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From: "Shawn Jipp Sr. Applications Engineer" <sjipp@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 00:10:05 -0700
Subject: External Modem
Any comments on my external modem timing tests? Did anyone try them with PIC-2000 and internal 14.4 modem? ///////Shawn Jipp Personal Email=sjipp@ix.netcom.com Work Email=apps@nanometrics.com Home=(408)736-5477
From: Duke da Monk Seal <duke@HISURF.COM>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 22:48:12 -1000
Subject: PCMCIA Modems
Thanks all for your help with a PC card... Now for my next question... before I drop all my dough and buy one.. what is a good PCMCIA modem to get and what is the best CHEAP one. 28.8 is a must since i wouldnt think of getting anything slower... tia! and aloha! \\scott\\ scott@hisurf.com
From: Brenda Holloway <brendah@MBAY.NET>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 06:48:27 -0700
Subject: Re: MAGICCAP Digest - 7 Sep 1996 to 8 Sep 1996
At 12:00 AM 9/9/96 -0400, you wrote: > While trying to re-pesonize my communicater, it said it couldn't add the >card because something unexpected happend, an error I have never seen. I >got a host of other errors, saying that it packed up certain packages, etc. > Now, my comminicator works, with Presto!links packed up. Anyone have any >idea what happend? Yeah, I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my review of Presto!Stuff, but if you have to reset your communicator, if Presto!Whatever is installed, it won't let you use your communicator as long as those packages are there, in an odd form of piracy protection. You'll ave to completely remove the packages and reinstall them. Or restore from a backup. brenda Brenda Holloway (brendah@mbay.net) when man determined to destroy Sony New Technologies, Monterey CA himself he picked the was http://www.sonysoft.com/brenda/ of shall and finding only why http://www.mbay.net/~brendah/ smashed it into because
From: Joel Skelton <skeltonj@ICE.NCR.DOE.CA>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 14:43:30 GMT
Subject: Any PenCell wizards out there?
Hello, Before I spend a few hours wrestling with PenCell I figured I'd ask here first. Is there any way to format/program a cell in PenCell so it will respond in a specified fashion when it is tapped? I want to be able to tap a cell and have it filled with the current time. While I'm here I'll go ahead and explain what I'm trying to make in case someone has already taken care of this for me. I work as a consultant so I need a way to track hours on different projects. Ideally I'd like to have something like this: | Date | project id | start | end | hours | Description +-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+--------------+ | | | | | | | +-------+------------+-------+-------+-------+--------------+ | | | | | | | If I eventually get good enough at programming in MagicCap I think I'll try to add this as an appointment type in the Datebook and add some tools for generating reports from entries in this format. Perhaps an even better addition to the little MagicCap office would be a punchclock and some time cards that could be personalized for each project! I hate having cool ideas and not yet having the ability to realize them! jps fa bf
From: Michael Colegate <colegatm@MAIL.SEL.SONY.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 08:08:05 -0400
Subject: Re[2]: AT&T Coupon Deadline
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: AT&T Coupon Deadline Author: Magic Cap Discussion Listat SONYCOM Date: 9/7/96 5:16 AM >Well I would send mine right back if I had received it. Any suggestions? >Mike Roark You should call 800-400-LINK to check the status of receiving your coupon. Call 800-571-SONY if you have sent your coupon in. Mike Colegate Sony Magic Link Support
From: John Mignault <mignault@NYTIMES.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 11:29:19 -0400
Subject: Re: TEST
>Hi John B., > >Your test worked and came through perfectly. Not for those of us not using a ML to read this list, it didn't. I got the "Dear Magic" salutation and an attachment. That was it. > >David Devaney, Jr. >daviddjr@shadow.net John ----------------------------- John Mignault Graphics Systems Programmer The New York Times 229 W. 43rd St, 7th floor NY, NY 10036 mignault@nytimes.com -----------------------------
From: George Hernandez <GRHB%RnD%RnD@GO50.COMP.PGE.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 08:35:46 PDT
Subject: Re: Cleaning up AT&T
John, I don't have any idea what you are sending, but our firewall is not decoding it properly, which is odd. You appear to be the only one who I am getting the coded message from. --------------------------------- George Hernandez PG&E Research & Development 510-866-5646 grhb@pge.com ----------------------[Reply - Original Message]---------------------- Sent by:John Beechler------------------------------------------------------------ begin 000 PrestoMail M`0!CQSX/4&5R "YN971C;VTN8V]M"@I!3TP*5F5G87-*;VAN,PK` M"@`#$A(2#)$!2X`,D0&;``$2"?T,D0%+@`R1`9L`#+#B``R0*L#]$A+]`Q(2 !$G2D ` end 17005 ------------------------------------------------------------ =====================================================================
From: "David Devaney, Jr." <daviddjr@SHADOW.NET>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 12:49:33 -0400
Subject: Re: Strange experience involving Presto!Links
This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap --magicmail Hi Richard, sonyboy writes: > Did you have any Rule set limiting the size of a > downloaded message, and then exceed the limit? Yes I did have the rule set. But I assumed that it wouldn't matter when downloading packages. Plus, in terms of Web pages at least, I am always prompted if the page is going to exceed the limit and do I want to retrieve it anyway. I assume if it does go by this rule that the same thing would happen when downloading packages. David Devaney, Jr. daviddjr@shadow.net --magicmail Content-Type: application/prestomail begin 000 PrestoMail M`0!CQSX/4&5R'!E \!`_8,"_<@"TUA9VEC M87!P97)S$A(2!O?]@*B0Q)_2CW3O2!(,@)9US:\P`0MB`W7'/@I0:&]N94QA M8F5L`@%UQSX*5&5L96YU;6)E<@$#(`$Q$B`.(#4V,2`@-# 2P@2G(N$A(2`77'/@A$;V-U;65N=`0$Q,VN/@RRAP;` M`V(!(,'U2&D@4FEC:&%R9"P*"G-O;GEB;WD@=W)I=&5S.@H^($1I9"!Y;W4@ M:&%V92!A;GD@4G5L92!S970@;&EM:71I;F<@=&AE('-I>F4@;V8@82`*/B!D M;W=N;&]A9&5D(&UE 2P@2G(N"F1A=FED9&IR M0'-H861O=RYN970*#)$!&H`,D0&;``%B`77'/A!%>'1E;G-I;VY%;&5M96YT M`@%UPCX*4F5P;'E3=&%M<`D``<3-K`8,LH<`P5\*$A(6"```A2S__XR1%@@` M`````````!8$4`@2`,3-J]\,LH<'@`7X#+$````2$@$2`````1(``Q)UQSX3 M4&QA=&9O From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 10:02:10 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...
>>Newton 2mb and 4mb cards are flash cards. Flash cards are not officially >>supported by Magic Cap (although MC can read but not write flash cards). >>The Newton 1mb card is SRAM. > >Peripheral outlet, 800-259-8989, claims 2MB Newton SRAM cards, no prices. >I have no connection with them except that their ad happens to be open in >front of me, p 57 8.26.96 MacWeek. >Paul Czarnecki Sorry, I was not clear. DO NOT buy Newton 2mb (or 4mb) cards for the Magic Link. They don't work. (Many people are using Newton 1mb cards successfully.) -Paul --------------------- Sony New Technologies http://www.sonysoft.com 1-800-739-7337 E-mail: plin@sonysoft.comFrom: Aaron Wallace <aaron@IFACT.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 13:13:15 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA Modems
At 10:48 PM 9/8/96 -1000, you wrote: >before I drop all my dough and buy one.. what is a good PCMCIA modem to >get and what is the best CHEAP one. 28.8 is a must since i wouldnt think >of getting anything slower... You may want to consider the following before getting a PCMCIA modem for your MLink: o The only PCMCIA modem driver currently available is the Sony Wireless Connection kit, which supports about a handful of modems. Oh, it's $50 or so for something that really should have been built into the device in the first place. o The Wireless modem thing has tons of overhead. I doubt there'd be much difference between 14.4 and 28.8. Several tests have suggested that the performance using the Wireless thing isn't much faster than the 2400 bps modem on the PIC-1000. I've gotten a 14.4 external to work on a PIC-1000 and it was barely faster than the 2400 bps internal. o There will be PCMCIA modem support someday, but it'll be on a package- by-package basis. I personally find it hard to believe that GM or whomever can't create a simple package that adds PCMCIA and external modem support at speeds comparable to the internal PIC modems. It doesn't speak too well of Magic Cap's design if this can't be done. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aaron Wallace The Internet Factory, Inc. | | aaron@ifact.com http://www.ifact.com | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+From: "R. Sprattling" <Sprattling@AOL.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 19:45:45 -0400
Subject: Untitled
[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on America Online.] Dear MAGICCAP List, I'd like to buy the following: - Sony Magic Link leather case; - Presto!Mail 1.5 and Presto!Link Please contact me if you have either for sale. Thanks! RodFrom: John Madsen <madsenj@TELEPORT.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 23:45:40 GMT
Hello! I've got some awesome news that I think you need to take two minutes to read if you have ever thought "How could I make some serious cash in a hurry???" , or been in serious debt, ready to do almost anything to get the money needed to pay off those bill collectors. So grab a snack, a warm cup of coffee, or a glass of your favorite beverage, get comfortable and listen to this interesting, exciting find! Let me start by saying that I FINALLY FOUND IT! That's right!. I found it! And I HATE GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES!! I hate those schemes like multi-level marketing, mail-order schemes, envelope stuffing scams, 900 number scams... the list goes on forever. I have tried every darn get rich quick scheme out there over the past 12 years. I somehow got on mailing lists for people looking to make money (more like 'desperate stupid people who will try anything for money!'). Well, when I was a teenager, these claims to 'get me rich quick' sounded irresistible! I would shell out $14.95 here, $29.95 there, $24.95 here, and another $49.95 there. I had maxed out my new Circuit City Card AND my Visa...I was desperate for money!! So, I gave them all a chance but failed at every one of them! Maybe they worked for some people, but not for me. Eventually, I just tossed that JUNK MAIL in the trash when I got the mail. I recognized it right away. I can smell a money scam from a mile away these days, SO I THOUGHT.... I thought I could sniff out a scam easily. WAS I WRONG!! ....I LOVE THE INTERNET!!! I was scanning thru a NEWSGROUP and saw an article stating to GET CASH FAST!! I thought..."Here on the Internet?? Well, I'll just have to see what schemes could possibly be on the internet." The article described a way to MAIL A ONE DOLLAR BILL TO ONLY FIVE PEOPLE AND MAKE $50, 0000 IN CASH WITHIN 4 WEEKS! Well, the more I thought about it, the more I became very curious. Why? Because of the way it worked AND BECAUSE IT WOULD ONLY COST ME FIVE DOLLARS (AND FIVE STAMPS), THAT'S ALL I EVER PAY....EVER!! Ok, so the $50,000 in cash was maybe a tough amount to reach, but it was possible. I knew that I could at least get a return of $1,000 or so. So I did it!! As per the instructions in the article, I mailed out ('snail mail'for you e-mail fanatics) a single dollar bill to each of the five people on the list that was contained in the article. I included a small note, with the dollar, that stated "Please Add Me To Your List." I then removed the first position name of the five names listed and moved everyone up one position, and I put my name in position five of the list. This is how the money starts rolling in! I then took this revised article now with my name on the list and REPOSTED IT ON AS MANY NEWSGROUPS AND LOCAL BULLETIN BOARD MESSAGE AREAS THAT I KNEW (200 minimum.) I then waited to watch the money come in...prepared to maybe receive about $1000 to $1500 in cash or so.... But what a welcome surprise when those envelopes kept coming in!!! I knew what they were as soon as I saw the return addresses from people all over the world-Most from the U.S., but some from Canada, even some from Australia! I tell you, THAT WAS EXCITING!! So how much did I get in total return? $1000? $5000? Not even!!! I received a total of $23,343!!! I couldn't believe it!! I now have a brand new black Acura Integra to speak for, due to this!! Now after almost 8 months, I am ready to do it again!!! So maybe it was possible to get $50,000 in cash, I don't know, but IT COMPLETELY DEPENDS ON YOU, THE INDIVIDUAL! You must follow through and repost this article everywhere you can think of! The more postings you achieve will determine how much cash will arrive in your very own mailbox!! It's just too easy to pass up!!! Let's review the reasons why you should do this: The only cost factors are for the five stamps, the 5 envelopes and the 5 one dollar bills that you send out to the listed names by snail mail (US Postal Service Mail). Then just simply repost the article (WITH YOUR NAME ADDED) to all the newsgroups and local BBS's you can. Then sit back and, (ironically), enjoy walking (you can run if you like! :o ) down your driveway to your mailbox and scoop up your rewards!! We all have five dollars to put into such an easy effortless investment with SPECTACULAR REALISTIC RETURNS OF $15,000 to $25,000 in about 3-5 weeks! So HOLD OFF ON THOSE LOTTERY NUMBERS FOR TODAY,EAT AT HOME TONIGHT INSTEAD OF TAKEOUT FROM McDONALDS AND INVEST FIVE DOLLARS IN THIS AMAZING MONEY MAKING SYSTEM NOW!!! YOU CAN'T LOSE!! So how do you do it exactly, you ask? I have carefully provided the mostdetailed, yet straightforward instructions on how to easily get this underway and get your cash on its way. SO, ARE YOU READY TO MAKE SOME CASH!!!?? HERE WE GO!!! *** THE LIST OF NAMES IS AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE. *** OK, Read this carefully. Get a printout of this information, if you like, so you can easily refer to it as often as needed. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Take a sheet of paper and write on it the following: "Please add my name to your list". This creates a service out of this money making system and thus making it completely legal. You are not just randomly sending a dollar to someone, you are paying one dollar for a legitimate service. Make sure you include your name and address. I assure you that, again, this is completely legal! For a neat little twist, also write what slot their name was in: "You were in slot 3", Just to add a little fun! This is all about having fun and making money at the same time! 2. Now fold this sheet of paper around a dollar bill ,(no checks or money orders), and put them into an envelope and send it on its way to the five people listed. The folding of the paper around the bill will insure its arrival to its recipient. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT!! 3. Now listen carefully, here's where you get YOUR MONEY COMING TO YOUR MAILBOX. Look at the list of five people; remove the first name from position one and move everyone on the list up slot one on the list. Position 2 name will now move to the position 1 slot , position 3 will now become position 2, 4 will be be 3, 5 wil be 4. Now put your name, address, zipcode AND COUNTRY in position 5, the bottom position on the list. 4. Now upload this updated file to as many newsgroups and local bulletin boards' message areas & file section as possible. Give a catchy description of the file so it gets noticed!! Such as: "NEED FAST CASH?, HERE IT IS!" or "NEED CASH TO PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS??", etc. And the more uploads, the more money you will make, and of course, the more money the others on the list will make too. LET'S ALL TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER BY BEING HONEST AND BY PUTTING FORTH 120 PERCENT INTO THIS PROFITABLE & AMAZING SYSTEM!!! You'll reap the benefits, believe me!!! Set a goal for the number of total uploads you'll post, such as 200 postings or more! Always have a goal in mind!!! If you can UUE encode the file when uploading, that will make it easier for the people to receive it and have it downloaded to their hard drive. That way they get a copy of the article right on their computer without hassles of viewing and then saving the article from the File menu. Don't alter the file type, leave it as an MS-DOS Text file. The best test is to be able to view this file using Microsoft's Notepad for Windows 3.x or WordPad for Windows '95. If the margins look right without making the screen slide left or right when at the ends of the sentences, you're in business! 5. If you need help uploading, simply ask the sysop of the BBS, or "POST" a message on a newsgroup asking how to post a file, tell them who your Internet provider is and PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BE GLAD TO HELP. I would try to describe how to do it but there are simply too many internet software packages with slightly different yet relatively simple ways to post or upload a file. Just ask for help or look in the help section for 'posting'. I do know that for GNN, you simply select 'POST' then enter a catchy description under the subject box, choose 'ATTACH', selecting 'UUE' and NOT 'TXT', then choose 'Browse' to go look for the file. Find your text file CASH.TXT and click on it and choose 'OK'. Place a one line statement in the main body section of the message post screen. Something like "Download this to read how to get cash arriving in your mailbox with no paybacks!" or whatever. Just make sure it represents its true feasibility, NOT something like..."Get one million dollars flooding in your mailbox in two days!" You'll never get ANY responses! 6. And this is the step I like. JUST SIT BACK AND ENJOY LIFE BECAUSE CASH IS ON THE WAY!! Expect to see a little money start to trickle in around 2 weeks, but AT ABOUT WEEKS 3 & 4, THE MONEY STORM WILL HIT YOUR MAILBOX!! All you have to do is take it out of the mailbox and try not to scream too loud (outside anyway) when you realize YOU HIT THE BIG TIME AT LAST!! 7. So go PAY OFF YOUR BILLS AND DEBTS and then get that something special you always wanted or buy that special person in your life (or the one you want in your life) a gift they'll never forget. ENJOY LIFE! 8. Now when you get low on this money supply, simply re-activate this file again; Reposting it in the old places where you originally posted and possibly some new places you now know of. Don't ever lose this file, always keep a copy at your reach for when you ever need cash. THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE TOOL THAT YOU CAN ALWAYS RE-USE TIME AND TIME AGAIN WHEN CASH IS NEEDED! THE NAMES LIST THE NAMES LIST THE NAME LIST ****************************************************************** * HONESTY IS WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SUCCESSFUL!!! * * * 1. Shane Uhlir * 121 S. Beltwoods Dr. * DeSoto, TX 75115 * * 2. Sandy Kim * 3047 David Ave #10 * Campbell, CA 95128 * * 3. Kevin Warkentin * 1709 Ulex * McAllen, TX 78504 * * 4. Scott Aikin * 10790 San Jacinto * Morongo Valley, CA 92256 * * 5. John Madsen * 5575 Sinclair St * West Linn, OR 97068 * * *******************************************************From: Duke da Monk Seal <duke@HISURF.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 14:30:38 -1000
Subject: Re: PCMCIA Modems
On Mon, 9 Sep 1996, Aaron Wallace wrote: > At 10:48 PM 9/8/96 -1000, you wrote: > > >before I drop all my dough and buy one.. what is a good PCMCIA modem to > >get and what is the best CHEAP one. 28.8 is a must since i wouldnt think > >of getting anything slower... > > You may want to consider the following before getting a PCMCIA modem > for your MLink: > > o The only PCMCIA modem driver currently available is the Sony Wireless > Connection kit, which supports about a handful of modems. Oh, it's > $50 or so for something that really should have been built into > the device in the first place. > > o The Wireless modem thing has tons of overhead. I doubt there'd be > much difference between 14.4 and 28.8. Several tests have suggested > that the performance using the Wireless thing isn't much faster than > the 2400 bps modem on the PIC-1000. I've gotten a 14.4 external to > work on a PIC-1000 and it was barely faster than the 2400 bps internal. > > o There will be PCMCIA modem support someday, but it'll be on a package- > by-package basis. > > I personally find it hard to believe that GM or whomever can't > create a simple package that adds PCMCIA and external modem support > at speeds comparable to the internal PIC modems. It doesn't speak too > well of Magic Cap's design if this can't be done. Okay...now after reading this I am very sad. I guess I will putt along with my 2400 baud modem on the information super highway to see the worldwide web...I havent been on a 2400 baud modem since 1988, and i bet getting a homepage graphic will be really slow!!!! Cmon magic cap guys! This is the ONLY hand held that has web browsing capabilities that are halfway decent! At least make it somewhat possible for us old PIC 1000 users to use PCMCIA modems!! =( okay...im done ! aloha! \\scott\\From: Josh Carter <josh@genmagic.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 19:39:19 -0800
Subject: new version of CujoTerm available!
Hi folks, For those of you that use CujoTerm, that simple but free terminal package, there's a new version available at: http://www.genmagic.com/Develop/MagicCap/Internet/Downloads/ This new version of CujoTerm is one of the template applications provided with the Magic Internet Kit, the new development kit for writing communicating Magic Cap applications. CujoTerm now supports: * PPP with PAP and CHAP authentication over a communicator's built-in modem and external modems plugged into the MagicBus port. You can now use CujoTerm with a Ricochet wireless modem without needing WMLink! * DNS name resolution so that you can use symbolic host names as the destination for a TCP/IP connection. Sorry, but there's no VT100 emulation yet; the above enhancements were inherited from the new features of the Magic Internet Kit. As I've mentioned before, CujoTerm is a sample application and not a formally supported end-user product of General Magic, but that doesn't stop me from using it on my personal communicator. Special notes: CujoTerm supports rlogin for TCP/IP connections, and the default port for TCP/IP is 513, the rlogin port. Also, if you're using a Ricochet modem and you need it to dial 777 for PPP mode, fill in the remote phone number as '"777' (double-quote and 777). That will make it dial 777 without trying to be smart and add an area code. Best regards and have fun! Josh Carter p.s. For those that are interested in neat-but-useless trivia, CujoTerm is named after Cujo the African Grey parrot that used to live in Magic's comms lab. Check out her home page at: http://www.spies.com/arubin/From: Josh Carter <josh@genmagic.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 19:20:04 -0800
Subject: Magic Internet Kit available!
Hi folks, (This post is geared towards developers, and it crossposted here in case you are interested in Magic Cap development but are not on the MAGICDEV list). I'd like to announce the availability of the Magic Internet Kit, the complete development kit for creating Magic Cap applications that communicate in a variety of ways. The heart of the Magic Internet Kit is a powerful yet easy-to-use object framework that provides: * TCP/IP support for writing full-featured Internet/Intranet applications. * Supporting protocols for TCP/IP such as PPP, with PAP and CHAP authentication, and DNS for resolving host names. * Serial communications over a communicator's built-in modem or MagicBus port. * PPP and serial support for many external modems, including Metricom's Ricochet wireless modem, U.S. Robotics, and Supra modems. Additionally, the Kit provides an automated application creation tool that lets you quickly select the different types of framework support that you desire and "clone" a template to start from. This lets you get up and running with a few mouse clicks! To find out more about the Magic Internet Kit, check out its web page located at: http://www.genmagic.com/Develop/MagicCap/Internet/ You can download the Kit for free from our web site, and the Magic Internet Kit Programmer's Guide is also available for reading online. Check it out! Best regards, Josh Carter Exception Handler General Magic Developer Technical ServicesFrom: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 21:12:20 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA Modems
Duke da Monk Seal writes: > Cmon magic cap guys! This is the ONLY hand held > that has web browsing > capabilities that are halfway decent! At least > make it somewhat possible > for us old PIC 1000 users to use PCMCIA modems!! > =( > okay...im done ! > aloha! > \\scott\\ I thought you had a PIC2000. The PIC1000 will theoretically operate a PC Card modem just as well as the 2000, but then you will have nowhere near enough memory to run Presto!Mail and !Links. The PIC1000 has to have a minimum 1meg SRAM card in the one and only PCMCIA card slot, and the Presto! Packages must be on the card. Presto! browsing via a card modem on the machine you have without reengineering it with PIC2000 parts is essentially impossible. I'm awaiting developments and hoping in the forseeable future to use an external modem at a reasonably fast speed for Presto!Links occasion.From: "Tim J. Clevenger" <TClevenger@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 01:55:55 -0400
Fast cash, eh? Hmm... We have his "snail mail" address... should we spam him? :-) TimFrom: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 22:57:47 -0700
Subject: sprint internet passport
Anyone else attempting to use sprint as an internet provider for their magic cap communicator? I have had very limited success. I can log in with ppp but my pop/smtp connections time out. I believe they are using a dns load sharing/hiding mechanism which works just fine with win95 and macslip but fails with Presto!Mail and Magic Cap. Surfing the web works reliably though. Greg
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