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Wednesday August 07, 1996

From: "Nancy J. Webb" <nwebb@TIAC.NET>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 19:12:48 -0400
Subject: NETCOM Phone #

Hi -

Has anyone else tried the "Subscribe to NETCOM" 800 number listed in the
NETCOM brochure which is packaged with Presto!stuff?  When I dialed it, I
got a recording asking me to enter a 4-digit PIN number.

I can find another way to reach NETCOM, but was curious if anyone else had
this problem.


From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 21:56:56 -0700
Subject: NETCOM Phone #

Dear Magic,
That is what happened a couple of weeks ago when I tried that number. Try
calling (800) 353-6600. Don't try explaining the ML to the operator: chances
are they don't know anything about the special deal Netcom has with GM. Mine
didn't. The special registration number in the flyer works in their system
when they enter it though. Just give them the number and tell'em to enter it.
After that you're in.

From: Wayne Sanderson <WHSanderson@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 06:18:20 +0000
Subject: Presto!Links package ballooning

I have been having this interesting little problem with Presto!Links. After
1 or 2 web pages download, I get a message about the package where
Presto!Links is stored being nearly full. Even discarding all of the
downloaded web pages does no good. I am constantly resetting the package.
When newly reset, the package is 188k. Immediately after this message shows
up, and even though I discard all downloaded pages, the package size is
256-260k everytime. The package consistently balloons approx 75k. I would
not really care that much except it  refuses to get more pages, forcing a
delay to reset the package after every 1-2 pages. I tried an experiment. I
disabled the 2 rules governing GIF image downloading, and then grabbed 2 web
pages. I then checked the !Links package-size was 205k. I then went back and
enabled the rule 'allow GIF image downloading', and then tapped an image
link. Bam- low memory message, and the !Links package was over 280k! And it
had not downloaded a thing- just the rule change and a command to download a
GIF. Has anyone else experienced this? It said in the text of the rule that
it would use more memory. I have plenty of card and main memory available,
but the enable GIF rule apparently eats package space in the Presto!Links
package and not these other types of memory. Is there a cap placed on how
large the Presto!Links package is allowed to become?

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