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From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 01:18:52 -1000
Subject: Re: Goin' wireless
On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Aaron Wallace wrote: > At 01:19 PM 9/11/96 -0700, you wrote: . > Unless the original poster lives in an area serviced by the Ricochet > network. If so, this would be faster and cheaper than a cellular > connection. The main problem then would be how to connect the Ricochet to > the PIC, a problem for which a solution does exist, albeit an elusive > one... I dont know if Ricochet is avaialable in Hawaii, BUT I am not about to subscribe to yet another service...I am currently subscribed to tooo many *sigh* Actually all I really need is a decent modem speed and from what i read so far my PIC-1000 is STUCK at 2400 baud...not bad for people communicating in the late 80's but for the 90's there SHOULD be some other options... Anyone at sony or magic cap want to write us a good driver to run some PCMCIA modems just so folks like me can run a termial emulator (VT100) for email, lynx and system admin? I think the Magic Link is THE MOST powerful Handheld right now....in fact I sold FOUR people on it in less than a week. MacZone has a bunch of these units sitting there for 199.00 for the mac kit and the PC one is 215.00. These would all be gone *I* think if sony or magic cap made something that was a package FOR communications in the 90's! I know that Presto is part of the answer...but none of us PIC-1000 users will be able to USE Presto! along with a PCMCIA modem, but I am sure a VT100 terminal will work in the small work space the PIC-1000 has and a PCMCIA modem of 14.4 would be blazing for just text. At least from a shell account you can access mail AND browse the web although its just text based, but at 2400 baud thats all I get from Presto links too! Anyone agree? Disagree? Please Sony! Please Magic Cap! =) aloha! \\scott\\
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 08:01:41 U
Subject: Rejected by Custodian
Mail*Link(r) SMTP Strange experience involving Presto!Links I was using Presto!Links as I usually do, when I tried to download a package from Brenda's site. The dowload was taking to long and I wanted to go to sleep, therefore, I cancelled it. I got that forced clean up screen (Cleaning Up...). for about 15 minutes I waited, still cleaning up. So, I turned the cotrast all the way down and let it sit over night. I woke up from 9 hours of sleep, still cleaning. So, I pushed a pencil into that reset hole (the stylus doesn't fit in there for a reason!) And got my ML the way I had it when I took it out of the box on my 13th birthday, with the exeption for things on my RAM card. While trying to re-pesonize my communicater, it said it couldn't add the card because something unexpected happend, an error I have never seen. I got a host of other errors, saying that it packed up certain packages, etc. Now, my comminicator works, with Presto!links packed up. Anyone have any idea what happend? TIA, Matt "The *Young* MagicCapper"
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 10:54:31 U
Subject: Rejected by Custodian
Mail*Link(r) SMTP test Dear Multiple, ******************* NOTE ******************* There may be important message content contained in the following MIME Information. ******************************************** ------------------ MIME Information follows ------------------ This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail <<<<<< See above "Message Body" >>>>>> --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail 9390 --magicmail-- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#P"bCA0dEdeKD@`!9%9B9$mr2cm!!!!!!h3!!!!!qZ%"!'2(2Jp3CA*cEfjKE%e PFh0KCf8#$Q)!pf)!%K,h%L!)36Be-$3b06!5%K)5)!4dCA0dBJ&eaci,3@4NFQ9 cFd0KFQ3"#f)"GFFq%8PZG'9bEQ9d6@&TE%aKBQ9X!`!")"T038G*3d0"8%"#8Np A6PC0,N*56eG1,N9%93-J#%PZG'9bEQ9da)#L%3!h$bD!JAc+IhfRNmNd0LTe!3P 0B@GTBb"$BA!-XSF!`5-5%[B5%K)5GFFq$8eKCfPME@&TE%jKE@8"!Q)"GFFq"dj KE@9,CAN"!``G$!Mh)#40G@adDA"XC5"bC@0TF'PPER4c)'pQ)'aTFh3J68&(580 $39!5%K)'prf!U*!!a*l5Je5"B")-J*CecDmJ!3YL!hA(2JY3Eh0dB@a-B@*PE!) ()"!J)#!J)#!J6'&c)&CPCf&c)!098d%5%L!!)!*19L!!!b!%D'pYCF60Vc%-XSF !`0X5GFfZj`-!!5!8GQ9RBA0U3'Pi,QjPG'0[E5jMEfd$)"C*ER4PFQjPG#![)&" bCA0dEb&038P-cDl`%RA#2JK"6da-B@*PE!-!!5!+9Q9RBA0+EfKZ-`-J$N&YCA* TBf%J6fjXD@jPa-fZ`!bbK`$"*4+!SK%!TDXamjCci#5L+KE"Z6*Xa`$f%K)5J+L 3!-5GdPV*3H"ecDkr!3*L!hA0VX`"!``'$!MhGFfZ`3%$$!B-#!`$GFfZY3%$pJ` %pL!05QpSEL"#C@9MD'aPFK)5%J&eaci)4'pMG@ePER3%""*L!K)J$d4PBA)J6A9 XG'P`E'8X#Jb3!2B!$*%"Q`!"BJ0eaci*5@eKCf9@D@9h!`,%cDiB$,+(!-%'%JR p$*!!03!-N!!m!!b`YDJ-X1,Ur4)5r3-5%K*ecF`$!X60VHi-XSF!`3F5#Id-N!! V!!b3!#`!$,#d-`b`fXAp%K,p!a*eaci68'aKG'C[FQe%CA0MFQP`G'P[EJ%")!d a,$%Z-#a66djC,$%XBJ85%K)5$*%'''0ecDpa!`,%cDf5$,+(!-)(a-fYL!bbKa# !!JRp$*!!+!!-N!!S!!b`Y6`-N!"#RId5%[d$)!PSBA3JG(*TBfYecDq4!3%J$6% X-5i`,&026PNX-5aL"Mi*8fpZCe0dB@e`$*%3!!!5%K)-XS!!!!!*r3b3!2B!$*% "Q`!-X1)!prd5%[d$%K)5NRS!!!:
From: MCW Online <mcwonline@genmagic.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:14:50 -0700
Subject: Re: Presto!Mail and Sprint Internet Passport
At 11:32 PM 9/10/96 -0700, Greg Satz wrote: >It sure would be nice to get a fix for this so I could use the Sprint >service. I suppose I should start looking for another service provider... > >Greg > Greg, I am forwarding this on for research by our Preto-Pro's. I will follow up with them and try and post something by weeks end. Thanks a bunch for the detailed information. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joel Connors / Magic Cap For Windows Support Email at: mcwonline@genmagic.com Phone at: (408) 774-4041 Fax at: 800-774-3311 Support hours are 9am to 5pm (PST) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 10:57:37 U
Subject: Rejected by Custodian
Mail*Link(r) SMTP Cleaning up AT&T ******************* NOTE ******************* There may be important message content contained in the following MIME Information. ******************************************** ------------------ MIME Information follows ------------------ This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail <<<<<< See above "Message Body" >>>>>> --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail 30737 --magicmail-- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#P"bCA0dEdeKD@`!9%9B9$mr2cm!!!!!"))!!!!!`(-"!'2(2Jp3CA*cEfjKE%e PFh0KCf8#$Q)!pf)!%K,h%L!)36-b0c-e-%)5%K)5)""$E'9KEQPZCb"eF#""9#C 8BJ&eaci,3@4NFQ9cFd0KFQ3"#f)"GFFq%8PZG'9bEQ9d6@&TE%aKBQ9X!`!")"T 038G*3d0"8%"#8NpA6PC0,N*56eG1,N9%93-J#%PZG'9bEQ9da)#L%3!h$bD!JAc +IhfRNmNd0LTe!3P0B@GTBb"$BA!-XSF!`5-5%[B5%K)5GFFq$8eKCfPME@&TE%j KE@8"!Q)"GFFq"djKE@9,CAN"!``G$!Mh)#40G@adDA"XC5"bC@0TF'PPER4c)'p Q)'aTFh3J68&(580$39!5%K)'prf!U*!!a*l5GNTVf")-J*CecDmJ!3YL!hA(2JY 3Eh0dB@a-B@*PE!)()"!J)#!J)#!J6'&c)&CPCf&c)!098d%5%L!!)!*19L!!!b! %D'pYCF60Vc%-XSF!`0X5GFfZj`-!!5!8GQ9RBA0U3'Pi,QjPG'0[E5jMEfd$)"C *ER4PFQjPG#![)&"bCA0dEb&038P-cDl`%RA#2JK"6da-B@*PE!-!!5!+9Q9RBA0 +EfKZ-`-J$N&YCA*TBf%J6fjXD@jPa-fZ`!bbK`$"*4+!SK%!TDXamjCci#5L+KE "Z6*Xa`$f%K)5J+L3!-5GdPV*3H"ecDkr!3*L!hA0VX`"!``'$!MhGFfZ`3%$$!B -#!`$GFfZY3%$pJ`%pL!05QpSEL"#C@9MD'aPFK)5%J&eaci)4'pMG@ePER3%""* L!K*eaciA6@&RD@0$BA"5D@0S9'9iG%9XC@ePER3$!Q)#GFFq$dC[ER4%CA0MFQP `G'P[EJ%'%L!%3Qp[D``-r2hpGFhI!3B5)!4#EfpV$!cmrI`@`5("4h*PCA4TEQG c)%&XE!S+55GY)'j[Gb"RCA4dD@jR)(*PB@4j)(4[)'9XD@eTEQ&dC5"dD'8J393 Q9#"cG(9QCL"QFQpY)'ej)&"*3c%`-$!Z)%&QG'9b)%NJF(9XE#"dD'8JBQ&dG'9 bD@9c)(GSBA3JC'mJ55"TER0dB@aX)'CTFR0d)(4SC5"#BA0dD@aXC5"`BA4MD#" [FL"dD'8J-@pQ)("KG'0S2b"2FL"NEf9c)'Pd)'eKG(4PFLi+#P4SB@jVFb"TEL" "C(CKEQ0P#NT[D'iJD@iJ9Q9RBA-J#JV#5@jdCA*ZCA3J+&"bCA0dEb&0B@PX+F% JGQ9RBA0U3'Pi,QjPG'0[E5jMEfd+#X*"6dc"#PCPCf&c5QpSEM-+!!-5%K)-N3& ,J!b4!CX!!@)#GFFq#8PYB@GP9QPPG`-#a-fXVJbbK`$""K)*r3b3!$8!$*!!2!! -N!""(3b3!&frr4)5r3-5%K*ecF`$!X60V)3-XSF!`3F5#Id-N!!V!!b3!#`!$*! !2kJ-N!"9Q[d5%[d$%RA(2K03E'&dCQpbE84PFf0bDA"dD@pZ!3%J$6%X-5i`,&0 26PNX-5aL"4)5%K)-N3BBB`Rp$*%"5i!-N3'E!!b`iJ!-N!!U`2d5%[d$%K)5h+) !!!:
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 11:09:32 U
Subject: Rejected by Custodian
Mail*Link(r) SMTP Cleaning up AT&T ******************* NOTE ******************* There may be important message content contained in the following MIME Information. ******************************************** ------------------ MIME Information follows ------------------ This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail <<<<<< See above "Message Body" >>>>>> --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail 17005 --magicmail-- (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#P"bCA0dEdeKD@`!9%9B9$mr2cm!!!!!!pm!!!!!2(S"!'2(2Jp3CA*cEfjKE%e PFh0KCf8#$Q)!pf)!%K,h%L!)0$3c1%%a-cN5%K)5)""$E'9KEQPZCb"eF#""9#C 8BJ&eaci,3@4NFQ9cFd0KFQ3"#f)"GFFq%8PZG'9bEQ9d6@&TE%aKBQ9X!`!")"T 038G*3d0"8%"#8NpA6PC0,N*56eG1,N9%93-J#%PZG'9bEQ9da)#L%3!h$bD!JAc +IhfRNmNd0LTe!3P0B@GTBb"$BA!-XSF!`5-5%[B5%K)5GFFq$8eKCfPME@&TE%j KE@8"!Q)"GFFq"djKE@9,CAN"!``G$!Mh)#40G@adDA"XC5"bC@0TF'PPER4c)'p Q)'aTFh3J68&(580$39!5%K)'prf!U*!!a*l5K9d&3")-J*CecDmJ!3YL!hA(2JY 3Eh0dB@a-B@*PE!)()"!J)#!J)#!J6'&c)&CPCf&c)!098d%5%L!!)!*19L!!!b! %D'pYCF60Vc%-XSF!`0X5GFfZj`-!!5!8GQ9RBA0U3'Pi,QjPG'0[E5jMEfd$)"C *ER4PFQjPG#![)&"bCA0dEb&038P-cDl`%RA#2JK"6da-B@*PE!-!!5!+9Q9RBA0 +EfKZ-`-J$N&YCA*TBf%J6fjXD@jPa-fZ`!bbK`$"*4+!SK%!TDXamjCci#5L+KE "Z6*Xa`$f%K)5J+L3!-5GdPV*3H"ecDkr!3*L!hA0VX`"!``'$!MhGFfZ`3%$$!B -#!`$GFfZY3%$pJ`%pL!05QpSEL"#C@9MD'aPFK)5%J&eaci)4'pMG@ePER3%""* L!K*eaciA6@&RD@0$BA"5D@0S9'9iG%9XC@ePER3$!Q)"GFFq$dC[ER4%CA0MFQP `G'P[EJ%'%L!%3Qp[D``-rIhp&X%I`8GbC@9dD@jRFb""E'`+#NNRE5"ZEhFJCf9 dG'PZCb"bC@&NH5"dEb"PE'PYD@jKG'8JG'KP)%&8*P3JFh4eCQBJCR*[E5"YH5" 358-a-$!`,L""CR4PFL"*)("eE'`JG'KP)'*KG(4PFQPPFb"hD'&d)'4[)%NJD@j cG'&XE#"QDA*cG#"dD'8J3Q&cG'PXE'8JF'&dBfJJEh)JG'KP)$&[CL"`BA4MD$m J6h)JC'pPFb"TG#"YBA4dCA)Z#JT8D'&ZDh-JD@iJ3@4fB@jMC3T+EfKZ)'PZ)&C PCf&c)!S+5@jdCA*ZCA3J+&"bCA0dEb&0B@PX+5"fC@GKFfT!DAJZEQ9dBfpY,Q0 [E3S+38p-#PCPCf&c5QpSEM-+`!S!!a)5%Jb4!8Z!$*%"Q`!"%JRp$*%"5i!-N3' E!!b`iJ!-N!!U`2d5%[d$%K)5AHm!!!:
From: "Kenny S. Irick" <kirick@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:29:46 -0700
Leo: You wanted to know how I get the autofiling to work with the file cabinet... Tap on the file cabinet. Select the appropriate drawer. Tap on the folder that is to receive specific items. Tap the 'sorting' button. In this scene, you will see the following 4 items (check boxes): To/From: (you then select a name card) Including the text: (you then type in text that appears that appears in items you want to automatically file). with this picture: (you then select a stamp) that were sent in: (you then select a date) Just check the necessary boxes, fill in the required items, then whenever you drop an object on the file cabinet that meets the criteria you set up for the folder, it will get filed automatically. ----- Wed., Sept. 11, 1996 9:17 a.m. ----- "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Kenny S. Irick kirick@ix.netcom.com --------------------------------------
From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:08:01 -0700
Subject: Re: Goin' wireless
Scott Yoshinaga writes: > I know that Presto is part of the answer...but > none of us PIC-1000 users > will be able to USE Presto! along with a PCMCIA > modem, but I am sure a > VT100 terminal will work in the small work space > the PIC-1000 has and a > PCMCIA modem of 14.4 would be blazing for just > text. At least from a > shell account you can access mail AND browse the > web although its just > text based, but at 2400 baud thats all I get from > Presto links too! > Anyone agree? Disagree? Please Sony! Please Magic > Cap! =) You are misinformed if you think all Presto!Links delivers is text. It does a pretty good job of processing GIF images(it decyphers successfully about 85-90%, for me at least), and does ok at JPEGs(65% or so). Actually, it is the first childsafe, smutproof web browser. When I first tested it I tried a variety of different sites, and the only GIFs and JPEGs it found too complicated to decypher 100% of the time was full legnth photographs of people. (Please save the pig labels ladies; I didn't do it for the pictures. I was testing the limits of the software.) Some small facial photos come through, and most artwork. The prognosis for motion video clips is not too great I think, based on the above, but !Links is certainly far better than a text browser at any speed, unless all you do is download documents for research purposes. I do this with a PIC1000 and a 1meg SRAM card. The only limitation I have to accept with the above configuration is that I do not have the space to keep more than 1 or 2 pages on file. With a 2meg SRAM card I could get all of the above and keep more pages on file. I want to stress that I feel that I get the full performance out of the package that the PIC2000 gets with the exception of modem speed, and the speed reports I've been receiving on the 14.4 internal and external modems seem to indicate around a doubling in performance rather than the 6-8 fold increase you would expect over the 2400. Maybe the processor takes so long to convert HTML to something the communicator can display that modem speed becomes a secondary consideration in the speed equation. Figure this: suppose 1minute to download all HTML at 2400 and 2 minutes processing. A 14400 modem cuts transmission time to 20 seconds and processing speed remains the same. Speed overall is 3 minutes vs 2 minutes,20 seconds. Transmission speed did dramatically improve, but it is not apparent due to the long wait for processing. These numbers are not based in reality and are only used to illustrate a concept.
From: Scott Yoshinaga <scott@HISURF.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 08:10:12 -1000
Subject: Re: Goin' wireless
On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Wayne Sanderson wrote: > > You are misinformed if you think all Presto!Links delivers is text. It does a > pretty good job of processing GIF images(it decyphers successfully about > 85-90%, for me at least), and does ok at JPEGs(65% or so). Actually, it is the > first childsafe, smutproof web browser. When I first tested it I tried a No I am not misinformed. In fact the first thing I did was go to my favorite homepages and get the full graphical verions of the pages into my Magic Link cache. For myself, the graphics are not important for what I want to do on the net. Usually find info, get the latest news and stuff. When I want full graphics I use my computer for that. As the owner of a small ISP I also need connectivity to my unix setup to make sure all is well, this is why I said, for myself all i would need is a TEXT browser and vt 100 since I can do it all through lynx. If I get this then all I need to do is let my server process the HTML for me which will be 100% faster than Presto ever will be. Im not knocking Presto! as it is a Fantastic product! Maybe just a little concerned about modem speeds and compatability at this point. I think I will investigate that VT100 term program very soon. I suppose until someone makes a good PCMCIA modem driver I am stuck with 2400, right or wrong? Or is it possible to use a 14.4 PC Card Modem in the Link? aloha! \\scott\\
From: Steve Schramm <steve_schramm@genmagic.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:27:16 -0700
Subject: Two Comments
Subject: Two Comments 1) We are actively supporting Presto!Mail and Presto!Links. We are spending a good deal of money to do the following: A. Provide a toll-free support line (1-888-conjure (1-888-266-5873)). B. Provide backup technical support to that third party with our own engineering. C. Aggressively develop new products and tools, such as the Magic Internet Kit (available now) and Presto!Links/Presto!Mail 2.0 later this year 2) The Magic Link and Envoy are not orphaned. They are the only Magic Cap-based Communicators currently in the market and we are actively supporting them. Sony has started advertising again, and we will also be advertising soon, more than we ever have before. Having said all of this, we are new to the retail/direct software business. We're working hard but we don't get everything right. We're putting in place better mechanisms to capture your suggestions and comments. Luke Derossi is also going to help us out by answering/investigating some of the Presto!Mail 1.5 and Presto!Links 1.0 issues. We appreciate your interest and willingness to use our products, and we value your feedback. Please keep sending it; we do read the groups. Also, remember that there are two e-mail addresses to report issues: For Magic Cap for Windows: mcwonline@genmagic.com For Presto!Mail and Presto!links: prestosupport@genmagic.com Thank you for your continued support. \Steve Steve Schramm VP & GM, Communication Products Division General Magic
From: Sameer Samat <ssamat@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 12:26:13 -0700
Subject: Re: cujoterm question
At 07:50 PM 9/10/96 -0400, you wrote: >I have a problem with cujoterm, both 3.1 & 4.0. I enter all the info for a modem connection, hit connect, it picks up the phone, but wont dial. Any ideas? >Jimmy > Enter an area code in the setup... (preferably the one your in)... it won't dial it.. but it will dial the number
From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 16:24:48 -0400
Subject: Old Newton
Since I've gone to work here with a pack of Magic Cap developers and I'm now carrying a Magic Link, my old Newton 110 is just collecting dust. I keep the batteries charged and everything, so its still usable, but the Magic Link has completely replaced it. Now I'm looking to put it back to use here on my desk. At the moment its an expensive toy which sounds like a Tricorder. In other words, I've got technology looking for an application. Anybody got any ideas for what it could be used? You know, my boss has another Newton 110 which hasn't been used in more than a year... Hmm. -- Bruce Tong Systems Programmer Electronic Vision / Fitne Work: Phone : (614) 592-2511 Fax : (614) 592-2650 mailto:zztong@evi.ev.net http://www.ev.net/fitne Play: mailto:zztong@eurekanet.com mailto:zztong@aol.com http://www.eurekanet.com/~zztong
From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 14:32:07 -0700
Subject: Re: Goin' wireless
Scott Yoshinaga writes: > No I am not misinformed. In fact the first thing > I did was go to my > favorite homepages and get the full graphical > verions of the pages into > my Magic Link cache. Ouch. Sorry about that. I didn't realize how jerky that comment was until I read your reply. Humblest apologies. > As the owner of a small ISP I also need > connectivity to my unix setup to > make sure all is well, this is why I said, for > myself all i would need is > a TEXT browser and vt 100 since I can do it all > through lynx. If I get > this then all I need to do is let my server > process the HTML for me which > will be 100% faster than Presto ever will be. You might want to talk to the folks at Active Paper about this. Presto!Mail 1.0, which was their previous Presto! product, is a 160k+ package that does the same things 1.5 does, but with a UNIX shell e-mail account. This tells me that AP knows how to build Magic Cap apps that talk to UNIX systems. Perhaps they can build a UNIX control package for you. While they're at it, they can build one for the rest of us too, that would do as a telnet and finger client, just without the administrator functions you need. Do you think something with function keys and other cute stuff that is UNIX literate might be more desirable than straight vt100?
From: Johnny Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 22:09:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Two Comments
lets give him a chance, ok?
From: Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV maintainer
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 02:53:18 +0000
Subject: post PLS era
It took a long time to get back on this list. Kept requesting but got nothing back. Using WorldNet as provider. Has this list changed or is it me. My mailings from the list used to come in as "from" MC Discussion List. Now each post comes in as "from" the individual sender. This makes it hard to set collection and filing rules. Is this normal? After using PrestoMail a few weeks, one thing is clear. I miss PLS badly. Collecting or sending mail at night on WorldNet is hopeless. Takes 15 tries or more. This is not fun. I miss the rules too. It just seemed more reliable. It's gone and I'm dealing, just miss it is all. My free copies of PrestoMail came about 5 days after ATTPLS pulled plug. Already had purchased a copy. Threw them right out. Thanks for nothing guys, you blew that one. Well, it's nice to be back from the great e-mail beyond. P.mchugh@worldnet.att.net
From: Johnny Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 23:31:54 -0400
Subject: Re: post PLS era
me too. I have yet to get my presto stuff. Goodbye magiclink. say hello to the 8-trak player you will be sitting next to in my closet.hope you both have a good chat.
From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 23:52:58 -0400
Subject: Re: post PLS era
Paul, It seems that not only is your 'from' different, but I believe messages originating from you through WorldNet are being stripped of the 'From' field entirely; they come across as 'undetermined origin'. I'm not sure if its the list that changed, or if its the fact that you are using Presto!Mail, but in comparison my messages have always appeared with people's names on them when viewed with a Windows mail client through my ISP. I'm going to look into it a bit more and see what I can find. As far as Worldnet traffic, have you thought about a smaller, local ISP? That's what I use here and I've had nothing but top-notch performance accessing with both Presto! products, at any time of day. Of course there are consolations, such as (800) number access, price, etc. But the variety of ISPs out there might be worth investigating. There's a big list of ISPs at www.thelist.com that's pretty comprehensive. BTW, Welcome back to the list! :) Regards, Luke Derossi for General Magic, Inc. Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV maintainer wrote: > > It took a long time to get back on this list. Kept requesting but got nothing > back. > > Using WorldNet as provider. Has this list changed or is it me. My mailings > from the list used to come in as "from" MC Discussion List. Now each post > comes in as "from" the individual sender. This makes it hard to set collection > and filing rules. Is this normal? > > After using PrestoMail a few weeks, one thing is clear. I miss PLS badly. > Collecting or sending mail at night on WorldNet is hopeless. Takes 15 tries or > more. This is not fun. I miss the rules too. It just seemed more reliable. > It's gone and I'm dealing, just miss it is all. > > My free copies of PrestoMail came about 5 days after ATTPLS pulled plug. > Already had purchased a copy. Threw them right out. Thanks for nothing guys, > you blew that one. > > Well, it's nice to be back from the great e-mail beyond. > > P.mchugh@worldnet.att.net
From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 22:23:28 -0700
Subject: Re: post PLS era
> It seems that not only is your 'from' different, > but I believe > messages originating from you through WorldNet > are being stripped of the > 'From' field entirely; they come across as > 'undetermined origin'. I'm > not sure if its the list that changed, or if its > the fact that you are > using Presto!Mail, but in comparison my messages > have always appeared > with people's names on them when viewed with a > Windows mail client > through my ISP. I'm going to look into it a bit > more and see what I can > find. I've noticed this too. I am subscribed to the list through both Netcom and WorldNet. I have been blessed so far in that when one occasionally fails to connect, the other works. This is nice when you are all set to download a web page and one service fails. My own posts, when sent through Netcom read in the from field as being sent from me. Posts through WorldNet say UNDETERMINED ORIGIN. At first I thought it was due to my hitting option-erase to strip off the code string for the benefit of non Presto! subscribers. Maybe it's due to WorldNet. I'm wild about Presto!Links. I think Presto!Mail is a top notch product also. As for having to rely on conventional ISPs for mail service after having used PLink, I think of it as switching from fresh eggs to powdered. If you cook'em right, powdered isn't too bad, but fresh eggs it ain't.
From: Scott Doniger <jamsys@INTERACCESS.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 00:34:15 -0500
Subject: New zaurus
This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail From the desk of Scott Doniger... --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail begin 000 PrestoMail M`0!CQSX/4&5R3R30V*G4!"4UA9VEC($-A<`RRAP#! M(_:`HA$`FE1$J3K`K%X,UT(D860F=@#V$A(2@*B0Q*#2*Y,:N'7'/@U-86=I M8VUA:6Q.86UE`0)B`77'/@=.86UE2V5Y`0,,!PP']R`-4V-O='0@1&]N:6=E M,3-KB<,LH<`P#_V= '1&:65L9`02$O?W`6(#S:]#=<<^"4EM86=E5FEE=P,"Q,VL-@RRAP#`$1() M_0R0'@`,D"H`#+!,``RPE@#]$A+]`Q)US:[``0$@#3$L,2XP+%-/3EDL,BQB M!1(,DD```@`2$A+-KGH)_`R0]@`,D0&;`/?W_1(2_0,@$&9R;VT@=&AE(&1E M 2!024,@870@9FER
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