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Friday September 06, 1996

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@ROCKY.ORCI.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 06:41:44 GMT
Subject: Versit Cards

Hi all,
  Does anyone know if anyone in the MC world is working on incorporating
vCards to the Cap devices.  It seems that with the loss of PLink, that the
only thing that we have really lost is the directory services.  That
wonderful ability to update your own card and instantly make it available
to all.  Well, it seems to me, that these vCard thinggies and the directory
services at four11 could give us that back.  Apple is already looking into
it for the Newton according to Versit's documentation.  Of course, if done
correctly, it would be like PLinks directory services only not exclusive to
MagicLinks.  Cool hey?

Kevin Fries
C-Quad Systems (office) (palmtop)

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@ROCKY.ORCI.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 06:42:58 GMT
Subject: Presto!Link Easter Egg

What is an easter egg and how did it get its name?

Kevin Fries
C-Quad Systems (office) (palmtop)

From: "David Devaney, Jr." <daviddjr@SHADOW.NET>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 07:36:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Presto!Links Easter Egg

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Hi Magicappers,

Steve Schramm writes:
> Just so you know, this egg was placed in the software
> without General Magic's knowledge or approval.
> Besides, our easter eggs don't have bugs. \Steve

You don't need to get so defensive I was only warning people that this could
happen.  These objects could have been made unmoveable.

Besodes, isn't part of the idea behind an Easter Egg that the higher ups not
necessarily know they are in the software.

SOMEONE'S Easter Eggs have bugs in them!

David Devaney, Jr.

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Charles Ashley <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 13:59:29 +0100
Subject: The Coupon!

Hi All -

I'm so excited 'cause my PersonaLink coupon arrived today! :)  But when
I look at the fine print, I see it expired August 30,1996! :(



From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 10:05:12 -0400
Subject: Re: The Coupon!

> I'm so excited 'cause my PersonaLink coupon arrived today! :)  But
> when I look at the fine print, I see it expired August 30,1996! :(

Ouch. We've got a few coupons here at work we haven't had for very long
(a week or two) and they've expired too. It never occured to us there
would even be an expiration date. We haven't tried to redeem them yet as
we're still a ways off from having modem access to our company e-mail

I sure hope they extend the deadline.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: "R. Sprattling" <Sprattling@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 11:36:51 -0400
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

Scott Yosinaga writes:

> From: duke@HISURF.COM (Duke da Monk Seal)  I have
> a Newton 2 Meg flash Card that i want to use in
> my magic cap. It wont let me format it though.
> Any suggestions on getting it to work? I tried
> holding down option and rebooting, but it just
> tells me it cant be used...

I had no problem with a Newton 1 Mb card.  Inserted it,
was prompted for permission to reformat and, once reformatted, had a heap
more memory.

Perhaps a General Magician can comment on what qualities of a card MC
examines when determining whether or not that card is usable.


From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 10:49:03 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

>Scott Yosinaga writes:
>> From: duke@HISURF.COM (Duke da Monk Seal)  I have
>> a Newton 2 Meg flash Card that i want to use in
>> my magic cap. It wont let me format it though.
>> Any suggestions on getting it to work? I tried
>> holding down option and rebooting, but it just
>> tells me it cant be used...
"R. Sprattling"  replies
>I had no problem with a Newton 1 Mb card.  Inserted it,
>was prompted for permission to reformat and, once reformatted, had a heap
>more memory.
>Perhaps a General Magician can comment on what qualities of a card MC
>examines when determining whether or not that card is usable.

Newton 2mb and 4mb cards are flash cards.  Flash cards are not officially
supported by Magic Cap (although MC can read but not write flash cards).
The Newton 1mb card is SRAM.


Sony New Technologies

From: Michael Colegate <colegatm@MAIL.SEL.SONY.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 10:44:07 -0400
Subject: AT&T Coupon Deadline

     Anyone who has not returned the coupon from AT&T should fill it out
     and send it in to the Sony Fulfillment Center right away.  The
     deadline has been extended until September 30, 1996.  All requests
     that are postmarked on or before September 30, 1996 will be processed.

     Mike Colegate
     Sony Magic Link Support

From: Paul Czarnecki <pZ@CUSTOMLINE.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 15:02:51 -0400
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

>Newton 2mb and 4mb cards are flash cards.  Flash cards are not officially
>supported by Magic Cap (although MC can read but not write flash cards).
>The Newton 1mb card is SRAM.

Peripheral outlet, 800-259-8989, claims 2MB Newton SRAM cards, no prices.

I have no connection with them except that their ad happens to be open in
front of me, p 57 8.26.96 MacWeek.

Paul Czarnecki
Intentions   -nobility of  -humility of   -credibility of

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 15:04:16 -0400
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

R. Sprattling wrote:
> [This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
> America Online.]
> Dear MAGICCAP List,
> Scott Yosinaga writes:
> > From: duke@HISURF.COM (Duke da Monk Seal)  I have
> > a Newton 2 Meg flash Card that i want to use in
> > my magic cap. It wont let me format it though.
> > Any suggestions on getting it to work? I tried
> > holding down option and rebooting, but it just
> > tells me it cant be used...
> I had no problem with a Newton 1 Mb card.  Inserted it,
> was prompted for permission to reformat and, once reformatted, had a heap
> more memory.
> Perhaps a General Magician can comment on what qualities of a card MC
> examines when determining whether or not that card is usable.
> Rod


  The main issue is that the card be SRAM.  The Newton used SRAM cards
for their 1MB cards, and Flash for all higher cards; therefore the 1MB
cards will function, and the others will not.  There was also a
discussion waaay back about card voltage levels being an issue.  Magic
Cap hardware requires CMOS, and some SRAM cards are TTL. (most
specifically Newton 1MB cards.)  CMOS has a higher tolerance for varied
voltage while TTL is more strict, therefore if the voltage level from
the device strays outside the TTL tolerance, there will be problems.
Many MANY people were using Newton 1MB cards about two years ago when
the first Magic Link came out, because Apple was blowing them out real
cheap.  99.9% of people had no problems, but there were a few stories
floating around about one or two mysterious card crashes.

  Anyway, I believe that's one of the big reasons why Sony only
advocates their own (or HP's, who makes Sony's cards for them) cards, as
there are too many out there for them to test and certify.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Michael Colegate <colegatm@MAIL.SEL.SONY.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 10:51:32 -0400
Subject: Re[2]: PCMCIA card formatting...

Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

>I had no problem with a Newton 1 Mb card.  Inserted it,
>was prompted for permission to reformat and, once reformatted, had a heap
>more memory.

>Perhaps a General Magician can comment on what qualities of a card MC
>examines when determining whether or not that card is usable.


I believe the Apple 1 Meg cards are SRAM, not flash.

Mike Colegate
Sony Magic Link Support

From: "R. Sprattling" <Sprattling@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 15:24:33 -0400
Subject: Untitled

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


About that Newton 1Mb card that I had no problem formatting: I didn't parse
Scott's mention that it was a flash card he attempted to format. Duh.


From: "R. Sprattling" <Sprattling@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 15:24:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Presto!Mail + Presto!Links

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]


Scott writes:

> At Mac Zone it appears that Presto! mail is
> selling for 44.98! $64.70 with the shipping
> included from Gen magic...i should have looked
> before I bought! =( Shipping is only 3.00 at
> MacZone and they ship overnight!

But Mac Zone carries only PM 1.0, which Active Paper retained and still
markets for those whose ISPs provide UNIX shell accounts.  Unless things have
changed in two weeks, the Zone didn't even know there are two current

Or did I get a Zone CSR who didn't know better?


From: Aaron Wallace <aaron@IFACT.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 12:45:44 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

>Newton 2mb and 4mb cards are flash cards.  Flash cards are not officially
>supported by Magic Cap (although MC can read but not write flash cards).
>The Newton 1mb card is SRAM.

I would assume this refers to linear ("Intel") flash, not ATA ("SanDisk")
flash cards.  Does the MLink consider such a flash card a write-protected
card, or will strange things happen when some package tries to write to it?
Just curious if a flash card could be used, say, to hold packages, as if they
were in ROM...

|  Aaron Wallace                        The Internet Factory, Inc.   |
|                     |

From: Aaron Wallace <aaron@IFACT.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 13:07:39 -0700
Subject: Re: PCMCIA card formatting...

>Peripheral outlet, 800-259-8989, claims 2MB Newton SRAM cards, no prices.
>I have no connection with them except that their ad happens to be open in
>front of me, p 57 8.26.96 MacWeek.

I'd double-check this.  I don't think there's ever been a *Newton* 2 MB
SRAM card, and the 1 MB SRAM card was discontinued awhile ago (because,
I belive, they couldn't get replacement batteries...?!)

But Apple may have introduced such a card after all...

|  Aaron Wallace                        The Internet Factory, Inc.   |
|                     |

From: James Hedrick <jahedrick@SOUTHTECH.NET>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 16:26:34 -0400
Subject: Ram Card Questions

I hope someone can answer a question...I just started using a 2 mb card
that I got from Outfitters Direct on my sony magic link pic-1000. All is
well but i have some questions. I believe the ram card has a battery inside
to keep memory contents. does the battery drain continuously or only
outside the magic link. (I keep mine inserted all the time...i have only
one.) How long does the battery last? and will i lose all data and have to
reinstall when battery dies or is replaced?
Thanks in advance for any help on these questions.


Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 20:30:11 -0600
Subject: AT&T Coupon Deadline -Reply

Ok, but what if we sent it in weeks (almost a month) ago and don't have
the software? My brother sent his in after I sent mine and he has the
software, but I still don't. We both ordered Presto!Mail.


>>> Michael Colegate  6 Sep 96
8:44am >>>
     Anyone who has not returned the coupon from AT&T should fill it out
     and send it in to the Sony Fulfillment Center right away.  The
     deadline has been extended until September 30, 1996.  All requests
     that are postmarked on or before September 30, 1996 will be

     Mike Colegate
     Sony Magic Link Support

From: Aaron Wallace <aaron@IFACT.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 14:49:40 -0700
Subject: Re: Ram Card Questions

At 04:26 PM 9/6/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I hope someone can answer a question...I just started using a 2 mb card
>that I got from Outfitters Direct on my sony magic link pic-1000. All is
>well but i have some questions. I believe the ram card has a battery inside
>to keep memory contents. does the battery drain continuously or only
>outside the magic link. (I keep mine inserted all the time...i have only
>one.) How long does the battery last? and will i lose all data and have to
>reinstall when battery dies or is replaced?
>Thanks in advance for any help on these questions.

Generally, if the MLink is on, it will power the SRAM card.  The MLink
may even do this when off; I don't know if it does.  However, SRAM
cards draw very little power; even out of the MLink, the battery should
last around a year.  There is a battery "check" for the card in the MLink
battery level screen; I believe it will indicate OK or not OK only.

Generally, it's a good idea to replace the battery every year or so.

When it comes time to replace the battery, most cards have a small backup
battery that will maintain contents while you change the big backup
battery.  Others will recommend you change the battery when the card
is in the device, so that it stays powered up.

|  Aaron Wallace                        The Internet Factory, Inc.   |
|                     |

From: Johnny Culver <MrsTroi@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 23:39:18 -0400
Subject: Re: AT&T Coupon Deadline

I have yet to see my presto mail software. In fact, as a last resort, I have
reverted back to AOL for DOS. My next walkman will not be a Sony.

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