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Wednesday August 21, 1996

From: Sameer Samat <ssamat@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 00:15:48 -0700
Subject: Re: Stationary

At 03:10 AM 8/21/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear Magic,
>Aren't we all awaiting prestomail.
>are presto mail and prestolink the only applications for magic cap that
allow users to use general email / internet access?...

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@ECENTRAL.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 00:50:56 -0600
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows

Dear Magic,
Mike Lombrozo writes:
> Scott Doniger wrote:
> >
> > Dear Magic,
> > I cant beleive the are doing MCW ONLY for 95.  95 has been such a flop in
> > america...  Now NT poss.....    Corp america refuses to go to 95..    Just
> > another nail in the coffin of GM...
> >
> > Schramm or Scam.....            From the desk of Scott Doniger...
> Scott
> FYI, Corporate america is very interested in
> Win95.  I work for a
> Fortune 500 company and network with other
> corporate ITs.  The holdup on
> moving to Win95 is based on driver support from
> 3rd party vendors, not
> Win95 itself.  Novell's 32 bit drivers are still
> in beta and
> WordPerfect, the standard in many companies, just
> came out with their
> Win95 version in June.  We also have some
> mainframe apps and specialized
> printers that still don't have Win95 drivers.
> Most corporations are going to move to Win95
> because of better memory
> management and a more reliable OS.  Note that
> this is based on our
> internal tests, not marketing or media hype.
> While it's not perfect by
> a long shot, it's good enough for business as
> evidenced by the number of
> workers that want to use it.  We're also planning
> on moving to NT and
> realize that Win95 is an interim step that will
> get users used to the NT
> interface.  Since it's an interim step, we're not
> writing many custom
> drivers and are waiting for vendors to supply the
> upgrades under their
> maintenance contracts.
> I think GM is very smart to concentrate their
> resources on Win95.  They
> won't be hurt by the few whiners like you that
> are out of the mainstream
> and can't see the big picture.

I would love to hear where you get your information from.  ComputerWorld as
recently as a month ago showed Win 3.x on 48% of desktops and Win 95 and Win
NT combined at 9%.  These numbers were reported as part of an article
regarding Java (which to date does not run in 16 bit windows due to its
inability to multi-thread).  These developers are starting to go broke and
ticked that so few people can run their apps!

As a contract programmer, I have several clients that have all out banned Win
95 from their systems.  Since I write client/server, tcp/ip and enterprise
wide applications, these clients are not small.  One of the clients that have
flat banned Win 95 is Colorado Division of Wildlife.  Related divisions are looking at NT, but 95 has been banned there too.

So please check facts.

Kevin Fries

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 04:19:33 -0400
Subject: Re: Stationary

Sameer Samat wrote:
> At 03:10 AM 8/21/96 +0000, you wrote:
> >Dear Magic,
> >Aren't we all awaiting prestomail.
> >
> >
> >
> >are presto mail and prestolink the only applications for magic cap that
> allow users to use general email / internet access?...


  Nope, there are several alternatives.  Primarily, in addition to
Presto!Mail 1.5/Links and its ability to utilize nearly any PPP dialup
internet provider for Email and graphical web browsing, you also have
the choice to use America Online, CompuServe, QuickLink for QuickMail
access, various LAN email formats like Notes Mail, cc:Mail and Microsoft
Mail thanks to Mail on the Run!, Presto!Mail 1.0 for mail via shell
account, VT100 terminal emulators Magic Connection and CujoTERM, and for
the Envoy wireless communicator there is also Radiomail.  I've probably
forgotten some too.

  Each of the packages mentioned above offer various degrees of
funcionality of course; some are just mail, others have additional

Hope this answers your question! :)


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Robert Kantor <r.kantor@POSTOFFICE.WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 11:51:02 +0000
Subject: Summary development

Could someone be kind enough to develop a mail summary similar to that which
we had with Plink for America on Line mail retreival.  It would certainly be
a most appreciative program and one that should not be too difficult to
creat.  Please give same some consideration and respond at your leisure.

From: Bruce Tong <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 09:18:19 -0400
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows

> ComputerWorld as recently as a month ago showed Win 3.x on 48% of
> desktops and Win 95 and Win NT combined at 9%.

I remember this article, and it seems to be correct based on my
perspective of the market:

The majority of the developers at my company develop apps for Windows.
(Which seems weird since half of the machines in this place are Macs;
go figure.) Our customer base is just about finished moving from DOS
to Win 3.1. While our Windows developers use Win95 and I'm fairly
certain they would like our customers to upgrade, its just not
happening very quickly.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: Martin Simoneau <simoneau.martin@UQAM.CA>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 09:43:37 -0400
Subject: Re: MAGICCAP Digest - 19 Aug 1996 to 20 Aug 1996

>Where is the best (read: least expensive) place to get MagicXchange and
>a Magic Link cable?
I found it at MacZone for $55.00 3 months ago.

Martin Simoneau

From: MCW Online <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 10:45:32 -0700
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows

Subject:  RE>>Magic Cap for Windows 2.0 beta 1

We are delivering Magic Cap on Windows 95 first because Windows 95 itself
provides vastly improved environment support via MAPI and TAPI. These solve
major customer complaints in the area of connectivity to standard mail
systems, internet service providers, support for most modems, and connectivity
to Microsoft Exchange. These features are specifically requested by our target
market, which is the Small Office and Home Office market. We are considering a
Windows 3.1 version, but it will be less powerful because Microsoft does not
provide as rich an environment. Magic Cap for Macintosh and Magic Cap for
Windows 3.1 are on hold pending the completion and market acceptance of this
first product. If it is received well, we will pursue other versions.

On another front, I saw some recent comments about our PIC<->MCW
synchronization package on which we're also working and plan to deliver this
year. This is different from IntelliLink and is designed to be a quick
synchronization of the Name Cards (a.k.a. Rolodex(tm)) and Date Book. These
are the two items customers told us were most important to synchronize in the
first version, and we wanted to keep the synch simple and as fast as possible.

IntelliLink's product will still provide a more comprehensive version of
PIC<->MCW connectivity.

Steve Schramm
VP & GM, General Magic

Joel Connors   / Magic Cap For Windows Support
Email at:
Phone at: (408) 774-4041
Fax at: 800-774-3311
Support hours are 9am to 5pm (PST) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

From: Tom Yates MailLists <madlists@MATHWORKS.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 14:02:51 -0400
Subject: pic-2000 styli

to make a long story short, i've ended up with seven PIC-2000 styli from
sony where i only wanted two.

if anyone out there wants a spare PIC-2000 stylus, send me a cheque for $3
with your name and address etc. etc.  i'll stick it in an envelope *with
some internal protection* (a regular envelope doesn't hold these very well,
that's how i ended up with so many) and mail it to you.

please send email to "" (DON'T reply to the whole list,
or to the originating address [madlists is my mailing list address, i don't
check it more than once every day or two]) to let me know you're sending
money, i'll reply to confirm there's a stylus waiting for you.  don't just
send the money, ok?

tom yates
unix chap
stylus czar

From: Bob Arsenault/US/3Com <Bob_Arsenault@3MAIL.3COM.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 11:19:29 EDT
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows

Mr. Schramm,
Thank you for personally addressing this group.  It is important for me to see
the personal involvement in such topics by General Magic, thereby underscoring
your committment to the end-user install base.  We all sometimes get a little
nervous about things not happening, or actually happening for some "unknown
reason",  because of not hearing from an official source.

Please make this a regular forum from the powers that be within your
organization, this will calm the choppy waters out here on the leading

Thanks again,

----- Previous Message ----------------------------------------------------

From: mcwonline @ GENMAGIC.COM (MCW Online) @ UGATE
Date: Wednesday  August 21, 1996 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows
Subject:  RE>>Magic Cap for Windows 2.0 beta 1

We are delivering Magic Cap on Windows 95 first because Windows 95 itself
provides vastly improved environment support via MAPI and TAPI. These solve
major customer complaints in the area of connectivity to standard mail
systems, internet service providers, support for most modems, and connectivity
to Microsoft Exchange. These features are specifically requested by our target
market, which is the Small Office and Home Office market. We are considering a
Windows 3.1 version, but it will be less powerful because Microsoft does not
provide as rich an environment. Magic Cap for Macintosh and Magic Cap for
Windows 3.1 are on hold pending the completion and market acceptance of this
first product. If it is received well, we will pursue other versions.

On another front, I saw some recent comments about our PIC<->MCW
synchronization package on which we're also working and plan to deliver this
year. This is different from IntelliLink and is designed to be a quick
synchronization of the Name Cards (a.k.a. Rolodex(tm)) and Date Book. These
are the two items customers told us were most important to synchronize in the
first version, and we wanted to keep the synch simple and as fast as possible.

IntelliLink's product will still provide a more comprehensive version of
PIC<->MCW connectivity.

Steve Schramm
VP & GM, General Magic

Joel Connors   / Magic Cap For Windows Support
Email at:
Phone at: (408) 774-4041
Fax at: 800-774-3311
Support hours are 9am to 5pm (PST) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

From: Paul Czarnecki <pZ@CUSTOMLINE.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 14:41:13 -0400
Subject: NP530 Battery

Does anybody have a good (cheap) mailorder source for the NP530 batteries?

Paul Czarnecki
What are the sections sections of?    Imagine a caterpillar moving

From: Sinan Karahan <sinan@ISI.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:14:09 -0700
Subject: Re: NP530 Battery

Paul Czarnecki wrote:
> Does anybody have a good (cheap) mailorder source for the NP530 batteries?
> pZ
> --
> Paul Czarnecki
> What are the sections sections of?    Imagine a caterpillar moving

The best one I have found is $61, at

Considering the NP530 sells at $69 at the local Good Guys electronics
store, I'm not sure if its worth mail-ordering.  Has anyone seen a
better price elsewhere?

Sinan Karahan

From: George Hernandez <GRHB%RnD%RnD@GO50.COMP.PGE.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 13:16:10 PDT
Subject: Re: Magic Cap for Windows

----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------

Sent by:Bruce Tong 
 > ComputerWorld as recently as a month ago showed Win 3.x on 48% of
> desktops and Win 95 and Win NT combined at 9%.

>I remember this article, and it seems to be correct based on my
>perspective of the market:

I guess that it is all a matter of perspective.  Our company (23,000 of us)
will be upgrading to Win95 later this year.  We would have upgraded sooner but
our network requires mucho attention (not an easy task to upgrade). We are not
alone in our upgrade either.  Several of the National Labs people and
consultants, who we work with regularly, have already switched and must
translate their stuff so we can use it.

George Hernandez
PG&E Research & Development

From: Curt Steindler <Steindler@AOL.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 18:29:39 -0400
Subject: Untitled

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

Well, I have joined the ranks of MagicLink owners with the acquisition of a
used PIL-2000. (Thank you Mark!)

Right now i am using QuickPrint,  but I really want to get a keyboard.
However, like finding a ML in Los Angeles, getting a keyboard has proven to
be a tremendous challenge.

I am also interested in finding inexpensive SRAM. If anyone has a source
please let me know.

As might be expected, I am a bit put off by Sony's apparent failure to
support this platform. (Even the Sony stores here don't carry ML

But I'll percevere. Anyone in LA  with a ML let me
know; maybe we'll form a user's group.


From: Johnny Culver <A5133644645@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 00:48:27 +0000
Subject: Summary development

Dear Magic,
That sounds great.

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Johnny Culver <A5133644645@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 00:50:24 +0000

Dear Magic,
Aaah, like me, many magiccap users are frugal

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 04:27:12 +0000
Subject: Presto Coupon

Are we going to receive PrestoMail before the death of ATTPLS or not. 9
days left. C'mon. Why did they even bother with the coupon? Either do
it, or don't do it. No big deal. If it's not here before ATTPLS is out,
what good is it! I'll spend the $50 bucks.

ISP providers question.

Are there providers out there who will supply me with all the phone
numbers, etc. without doing it from a PC first? I just want to use my
Links for e-mail. Kinda the reason we bought them. I don't want to have
to set up a PC for each account.

Paul McHugh

From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 04:36:23 +0000
Subject: MCW 2.0 beta

We registered our copies when we pulled them off the web. Also bought
the disks. So General Magic knows who has MCW 1.0 and who doesn't. It
would also be easy to look at ATTPLS and see who is using it.

MCW is a neat product and a perfect fit to people using other Magic
devices. That is why we used it. I just think it would have made sense
to give the people using 1.0 a chance to move to 2.0. This is
especially true since 1.0 becomes useless in 9 days.

General Magic, I love you, but you make it difficult!!

Paul McHugh

Mailing Lists MagicCap List