got a
PIC-2000 with about 1.4M free there).  Same thing happens.  Only this
time, when I force a cleanup, I don't get my meg back.  And my
miscellaneous package is 1186(!)K and I have 120K free.  This is
rarely a good sign.  Any ideas how I can get this package into my
machine?  Any ideas how I can get it out of my miscellaneous package?

Justin Martin Anderson
The Anderson Hypothesis:  People are stupid.

From: Christopher Burr <cburr@KCC.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 14:50:03 -0500
Subject: Import/Export w/ MagicXChange

ARGH! I've been trying to import or export a text file to the notebook on my
Magic Link.  I can't seem to do it, the Xchange program just displays
'Receiving from communicator' that's it nothing more....  Can someone PLEASE
help me??

|Christopher Burr - University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire  |
|                                                         |
|Email:                           |
|                                                         |
|Quotes :                                                 |
|   "It's better to burn out than to fade away" -Kurgan   |
|   "May the Force Be With You,Always"  - Obi-Wan         |

From: Curt Steindler <Steindler@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 16:02:59 -0400
Subject: Re: CujoDeath

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


Holding the pen wrong. That would explain a lot.

> I've heard many good words about CujoTerm here on
> the mailing
> list but I haven't heard anyone mention any major
> problems. Whenever
> I hit CujoTerm's disconnect button my PIC-1000
> goes into the
> "Cleaning Up..." mode and then it gives me the
> "Your communicator
> has just experienced an error..." or something
> like that. Is it
> just me? Am I holding the pen wrong?

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:25:11 -0400
Subject: Re: help

Athanasios Athanasiades wrote:
> Luke,
> I have tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. When I create a
> letter to send to myself the mail stamp reads "add way to send". When I
> tap on it, it allows me to  enter an Internet address but when I tap
> "Done" it takes me back to "add way to send".
> The namecard is empty for sure because it reads "add stamps from the drawer,
>  etc". What I don't understand is why it does not let me edit it.
> I have also tried dragging a stamp into my name card from somewhere else,
> but it disappears as soon as I let it go on the namecard. The cleanup you
> suggested didn't work either. By the way, all other namecards work fine.
> Is there anything else I should try, or do I have to pull the batteries
> (as Sony support suggested)  ?
> Athanasios.


  Hmm, unfortunately I have no other ideas that would seem relevent.  If
I were in the same situation, I'd tinker a bit before going to the
lengths of pulling the batteries, such as yank the RAM card and power up
the device, or make a backup of main memory (either through Magic
XChange or directly to a RAM card if you have the space to spare), wipe
the device with a battery-pull and then restore the backup.  These ideas
are fairly obscure and will probably not fix the problem, but they can't
hurt to try.

  Sony's suggestion of pulling the batteries is definitely a solution,
and shouldn't cause too much distress provided that you store everything
(packages, 'new items', non-ROM name cards, etc.) on an SRAM card, pull
the card out when you pull the batteries, and then re-personalize your
communicator.  After all is set up, then reinsert the SRAM card with all
your data, and you'll pretty much be back to normal.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:42:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Wayne's post

Wayne Sanderson wrote:
> Luke Derossi writes:
> > Otherwise if you
> > manually typed 'Scott', then something's trying
> > to be overly helpful...
> > I think I'm gonna do some experimentation here...
> > :)
> The above is the case. When I use the reply function in the in box, I get an
> automatic greeting at the top: Dear'whoever'. I automatically erase this and
> then type my own message. Maybe erasing the greeting with the addressee's name
> in it confuses the device. It is told to change addressees, can't find the
> greeting, and changes the next mention of the addressee's name to the new
> name. Possible?


  That could definitely be the case.  I'm having trouble duplicating it
though; which PIC are you using, a 1000 or a 2000?  I used my 2000 to
reply to a letter, then tapped the keyboard button to bring up the
cursor, then option-tapped to the left of 'Dear' to hilite it, then
selected 'Retype' from the editing pallete.  Then I typed a sentance
using the first name of the original sender, and finally used 'replace
addressee' to select someone else.  Are these the correct steps you're


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:46:53 -0400
Subject: Re: Import/Export w/ MagicXChange

Christopher Burr wrote:
> ARGH! I've been trying to import or export a text file to the notebook on my
> Magic Link.  I can't seem to do it, the Xchange program just displays
> 'Receiving from communicator' that's it nothing more....  Can someone PLEASE
> help me??
> Thanks,
>   Chris

  How large a text file are you attempting to import?  It seems there is
an 8K limitation to Magic XChange (the original version, at least) for
notebook pages.  If I remember correctly when I was attempting to import
Etexts greater than 8K, it goes through the motions of importing, but
nothing actually appears on the device.  I wrote a quick MS-DOS command
line program that'll parse a text file into <8K chunks for importing to
a communicator's notebook.  Let me know if you think that's the problem
and I'll dig it up and send you a copy.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: "Rick Tasher (via RadioMail)" <palpha6@RADIOMAIL.NET>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 15:59:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Bookreader problem, sort of.

Tue., Sept. 17, 1996 5:49 p.m.

I think this happens more frequently with larger packages than small ones.
 Try knocking the Magic Xchange transfer speed down a notch or two.

The misc package size should shrink back down after a cleanup.


From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 18:16:53 -0700
Subject: Re: CujoDeath

> I've heard many good words about CujoTerm here on
> the mailing
> list but I haven't heard anyone mention any major
> problems. Whenever
> I hit CujoTerm's disconnect button my PIC-1000
> goes into the
> "Cleaning Up..." mode and then it gives me the
> "Your communicator
> has just experienced an error..." or something
> like that. Is it
> just me? Am I holding the pen wrong?

Try touching the Cujoterm package in the storeroom to make it jump off the
shelf, them touch the magic lamp snd choose 'reset package' or 'delete
changes' depending on your device. This will reset the package to it's original state. Maybe this will help.

From: Kent Estep <kent@BOSS.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 19:06:58 -0700
Subject: Best Price on Sony PIC-2000

Anyone know of a better price than $499 for a Sony PIC-2000 ?

And any help on finding a decent price on a 2MB SRAM card would
also be appreciated...


BOSS Digital Studios         

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 19:12:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Wayne's post

Luke Derossi writes:
> That could definitely be the case.  I'm having
> trouble duplicating it
> though; which PIC are you using, a 1000 or a
> 2000?  I used my 2000 to
> reply to a letter, then tapped the keyboard
> button to bring up the
> cursor, then option-tapped to the left of 'Dear'
> to hilite it, then
> selected 'Retype' from the editing pallete.  Then
> I typed a sentence
> using the first name of the original sender, and
> finally used 'replace
> addressee' to select someone else.  Are these the
> correct steps you're
> taking?

I am using the PIC1000. I delete the 'Dear whoever' by bringing up the
keyboard and backspacing over the entry to delete. When I add text it then
starts at the top of the page. This may have something to do with it. Simply
doing a highlight-delete blanks the line, but further text still starts on the
next line down. My method starts text on the top line, which is probably where
the overly helpful addressee changing function comes in. If the line is blank,
maybe it looks no further for a changeable name, but if there is text on the
top line it looks for the name and doesn't know better than to stop at just
one line. I have duplicated it.

From: Tony San Juan <san17@MARS.SUPERLINK.NET>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 23:08:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Best Price on Sony PIC-2000

Kent Estep wrote:
> Anyone know of a better price than $499 for a Sony PIC-2000 ?
> And any help on finding a decent price on a 2MB SRAM card would
> also be appreciated...
> -kent
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> BOSS Digital Studios

Where the f$#$ can you get a PIC-2000 for 499?  Are you nuts?

From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:56:54 -1000
Subject: Re: Best Price on Sony PIC-2000

On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Kent Estep wrote:

> Anyone know of a better price than $499 for a Sony PIC-2000 ?
> And any help on finding a decent price on a 2MB SRAM card would
> also be appreciated...
> -kent

Reboot has the best prices around... $75 bucks for 2 meg sram card...

$499 is a pretty good price for a PIC 2000 brand new!


From: Alan Latteri <alatt@POBOX.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 21:59:57 -0000

> Springing for the OS and screen
>upgrade on a reasonably priced Envoy might be cheaper than buying the 150.

Bought an Evoy 100 with MC 1.5 upgrade already installed for 400 bucks
from BearCom in Dallas, TX.  I am pretty happy with it.  Need to get an
SRAM card to fit FarCast though.  Screen upgrade is about 280 bucks but
Motorola is out of stock.


From: Alan Latteri <alatt@POBOX.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 22:01:33 -0000
Subject: Re: Best Price on Sony PIC-2000

>Reboot has the best prices around... $75 bucks for 2 meg sram card...

How can I get in touch with "Reboot"?


From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 22:09:33 -0700
Subject: chng trans rate?

There was a post earlier regarding the larger data packages from Algorithmic
Research. I can't get CIA World Factbook to load. A reply suggested that data
transmission speed through Magic XChange could be lowered to alleviate this
problem. How do you do this? I tried reducing the baud rate in MXChange and
the XChange link would not happen; I had to put port speed back to 38400. Am I
missing something?

Mailing Lists MagicCap List