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Monday September 16, 1996

From: Sameer Samat <ssamat@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 00:02:20 -0700
Subject: Article request

Hi there... well, I am the owner of a pic-1000 (just bought it recently and
I love it)... but I am new to the whole PDA scene.  I am an editor for an
online magazine called the Internet Herald ( and I am
looking for someone to do a quick round up of the PDA's currently available
(pretty short,...maybe with some prices from that PDA page with all the
cheapest prices on it.. I forget the url, but I am sure everyone here knows

If someone could write up something, I would really apprecaite it.  Beyond
just listing what is avaiable on the market, I'd love for you give the
article an commentary slant, and state your opinion on which PDA's really
get the job done for the price.  This article would run in the october issue
of the Herald, but I would need it by the 20th or at latest the 22nd of this

A little more background on the herald, so you know who you are writing for.
The Internet Herald has been an online publication for a number of years, it
has roughly 50,000 to 70,000 readers, and, in my opinion, is very up and
coming.  If anyone needs more information, please let me know, or visit the
site.  Thanks

From: Sameer Samat <ssamat@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 00:05:29 -0700
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

At 06:36 PM 9/15/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Which one is better and why?

The ML is A LOT cheaper (at least the 1000 is), and personally, when I
looked at both, that made the decision for me.  I mean, the newton has some
nice built in features (such as the handwriting recognition software) but it
DOESN'T come with much onboard hardware, such as a modem/fax (even though
the pic-1000 is only 2400, I can still get email, etc if I need to).  Is the
newton magic cap compatible?... I don't think so, ... I like MC because so
many other pda's support it... hopefully that will mean more software in the

From: Scott Doniger <jamsys@INTERACCESS.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 02:35:07 -0500
Subject: PIC2000 4Sale

Dear Comp.os.magic-cap and Magic and Magic,
Following to best offer by this Friday:

(2) 2MG SRAM Cards
GDT Printer Cable
MX Exchange Windows
Presto Works and Mail
Terminal Emulator
Magic Cap Complete
Tons of Shareware
No scratches

Pls send Serious offers only to


Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 10:29:21 +0200
Subject: Enquiry

I am interested in knowing  the approximate number of Magic Link ( 1000
+ 2000) users  or buyers? Can someone  give me some infomation about
this  ?

                        Michel PLU
   |   / ___/\  /__  __/\       e-mail :  _/_/_/_/ |
   |  / __/\\/  \_/ / _\/       tel    : +33 96 05 36 98     _/_/_/_/  |
   | / / _\/     / / /          fax    : +33 96 05 19 56    _/_/_/_/   |
   | \_\/        \_\/           piece  : 110 WF
   | FRANCE TELECOM CNET          _____    __  __    ____    _______   |
   |     Michel PLU              / ___/\  /  \/ /\  / __/\  /__  __/\  |
   | LAA/EIA/AIA Bat WF         / /___\/ / /\  / / / _/\\/  \_/ / _\/  |
   | Technopole Anticipa       /____/\  / / / / / / ___/\    / / /     |
   | 2 av Pierre Marzin        \_____/  \_\/\_\/  \____\/    \_\/      |
   | 22307 LANNION CEDEX  FRANCE                                       |

From: Paul Czarnecki <pZ@CUSTOMLINE.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 06:38:40 -0400
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

>The only
>bad thing about newton is handwriting recognition which some people don't
>like and a slow processor which makes most processes unbearable.

The later Newtons are much much better at handwritig recognition than the
earlier ones.  The earlier ones were, IMHO, unusable.  The later ones are
very very nice.

Newton's slow?  I don't have an opinion on that but I know my ML1000 is a

I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows

From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 01:13:04 -1000
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

On Mon, 16 Sep 1996, Paul Czarnecki wrote:

> The later Newtons are much much better at handwritig recognition than the
> earlier ones.  The earlier ones were, IMHO, unusable.  The later ones are
> very very nice.

Yes I agree wholeheartedly! The later Newts are indeed wayyyy better than
the old ones. Handwriting was close as 80 % for me most of the time. My
only gripe was it was tooooo slowwwwww... Ever tried to do a terminal
emulator on it? The processing was unbearable!

> Newton's slow?  I don't have an opinion on that but I know my ML1000 is a
> pig.

I think the ML 1000 is much faster that the Newton as long as it has a
RAM card that isnt too full. The overall speed of going place to place is
a lot faster than the newton.

And although the newton can now go horizontal mode I still think the
screen leaves a lot to be desired.. Gray scale at least Apple!!

Ive had a Psion, Zaurus and a 100, 110 and 120 Newton and I still like my
PIC 1000 best... has the best of everything...but especially for my email!!!


Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 07:37:02 -0500
Subject: MCW synchronization

I remember reading here a while back that the next release of MCW will
provide synchronization with the hand held devices.  Could someone
refresh me on the extent of this synchronization.  Also, when is the
scheduled release date of this MCW.



From: Josh Schrier <0schrier_j@SPCVXA.SPC.EDU>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 08:44:54 -0400
Subject: Magic Xchange "side-grading"

Anyone ahve an idea if you can "side-grade" MagicXchange for Macintosh
into MagicXchange for Windows?

Does anyone have a reasonably inexpensive version of MagicXchange for
Windows to sell (including cable, software, etc.)?

Talk soon

From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:35:33 -0400
Subject: Re: P!Link update req

> Presto!Links upgrade request:  add a stamp to the roladex for www
> address...

There already is... check in the addresses stamp drawer. I don't think
this is a PIC-2000 only feature, but I haven't checked.

> ...then allow the user to tap it or contact (from the lamp) to conect
> to it.

I haven't tried this with the stamp I just menntioned. I'm assuming it
doesn't work since the stamp was available before Presto!Etc. It
certainly sounds like a nice request.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:30:53 -0400
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

> > The later Newtons are much much better at handwritig recognition
> > than the earlier ones.  The earlier ones were, IMHO, unusable.  The > > later ones are very very nice.
> Yes I agree wholeheartedly! The later Newts are indeed wayyyy better
> than the old ones. Handwriting was close as 80 % for me most of the
> time. My only gripe was it was tooooo slowwwwww... Ever tried to do a
> terminal emulator on it? The processing was unbearable!

When I was using my Newton 110 heavily, I was getting 95-98% recognition
on words which were in Newton's dictionary. (My printing is very clear.)
But recognition was slow, I was always fixing capitalization and
punctuation mistakes, and I was always adding words to the dictionary.

With all of that in mind, I'm much faster with Magic Cap's keyboard.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: Tom Yates MailLists <madlists@MATHWORKS.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:19:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Untitled

>Dear Magic,
>I just received my coupon Presto set.  It took all of five minutes to set up
>with Worldnet and has worked perfectly over the past two days.  I have used
>the mail and selected over twenty web sites.  I have even used browsers so
>long as I set the amount I want returned.  I have had no problems, am not a
>computer maven, and just cannot understand why all the bad publicity.  I
>commend all who were a part of it and truly believes it puts Plink to shame
>as well as AOL which I will soon be leaving.  To those who have had problems,
>persist, it will be well worth it.

i'd like to add my 2p-worth.  i got my presto!mail last week, it's connecting
fine.  ok, i have to admit, i am the unix admin and backup network admin for
my company, but i didn't have to do any privileged stuff with the modem bank
to get it to work.

to put it in context, i found it easier to set up ppp on my ML2000 than under
linux, and vastly easier than under Solaris.  ppp is not a trivial protocol,
i think it was extremely painless given the power of the product.

i *am* having some problems with the POP implementation, but i'll be taking
that up with GM separately.  and it *does* work, and i *can* use it, and i
*do* like it.

2.6 cheers for active paper, is what i say.

tom yates
unix chap

ps lest anyone accuse me of brownnosing, i'd like it to be a GREAT DEAL FASTER.
the message summary for a mailbox containing 60 messages, which is a good day
for me, is unusably slow.  i had to make a new pop account just for my pda to
connect to, which defeats some of the object of the exercise.

pps any plans for IMAP support in future versions?  any plans for future
versions, come to that?

From: Steve Wolfson <wolfson@UCS.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 08:30:58 -0700
Subject: Re: Pocket Quicken

Actually there is an excellant alternative that would boil down more
to the mechanics.  On the Newton Platform there is a shareware package
called pocket Money, it in itself would provides the equvalent of PQ connect
and I found it much easier to use than PQ.

I would love to see this ported over to the Mac.  It was wriiten by
Hardy Macia of Catamount Software.  He also has several other shareware
apps that would make good ports to the MC.  I don't see why he would object
to the port especially if he was getting a portion of future shareware funds.

I've already sent an E-Mail to Hardy to see what it would take to consider
access to his GUI, algorithms and source.

-- Steve

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:52:20 -0700
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

Scott Yoshinaga writes:
> Ive had a Psion, Zaurus and a 100, 110 and 120
> Newton and I still like my
> PIC 1000 best... has the best of everything...but
> especially for my email!!!

If you think the 1000 is good, you will probably love the next communicatorbin
the pipe. Mitsubishi is reported to be readying a MagicCap smartphone for
release. It will probably feature integrated highspeed wireless- hopefully at
at least 14400, and with any luck it will have the Presto!Mail/Links products
bundled in.
I think that you Magic, with your ISP admin responsibilities, will probably
flip when you get your hands on this one.

From: MCW Online <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:56:34 -0700
Subject: Re: MCW synchronization

At 07:37 AM 9/16/96 -0500, Nick Zimmerman wrote:
>I remember reading here a while back that the next release of MCW will
>provide synchronization with the hand held devices.  Could someone
>refresh me on the extent of this synchronization.  Also, when is the
>scheduled release date of this MCW.

Greetings Nick,

MCW itself will not have synchonization built in to it. The Magic Cap OS
folks working in conjustion with our hardware partners are creating a
Data-Sync package that will operate in Magic Cap for Windows. This package
will allow the transfer of Namecards, Notecards and Datebook ifon between a
handheld Magic Cap device and the Windows interface. This package is due out
shortly after MCW ships to the public.

In addition there is an Import/Export package built into MCW that will allow
the transfer of data from many of the common Personal Information Managers
on the market (Lotus Orginizer, Sidekick95 etc.).

Hope this answers your questions.

Joel Connors   / Magic Cap For Windows Support
Email at:
Phone at: (408) 774-4041
Fax at: 800-774-3311
Support hours are 9am to 5pm (PST) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

From: Athanasios Athanasiades <athan@RUF.RICE.EDU>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 12:01:32 -0500
Subject: help

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear MagicCap,

I let my nephew play with my pic2000 and he somehow managed to remove all
stamps  from my personal namecard (I think he started the 'Getting Started'
program, but I don't know what he did after that). Anyway, my namecard is
empty now, and it won't let me add new stamps to it (once I finish providing
the information on a new stamp, it just disappears).

I don't know if it is relevant, but I am using the Bastille program to hide PL

Any suggestions? I remember someone once wrote about not being able to change
the info on their own namecard.

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 10:20:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Untitled

Tom Yates MailLists writes:
> i *am* having some problems with the POP
> implementation, but i'll be taking
> that up with GM separately.  and it *does* work,
> and i *can* use it, and i
> *do* like it.

GM has an upgraded PPP package available for free download on a link from the
Presto!Links page. It takes care of some problems with the original package,
v1.103, that makes connecting with certain ISPs easier by adding CHAP and some
other tweaks.
If the version on your PPP package is v1.103 then you have in original release
version. Download and install the new one and see if you have more success.
As an aside, when Netcom is not answering at the local dialup, I just connect
to WorldNet from Presto!Links with no URL in the GO TO space. I then go to the
in box and hit the mail icon, and choose both services. Presto!Mail logs in to
the Netcom POP server and gets the mail just as easily as from the WorldNet
server. One dialup connect, 2 different services. Much more flexible than
closed network setups like AOL and PersonaLink. It does not seem to work well
in reverse. Maybe WorldNet's servers don't allow telnet or outside PPP
connects for mail retrieval.

From: Aaron Wallace <aaron@IFACT.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:11:47 -0700
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

At 09:30 AM 9/16/96 -0400, zztong@MAIL.EV.NET wrote:

>> Yes I agree wholeheartedly! The later Newts are indeed wayyyy better
>> than the old ones. Handwriting was close as 80 % for me most of the
>> time. My only gripe was it was tooooo slowwwwww... Ever tried to do a
>> terminal emulator on it? The processing was unbearable!
>When I was using my Newton 110 heavily, I was getting 95-98% recognition
>on words which were in Newton's dictionary. (My printing is very clear.)
>But recognition was slow, I was always fixing capitalization and
>punctuation mistakes, and I was always adding words to the dictionary.
>With all of that in mind, I'm much faster with Magic Cap's keyboard.

If you're really into getting these little PDAs to recognize what
you write, Graffiti's the way to go.  The best part, perhaps,
is you can write and write w/o looking at the screen.
Graffiti's as fast as you can write, and the recognition is
almost always 100%.  This is probably the single piece of software
that (IMHO) has made using text-entry on pen-based computers realistic.
It'll be a long time before a computer can tell if it's a 0, O, or o
(or l, 1, |...) w/o a lot of guesswork and processing.

Just be sure to put a screen protector on...  And once you learn
Graffiti, be sure not to hover for too long around the demo Pilots
at the local computer store :~)

|  Aaron Wallace                        The Internet Factory, Inc.   |
|                     |

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:10:31 -0700
Subject: Re: has this been your experience....

Ted Sullivan writes:
>I have just purchased a new PIC-2000 unit. This is my experience so far
>--- have others had these problems or have I just been talking to all
>the wrong people & places.

>2) Sony would not sell me a unit directly because I live in Canada. No
>joke, that's what the gentleman on the phone told me.

Sony's Magic Link fulfillment does not sell "overseas".  However, Sony
Gallery in New York (which is a showcase retail outlet) does.  You can call
1-800-833-8800 or fax to 212/833-8808.  There is also a Sony Style in
Chicago at 312/943-3334.

>3) I called around to a bunch of suppliers in the US and finally found
>one unit @ PDA Direct in IL so I bought it like real fast. It's is being
>shipped by FedEx as I write this. Hopefully, with Canada Customs
>obliging I get to play on Monday.

BTW, if you check our web site under sources of Magic Cap Software there is
a link to Sony Electronic's list of retailers in the US.  There may be
others willing to do mail order to Canada.

>5) But because PDA Direct was out of stock on the xChange for Windows I
>called the maker of the product -- Intelli-Link. I asked the lady on the
>phone if their software was used to download other software to my new
>Magic Link unit. NO she said, the only things her software did was
>transfer data to the calendar and such. But I could buy it from her if I
>wanted. She even faxed me a detailed product description that clearly
>states that their software is used to download other software to the
>Magic Link unit. No thanks - I don't need the hassle , so I moved on to
>look for somebody who understood what they where talking about, By the
>way the nice lady thought Canada was overseas, not good for my software
>development because I still think I need this stuff. But I did learn why
>I had to study Geography in grade 5. To make sure I would not embarrass
>my future employers! My teacher probably got a kick back from them.

Magic Xchange is used to downloading software to the PIC as well as
transfering certain types of data.  Try ordering from Sony Gallery above.
If they are out of stock I heard that Motorola has it in inventory.  I
think the Motorola number in the USA is 1-800-4WIRELESS.  If you check the
Motorola link on our web page in the section "Magic on the Web" section it
should give more current contact information.  My understanding is that the
Motorola version of Magic Xchange works fine on the Magic Link.  You could
call IntelliLink to confirm.  Their contact information should be on our
web page under "Sources of Magic Cap software".

The "overseas" non-800 number for Sony Magic Link tech support is
1-408-955-4641.  E-mail is

Also, on our web page in the reference section is an article on
international dialing tips which has some suggestions on how to use the
Magic Link outside of the US.

Hope I've been some help,
-Paul Linhardt

Sony New Technologies

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:43:57 -0700
Subject: Farcast & Magic Broker web sites

>Alan Latteri wrote:
>> I would like to enjoy internet email, stock qoute & portfolio
>> summary, and news.
>> Alan
Luke Derossi replies:
>You might want to look at Farcast, from Sony New Technologies,
>for extensive news and stock retrieval, with 'profile' bots that watch
>for articles within user specified parameters.  Also, if you are
>actively trading you might also wish to look at Magic Broker, also from
>Sony New Technologies.  It provides communicator access to the PC
>Financial Network.  You can learn more about both of these packages at

Thanks for the plug, Luke.  In addition to our catalog at the above
address, we have comprehensive web sites on both products at and  You can actually
download software, demos and complete documentation from these sites as


Sony New Technologies

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:37:15 -0700
Subject: Sources of Magic Cap Software (long)

Josh Schrier <0schrier_j@SPCVXA.SPC.EDU> writes:
>You don't hear a lot about Magic Cap software.  Where can I pick up some
>neat demos on the web?  Also, how about shareware and freeware...the
>Spies archive hasn't changed anyone writing Magic Cap software
>these days?
>Talk soon

It's about time to repost the Sources of Magic Cap Software list which can
be found on our web page at:

Also on our web page is a section called "Magic on the Web"
( with links to virtually all
other Magic Cap web sites on the web.  This includes links to about 10
different sites with freeware on it.  The most important freeware site is
the Spies site at: (

While you're at our site, please take a look at our software catalog as
well (  We've developed 6 major
applications for the platform including the Farcast agent-based news
service & Magic Broker.



Sources of Magic Cap software are as follows:

Magic Cap software can be ordered from participating Magic Cap retailers.
A list of retailers can found at

(1) Sony New Technologies has several products available:

(i) Magic Bag Game Pack including Gammon, Match-It, Reversi, Snail, SubShop
and Tangrams and more on disk (requires Magic Xchange).
(ii) Berlitz Speaking Translator, a 6 language phrase book with 2 hours of
audio on a 2mb PCMCIA card.
(iii) Spell Finder spelling verification software for Envoy users.
Distributed electronically via PersonaLink.

SONY NTI retail products can be ordered by calling (800) 739-7337.

Client software (plus demos and documentation) can be downloaded from our
web site at

(iv) Farcast agent-based news & information service
(v) OAG FlightLine, online fare & scheduling information
(vi) Magic Broker Electronic stock brokerage.

(2) Our sister organization, Sony Electronics, distributes Magic Link
accessories and software:

(i) Magic XChange for (Mac or Windows) desktop connectivity
(ii) Magic XChange Plus (Windows) add-in translators
(iii) Wireless Modem Link software for connecting to cell phones
(iv) Farcast agent-based news service on disk
(v) OAG FlightLine real-time flight & scheduling information on disk
(vi) Presto!Mail (internet e-mail) & Presto!Links (web browsing)
(vii) Ink Writer from Aha (handwriting word processor)
(viii) Pencel 2.0 spreedsheet
(ix) QuickPrint character recognition
(x) Berlitz Speaking Translator
(xi) Magic Bag Game Pack

Sales: (800) 571-SONY.
Product info: (800) 55MAGIC.
Overseas Sales: (212) 833-8800

(3) Magic Broker software on disk and an account application can be orderd
from PC Financial Network at 1-800-TALK-PCF.

(4) Nimble Corporation has an online distribution package called Outfitters
Direct which you can order by calling (800) 989-4763 or download from   You can use it to order software electronically
including their products:
(i) Long Dragon, a Mah-Jong solitaire game
(ii) Scribe! handwriting recognition
They also offer SNTI products including a special price on individual Magic
Bag Game Pack games.  They also carry:
(iii) Driftwood Systems MCSolitaire & MindBender games

(5) General Magic's internet mail & web browsing products Presto!Mail 1.5
and Presto!Links 1.0 can be ordered directly at  (800)
CONJURE (266-5873).

(6) QuickLink from Mobile Products allows users to access their office
QuickMail system.  Call (209) 526-7119.

(7) QuickPrint from Lexicus, handwriting recognition software.  Call

(8) Palm Computing offers Grafitti handwriting recognition software.
Call (800) 881-PALM.

(9) River Run Software Group provides connectivity software:
(i) Magic Connection Terminal Emulator (VT100)
(ii) Mail on the Run! (cc:Mail and Microsoft Mail e-mail connectivity)
Call (203) 861-0090
(iii) CompuServe Companion (distributed by CompuServe: GO CS4MAGIC)

(10) Pencel spreadsheet software from PenWare.  Call (415) 858-4920.

(11) Freestyle forms creation software by Software Partners.  Call (415)
428-0160 ext. 200.

(12) Freeware games, utilities and product demos are available on the World
Wide Web at: and are also available on
CompuServe (GO MAGIC) and America Online (keyword PDA).

(13) Pen Computing Magazine is a good source of information about Magic Cap
software (916/984-9947).

(14) Sony New Technologies Web page ( has links to all
other major Magic Cap web sites.  Other online sources of information
include: the General Magic forum on CompuServe (Go MAGIC), several forums
on America Online (keyword: PDA, MAGIC LINK, ENVOY or GENERAL MAGIC), the
newsgroup (comp.os.magic-cap), the MagicCap and MagicDev mailing lists
(send email to with SUB MAGICCAP in the body).

Please send additions & corrections to

7-12-96 pml

Sony New Technologies

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:34:20 -0700

> I think that you Magic, with your ISP admin
> responsibilities, will probably
> flip when you get your hands on this one.

Check this out. This was my reply to a list posting by Scott Yoshinaga, using
a reply telecard. When you receive list postings from the list with
Presto!Mail, they appear with the original poster's name in the from field,
and this is who it attempts to reply to. I usually readdress the telecard to
the discussion list. This time, I happened to include Scott in the reply, and
when I changed addresses, it changed Scott to magic! BUG!

From: Bread Mold <moldy@IME.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:22:36 -0400
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

Sameer Samat writes:
> I like MC because so
> many other pda's support it...
Really?  Which ones?  The 'link doesn't do generic infrared communications, so
how do you mean it's compatible?  Please fill me in.


From: "J. Eric Townsend" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 02:33:16 GMT
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

In article , Magic Cap
Discussion List  wrote:

>capabilities, and most importantly a build-in modem, even though it is
>only 2400 baud.

The PIC-2000 has a built-in 14.4 modem.

J. Eric Townsend, webmaster, General Magic -- USA 408.774.4252
wanted: Copy of the Art of Noise "Into Battle" in good condition

From: Ted Sullivan <tsullivan@SNOWYMTN.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 19:56:03 -0700
Subject: Re: has this been your experience....

I will try the Chicago Sony Store [ probably cannot reach the New York
one's 1-800 number for here ] when I purchase software & other options
like memory to run/use on the ML. I have yet to receive it as it FedEx
has not delivered it today. Should arrive tomorrow though as it cleared
customs this morning.

I did try a whole bunch of the retailers in the Washington state area
listed on your pages but they could only get me the PIC-1000. Not sure
why though as I never asked.

I did note your info on the "out" of country use of the modem. I plan on
checking that again one I get to play with the unit.

Thanks for the reply, I always thought that somebody at Sony would
provide some answers to my frustrations.


>From:  Paul Linhardt[SMTP:plin@SONYSOFT.COM]
>Sent:  Monday, September 16, 1996 11:10 AM
>To:    Magic Cap Mail List
>Subject:       Re: has this been your experience....
>Ted Sullivan writes:
>>I have just purchased a new PIC-2000 unit. This is my experience so far
>>--- have others had these problems or have I just been talking to all
>>the wrong people & places.
>>2) Sony would not sell me a unit directly because I live in Canada. No
>>joke, that's what the gentleman on the phone told me.
>Sony's Magic Link fulfillment does not sell "overseas".  However, Sony
>Gallery in New York (which is a showcase retail outlet) does.  You can call
>1-800-833-8800 or fax to 212/833-8808.  There is also a Sony Style in
>Chicago at 312/943-3334.
>>3) I called around to a bunch of suppliers in the US and finally found
>>one unit @ PDA Direct in IL so I bought it like real fast. It's is being
>>shipped by FedEx as I write this. Hopefully, with Canada Customs
>>obliging I get to play on Monday.
>BTW, if you check our web site under sources of Magic Cap Software there is
>a link to Sony Electronic's list of retailers in the US.  There may be
>others willing to do mail order to Canada.
>>5) But because PDA Direct was out of stock on the xChange for Windows I
>>called the maker of the product -- Intelli-Link. I asked the lady on the
>>phone if their software was used to download other software to my new
>>Magic Link unit. NO she said, the only things her software did was
>>transfer data to the calendar and such. But I could buy it from her if I
>>wanted. She even faxed me a detailed product description that clearly
>>states that their software is used to download other software to the
>>Magic Link unit. No thanks - I don't need the hassle , so I moved on to
>>look for somebody who understood what they where talking about, By the
>>way the nice lady thought Canada was overseas, not good for my software
>>development because I still think I need this stuff. But I did learn why
>>I had to study Geography in grade 5. To make sure I would not embarrass
>>my future employers! My teacher probably got a kick back from them.
>Magic Xchange is used to downloading software to the PIC as well as
>transfering certain types of data.  Try ordering from Sony Gallery above.
>If they are out of stock I heard that Motorola has it in inventory.  I
>think the Motorola number in the USA is 1-800-4WIRELESS.  If you check the
>Motorola link on our web page in the section "Magic on the Web" section it
>should give more current contact information.  My understanding is that the
>Motorola version of Magic Xchange works fine on the Magic Link.  You could
>call IntelliLink to confirm.  Their contact information should be on our
>web page under "Sources of Magic Cap software".
>The "overseas" non-800 number for Sony Magic Link tech support is
>1-408-955-4641.  E-mail is
>Also, on our web page in the reference section is an article on
>international dialing tips which has some suggestions on how to use the
>Magic Link outside of the US.
>Hope I've been some help,
>-Paul Linhardt
>Sony New Technologies

From: "J. Eric Townsend" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 02:34:52 GMT
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

In article <>, Magic Cap
Discussion List  wrote:

>If you're really into getting these little PDAs to recognize what
>you write, Graffiti's the way to go.

After using both Graffiti and QuickPrint (from Lexicus) I decided to go
with QuickPrint.  I already print, and the software was able to learning
my stile of printing quite easily...  I never could remember all the
strokes for Graffiti, especially when I was in a hurry.

J. Eric Townsend, webmaster, General Magic -- USA 408.774.4252
wanted: Copy of the Art of Noise "Into Battle" in good condition

From: "David Devaney, Jr." <daviddjr@SHADOW.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 23:21:39 -0400
Subject: Wayne's Post

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Hi Magicappers,

Wayne Sanderson writes:
> Check this out. This was my reply to a list posting by
> Scott Yoshinaga, using a reply telecard. When you
> receive list postings from the list with Presto!Mail,
> they appear with the original poster's name in the
> from field, and this is who it attempts to reply to. I
> usually readdress the telecard to the discussion list.
> This time, I happened to include Scott in the reply,
> and when I changed addresses, it changed Scott to
> magic! BUG!

Regarding the first part.  WHY!!! Do I/you need to re-address the reply
message.  WHY!!! Does it appear to come from the poster rather than the list

I have asked this question a few times and even tried to test it but I have
had little response.  Does everyone who uses their communicator with any
version of P!Mail have to change the address when replying.  I do.

Regarding the BUG question.  What changed from Scott to Magic?

David Devaney, Jr.

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: "Rick Tasher (via RadioMail)" <palpha6@RADIOMAIL.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 21:19:04 -0700
Subject: Re: has this been your experience....

Mon., Sept. 16, 1996 11:12 p.m.
Paul Linhardt writes:
> Magic Xchange is used to downloading software to the PIC as well as
> transfering certain types of data.  Try ordering from Sony Gallery above.
> If they are out of stock I heard that Motorola has it in inventory.  I
> think the Motorola number in the USA is 1-800-4WIRELESS.  If you check
> Motorola link on our web page in the section "Magic on the Web" section
> should give more current contact information.  My understanding is that
> Motorola version of Magic Xchange works fine on the Magic Link.  You
> call IntelliLink to confirm.  Their contact information should be on our
> web page under "Sources of Magic Cap software".

Paul, as usual, is right on the money.  Except for the phone number.
Motorola does have Magic Exchange in stock and you can call 1-800-WDGISA1
to get it.

Rick Tasher
Motorola WDG

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@CSN.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 22:53:00 -0600
Subject: Re: ML Limitations?

Hi Magic,
Victor Carreon writes:
> Does anyone know how much information I can put
> on a ML-1000 and a ML-2000?  Specifically phone
> numbers, calendar items.
That really depend on if you have a memory card or not.  I use a 1000 and have
had over 300 names in main memory with out coming close to the limit.  I now
run with about 50-75 names in main memory, the rest in a package on a 2Mb
memory card. I do not believe that there is a drop dead limit, but maybe
GenMagic could tell you if I am incorrect.  There is another consideration
though.  I have noticed that the more names I have in the roladex, the slower
the app seems to respond.  Since I use the ML to dial and log my phone calls
for billing purposes, I was very sensitive to this.


Kevin Fries

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@CSN.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 22:53:17 -0600
Subject: Re: ML vs Newton

Hi Magic,
Victor Carreon writes:
> Which one is better and why?
This really depends on you situation.  Its almost like saying which is better,
a sedan or a mini-van.  If you are single, you don't need the van, on the
other hand you may have six kids...

Basically, the ML is a communicator with organizational tools, the Newton is
an organizational tool with communication.  Both should suffice in most
situations.  I use a ML because staying in touch is my perpetual problem.  I
am now carrying a cell phone and a ML with a pager card.  There is no reason
that my office can not get a hold of me.  Not that they still won't try using
that excuse.

The Newton does have much better 3rd party support in both hardware and
software.  However their internet support has huge bugs in its TCP/IP support.
 MagicLinks and Envoys have poor 3rd party support but unmatched
communications and are the most flexible in how you enter information.  Both
systems are second fiddle in memory management to the USR figure
it out.

So, I repeat, it really depends on your situation.


Kevin Fries

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