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Saturday August 10, 1996

From: Petr Vyhnak <pvyhnak@ATTBCS.ANET.CZ>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 19:29:57 +0200
Subject: NP500 vs. NP530 rechargeable batteries

I've asked a local Sony retailer if they have a NP500H LiIon battery (I have
the PIC-1000). I was told that NP500 is not manufactured anymore and that
NP530 is intended to be the replacement for NP500 and NP520. It's probably
ok to replace NP500 with NP530 in a camcorder, but I'm not sure about
PIC-1000. Can I use it ?

If someone from Sony is reading this or someone is using NP530 in PIC-1000,
please let me know.



From: Scott Wood <swood@WWNET.COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 15:13:17 -0400
Subject: Re: NP500 vs. NP530 rechargeable batteries

Petr Vyhnak wrote:
> I've asked a local Sony retailer if they have a NP500H LiIon battery (I have
> the PIC-1000). I was told that NP500 is not manufactured anymore and that
> NP530 is intended to be the replacement for NP500 and NP520. It's probably
> ok to replace NP500 with NP530 in a camcorder, but I'm not sure about
> PIC-1000. Can I use it ?
> If someone from Sony is reading this or someone is using NP530 in PIC-1000,
> please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Petr

I Have been using a 520 for 6 months now.  The only differance between
the 500 and the 520 is the capacity.  The 520 will just last longer
between recharges.  I would guess that the 530 is the same but I am not
100 % sure.  BTW I checked with Sony before I bought the 520, they told
what I said above.

Scott Wood

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 17:03:18 -0400
Subject: Re: NP500 vs. NP530 rechargeable batteries

Petr Vyhnak wrote:
> I've asked a local Sony retailer if they have a NP500H LiIon battery (I have
> the PIC-1000). I was told that NP500 is not manufactured anymore and that
> NP530 is intended to be the replacement for NP500 and NP520. It's probably
> ok to replace NP500 with NP530 in a camcorder, but I'm not sure about
> PIC-1000. Can I use it ?
> If someone from Sony is reading this or someone is using NP530 in PIC-1000,
> please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Petr


  Yes the NP530 is totally compatible with Magic Link devices.  In fact,
they recently began shipping new PIC-2000's with the 530 battery instead
of the 520.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Stephen Sayer <>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 17:26:50 -0400
Subject: Re: NP500 vs. NP530 rechargeable batteries

> > I've asked a local Sony retailer if they have a NP500H LiIon battery (I
> > have the PIC-1000). I was told that NP500 is not manufactured anymore
> > and that NP530 is intended to be the replacement for NP500 and NP520. It's
> > probably ok to replace NP500 with NP530 in a camcorder, but I'm not sure
> > about PIC-1000. Can I use it ?
> >
> > If someone from Sony is reading this or someone is using NP530 in
> > PIC-1000, please let me know.
> I Have been using a 520 for 6 months now.  The only differance between
> the 500 and the 520 is the capacity.  The 520 will just last longer
> between recharges.  I would guess that the 530 is the same but I am not
> 100 % sure.  BTW I checked with Sony before I bought the 520, they told
> what I said above.

I did call Sony about this and the tech. support person I talked to said that
they don't know if the 530 is OK to use in a PIC-1000 and that they don't even
have any more of the 520's at Sony.

Apparently Sony doesn't care enough about PIC-1000 users to warrant testing
these new batteries on the PIC-1000 before discontinuing the 520 and/or
disseminating the results of such tests (for better or worse). In any case it's
clearly an impediment imposed upon us by Sony.

I know the handling of this issue will certainly affect my future buying
decisions with regard to Sony equipment of any type not to mention it having
put a hold on any other planned purchases related to the Magic Link. Heck I've
even stopped the MagicCap software development I've been working on pending a
solution to this problem.

BTW, I've been trying to find a 520 or a 500 for nearly four months now. Now
I'm wondering if I should have been looking for another PDA instead.


 HijinxMOO (interactive) ==> telnet://
 HijinxMOO (www service) ==>

From: MIke Matrix <mmatrix@INREACH.COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 18:22:26 -0700
Subject: Re: NP500 vs. NP530 rechargeable batteries

Stephen Sayer wrote:

> I know the handling of this issue will certainly affect my future buying
> decisions with regard to Sony equipment of any type not to mention it having
> put a hold on any other planned purchases related to the Magic Link. Heck I've
> even stopped the MagicCap software development I've been working on pending a
> solution to this problem.
> BTW, I've been trying to find a 520 or a 500 for nearly four months now. Now
> I'm wondering if I should have been looking for another PDA instead.
> Later,

I have been using a 530 (Actually a Sony camcorder battery model
NP-F530) in a PIC -1000 and a PIC 2000 for several months, without any
problem. IMHO if you are giving up on Magic links and developing Magic
Cap sofware because you couldn't find a _battery_, perhaps we are better
off without your efforts. Sony tells me that any retailer that sells
their high end 8mm camcorder line should carry the NP-F530. Fry's
electronics in the Bay Area had about 100 of them in stock.

From: Kevin Fries <kfries@ECENTRAL.COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 22:06:11 -0600
Subject: Re: Memory Cards

Hi all,

Michael Brummitt inquired:
> And one more question. Can any PCMCIA memory card
> be used with a PIC-1000 or do you have to use
> Sony's?

I use an Epson 2M and it apears to work fine.

Kevin Fries

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