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Tuesday August 06, 1996

From: Mike Lombrozo <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 21:03:56 -0700
Subject: Re: MCW under NT?

Jim Hinson wrote:
> I run MCW under NT.  Seems to work fine for me.  Now to get VC++ apps
> integrated into MCW....  Suggestions, anyone?
> ...I'm curious as to whether or not MagicCap for Windows will run under NT,
> and if so, how well as compared to Win 95 and Win 3.x machines.  Also, are
> there any developers who are migrating to MagicCap for Windows as an
> alternate/complementary platform versus standalone MagicCap devices?

I'm planning on using MCW as a complementary platform.  For managers in
my company, it's a great PIM to use at work with the Magic Link used
while away from the office.


From: Mike Lombrozo <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 01:55:12 -0700
Subject: Re: Freestyle / MagicExchange

Bill Berthoud wrote:
> > This begs another question...  Whele do I get documentation on the DDE topics,
> > cmds and requests supported by MagicExchange???
> It can be found on the Magic Cap website (used to be under
> Develop/IntelliLink, I think, but they have been revamping, so it may be
> elsewhere now).  There are docs and samples for PC, Mac and Magic Cap
> packages for getting data on and off of Magic Cap.  It is also all on the
> Developers' Conference CD from last fall.

Will intellilink have an update to the full version of Intellilink to
support Magic Cap for Windows?  It would help to xfr from my current PIM
(Ecco Pro) to MCW when it comes out.

From: Earl Newsome <A5173644694@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 10:24:46 +0000
Subject: pager card

Dear Magic,
I read on this list that there was a patch for the pager card on the
2000, if so could someone send it or tell me where I can download it?



From: Shawn Jipp <sjipp@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 04:24:02 -0700
Subject: Magic in MA?

I am in MA on business this week.  Any other Magic Cappers out here?  Anyone
wish to get together to exchange info/programs/news/etc.?

If so, send me a message.

///////Shawn Jipp

From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 14:55:24 +0000
Subject: Swapping 130

Anyone out there looking for Newton 130. Would like to swap straight up
for PIC-2000. Would also consider PIC-1000 if the accessories were



From: John Mignault <mignault@NYTIMES.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 10:48:09 -0400
Subject: Possible Coupon Alternative?

For those of us who already have Presto and no use for the other offered
packages, would it make sense for Sony/AT&T to offer us a copy of the
release version of MCW instead? It'd be usable with WorldNet, right?
Otherwise, I'm just going to get another copy of Presto and probably sell
it...(JimNKar, you've got first dibs if I do this...)


John Mignault
Graphics Systems Programmer
The New York Times
229 W. 43rd St, 7th floor
NY, NY 10036

From: John Mignault <mignault@NYTIMES.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 10:44:43 -0400
Subject: ROM Changes?

Since I've been thinking of eventually buying a PIC-2K, and given the
recent demise of PLink, I was wondering:

Does Sony have any plans to change the ROMS in the 2K? It really makes no
sense to continue to ship them with a now useless PLink eating up ROM
space. Or are they just planning on installing the Bastille patch? Or
(cynically) just doing nothing at all?

Seems like it might just be smarter to wait till the next generation of MC
devices come out.


John Mignault
Graphics Systems Programmer
The New York Times
229 W. 43rd St, 7th floor
NY, NY 10036

From: "D'angelo, Leo" <LEO.D'ANGELO@FMR.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 11:19:00 -0400
Subject: Re: link to link

Why is this necessary?? Can't you use the infrared beam to send packages
between communicators??

Just my .02 cents.

From: Magic Cap Discussion List
To: A200749
Subject: link to link
Date: Friday, August 02, 1996 11:33PM


Has anyone ever cabled 2 communicators together with the Magic XChange
with a double male DB-9 connector in between? What would happen if you
this and touched the computer link icons in the storeroom? Could you
packages back and forth this way? I'm pretty sure you can talk back and
this way with Cujoterm or the Magic Connection emulator.

From: Joel Skelton <jskelton@MAGI.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 11:48:32 -0400
Subject: Joel's Magic Link Story

Hello all,
  Here's my MagicLink story:

Chapter 1: I Beat The System
  I just got my Sony PIC-1000 a couple of weeks ago and
I really like it! I wouldn't have paid the original ~$800
price for it because it just wouldn't have been worth that
much for me but I found it at MacZone for $299 with the phone
headset and Magic XChange included. When it got here they had
charged me only $215! I also noticed that the Magic XChange
stuff was missing. A call to MacZone informed me that there
should have been a card to send to Sony which would get me
a free Magic XChange. There was no such card and Sony said
on the phone that they didn't support that anymore. I pressed
MacZone and they sent me the Magic XChange package free of
charge the very next day! YES!

Chapter 2: Ready To Spend A Little More
  With my Magic XChange software I started downloading all
I could from the net. Hmmmm. This thing's getting full
and the batteries are dying faster than Microsoft Bob. I was
ready call MacZone to order the rechargeable batteries and a
$170 4-meg FLASH memory card. This is when I learned that the
Sony only takes the much more elusive and expensive SRAM memory.
The Sony 1Meg card is as much as the 4 meg card! AAAAARRRGH!

Chapter 3: Physical and Metaphysical questions
  First the physical question: Where can I get cheap SRAM
cards? Does it change every day? Do I have to meet someone
in a dark alley and ask no questions?
  And now the metaphysical question: After searching the net
and seeing what's out there I have the distinct feeling that
the MagicCap system is pretty much a sinking ship. Does anyone
else agree? Mind you, I think it's a really cool sinking ship
and for the relatively small price I paid I don't mind going
down with it. I just wish that there were more freeware,
shareware, and cashware packages available out there.


From: "Rishi R. Oswal" <Yipadedoda@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 13:27:19 -0400
Subject: Re: Joel's Magic Link Story

I beleive direct mobile is selling 2 mb sram cards for $115.00 and 1 mb for
$45.00. I also have heard that Surplus has good prices on sram memory cards.


From: Carl Noe <A5953644692@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 18:45:28 +0000
Subject: Eternity?

Dear Magic Cap Discussion List,

I don't seem to have a working version/copy of Eternity.

Would some kind soul please post pointers to the latest version (usable
on a PIC-1000l, and info on using it.



From: Richard Brown <A5403644662@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 18:57:47 +0000
Subject: Swapping 130
Richard Brown Photography
725 NW Flanders #204
Portland, Oregon. 97209
I am interested in your 130 .
I cant seem to send you mail direct , can you send me your name card .

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: brenda holloway <brendah@MBAY.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 12:27:43 -0700
Subject: Downloads page now supports Presto!Links

Okay, I've finally shaken the bugs from my downloads page, gotten MBay.Net
to modify their HTTP server, and I think things will work better now.

I've changed my downloads page _again_. It now supports non-frames browsers
such as Presto!Links, Lynx, and until very recently, Microsoft's Internet
Explorer for the Mac.

Packages may now be downloaded directly to the communicator using
Presto!Links (not UUEncode, not through e-mail... Presto!Links).

If you're using a browser capable of frames, you're sent to the same page
as before. If you're using a browser that doesn't support frames, you get
an all-new, text-only page that loads very quickly and has all the same
information in a very retro, 1993-ish style.

Thanks to everyone who helped bring this together.


Brenda Holloway (   deeds cannot dream what dreams can do
Sony New Technologies, Monterey CA   -time is a tree (this life one leaf)      but love is the sky and i am for you        just so long and long enough

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 13:03:38 -0700
Subject: Re: Link to Link?

D'Angelo writes:
> Why is this necessary?? Can't you use the
> infrared beam to send packages
> between communicators??
> Just my .02 cents.
>  -LeoD
>  ----------
Yes, I have done that. This question is motivated by curiousity as well as
inventiveness. The place where I work has an abandoned network that has access
points in many different places. These accesses appear to be DB25 connectors,
which are easily adapted to DB9s. I was curious as to whether this would work
because I wondered whether remote access machine to machine was possible at
this basic level as a start. Actually, I am curious about much more in this
direction. Perhaps my train of thought should have been expressed as 'MagicCap
Lan?' A MagicCap only lan is an intriguing idea, don't you think? Perhaps the
function of the Computer Link in the storeroom could be expanded into a
LanLink. And a PC running MCW could be the interface to an internet e-mail
gateway. Of course I haven't a clue as to how to go about it- I was just
curious as to whether it was feasable.

From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 20:57:45 +0000
Subject: Swapping 130

Dear Magic,

Used wrong e-mail address on my earlier post about swapping a Newton
130 for PIC.

If interested, you can reach me at or

Sorry about that.

Paul McHugh

From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 20:57:49 +0000
Subject: SkyTel alternatives?

Is there another pager service out there we can reach through Magic Cap
besides SkyTel. No one else seems to have internet access.

Any help would be appreciated.

Paul McHugh


From: John Mignault <mignault@NYTIMES.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 17:02:25 -0400
Subject: More on ROMs...

Now that I've thought about it some more, and after a discussion with Tom
Yates, an even better idea would be for Sony to follow Motorola's lead and
start making MLs with flash ROMs. That would avoid the dead PLink problem,
plus let you decide what you wanted in ROM or main memory - think of Presto
in ROM for example. Is Sony considering this?


John Mignault
Graphics Systems Programmer
The New York Times
229 W. 43rd St, 7th floor
NY, NY 10036

From: rbro <rbro@WCO.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:34:31 -0000
Subject: Re: Swapping 130

>Anyone out there looking for Newton 130. Would like to swap straight up
>for PIC-2000. Would also consider PIC-1000 if the accessories were
I have a PIC-1000. What accerssories do you need to make it worth your



From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:31:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Eternity?

>Dear Magic Cap Discussion List,
>I don't seem to have a working version/copy of Eternity.
>Would some kind soul please post pointers to the latest version (usable
>on a PIC-1000l, and info on using it.

Eternity 1.4 is on the spies site:
which, of course, you can link to from the sonysoft site.

Is there a newer version?  Also, now that PersonaLink is going away,
besides installing the 1.0f patch, I'm not sure how useful it is.



Eternity 1.4

Author: Gary Connor and Dan Horner
Size: 27K

Eternity saves your personalization information, PersonaLink registration,
name cards, note cards,and appointments. You can then pull your batteries
and restore all the abovementioned stuff. Eternity "reclaims" a lot of
memory, because it deletes everything else. If you had a cat running up and
down your hallway, Eternity will delete it.

Use caution with Eternity. You could accidentally delete data you care
about. Eternity saves only the items listed. It doesn't save anything else.
It's a good idea to make a complete backup before you use it.

Sony New Technologies

From: Bob Arsenault/US/3Com <Bob_Arsenault@3MAIL.3COM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:50:37 EDT
Subject: Re: More on ROMs...

This idea has my vote. Imagine all the recaptured space that could be used for


----- Previous Message ----------------------------------------------------

From: mignault @ NYTIMES.COM (John Mignault) @ UGATE
Date: Tuesday  August 6, 1996 05:02 PM
Subject: More on ROMs...
Now that I've thought about it some more, and after a discussion with Tom
Yates, an even better idea would be for Sony to follow Motorola's lead and
start making MLs with flash ROMs. That would avoid the dead PLink problem,
plus let you decide what you wanted in ROM or main memory - think of Presto
in ROM for example. Is Sony considering this?


John Mignault
Graphics Systems Programmer
The New York Times
229 W. 43rd St, 7th floor
NY, NY 10036

From: Bob Arsenault/US/3Com <Bob_Arsenault@3MAIL.3COM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:42:08 EDT
Subject: CujoTerm Help

Hi folks,
Just purchased an ML1000, and have been reading everything I can get my hands
on about it. One area that I was suprised to find any real programs on was the
local terminal emulation area.

While hunting though all the net this weekend, I chanced on CujoTerm. This
lovely program seems to be able to handle a connection though the magic port,
and give a very rough but usable term. emulator screen.

Now the problem. It seems that the setup screen for CujoTerm only defaults to
38400. I need to set it to 9600bps. Every time I try to edit the serial line
parameters, it changes to some crazy number with a negative sign in front of
it, i.e., -12456688021.

Does anyone have any suggestions on this, or is this an impossible thing to do
considering that CujoTerm was really written for ISP connections.

Any and all help greatly appreciated,

From: Bob Arsenault/US/3Com <Bob_Arsenault@3MAIL.3COM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 16:07:25 EDT
Subject: CujoTerm Help

Hi group,
Just purchased the ML 1000 this weekend. Love the unit (and have read most of
the limitations). The only disappointment with the 1k is that there is no local
terminal emulation features.  I have read some threads from the CompuServe
forum that someone has used CujoTerm to perform local Term.Emulation.

I downloaded CujoTerm, and tried to use it as a local Term.Emulator with the
Magic port, and the Magic Xchange cable.  I am running into a slight problem
and would like to know if anyone has a workaround, or a better suggestion.

The software, once selected for serial connection, defaults the port to 38400.
I need the settings to match my local equipment at 9600.  Everytime I try to
adjust the speed settings for the serial port, the software enters the
following number "-1275068234". It is consistant with this number for 9600, and
seems to only change the last 4 numbers no matter what speed I select.

Does anyone have any idea what to do? Is there a better Terminal Emulation
package out there that I can use for a local session only?

Thanks for all replies, sorry this e-mail is so long.


From: Rod Sprattling <rls@WISEWORKS.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 19:20:44 -0400
Subject: Consulting Time Tracker

Kevin Fries  wrote:

What would really be ideal for me would be would actually be three
simple apps that would work together with the apps built in to solve
the need.

1. Mileage Tracker that would work from the magic lamp.  If you are at
the desk seen, it pops up the list of roladex cards.  If you are in the
roladex seen, it goes straight to the input screen.  Ask start miles,
end miles then calc the difference.  The ability to input start and end
at different times would be very useful.

2. Billable time tracker that works similarly, but logs date, time, and
description of activity.

3. A tool that would allow me to designate a company name card as a
billable client and would allow me associate other name cards as
employees of the company. (great place for a list item).  From the
company card I should be able get a complete detailed list based for
all mileage, phone time, billable productive time, meeting, etc broken
down by day or person.  Export the report to the PC and pack up all
records other than name cards to the PC.

The way I see this is this.  The first app lets me track hours, the
second billable productive time.  The third allows me to tie it all
--- end inclusion

I too have a need for such software.  I believe much of the data
collection functionality can be achieved by adding new appointment
types and stamps, and by suitable MagicScripting. Even report
generation may not require 'C'.

Know what else I'd like?  A way to snag all items of a single type - say,
name card - that are in the New Items package on an SRAM card and place
them into a new or existing package.  I'd also like a way to tell MC
to segregate item types into separate packages on an SRAM, just as it
does in internal storage.  Or is there a way to do this that I'm missing?


Roderick Sprattling
General Partner, WiseWorks

From: Dan Hanttula <DarkDan@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 20:10:50 -0400
Subject: Re: Eternity?

Eternity is the only solution to backing up namecards and appointments and
then having them placed *back into* the main memory packages. (i.e. so you
don't have two "Name Cards" Packages), right? Plus it still does a great job
of cleaning my system. I just wish it had support for appointments in MC


In a message dated 96-08-06 18:44:58 EDT, Paul wrote:

> Eternity 1.4 is on the spies site:
>  which, of course, you can link to from the sonysoft site.
>  Is there a newer version?  Also, now that PersonaLink is going away,
>  besides installing the 1.0f patch, I'm not sure how useful it is.

From: Jacques1 <A5523644633@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 01:30:45 +0000
Subject: uudeoce

Dear Magic,
Could someone please plink me uudecode? I need so I can email packzges
to myself.



From: Scott Wood <swood@WWNET.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 21:36:13 -0400
Subject: MCW Due Date?

How are things going with MCW.  Is the release date still in the fall?
Will it have one button for data transfer between the link and MCW?

Scott Wood

From: Wayne Sanderson <whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 21:18:20 -0700
Subject: Re: Consulting Time....

Rod Sprattling writes:
> I'd also like a way to tell MC
> to segregate item types into separate packages on
> an SRAM, just as it
> does in internal storage.  Or is there a way to
> do this that I'm missing?
> Rod

If you have a PIC1000 or Envoy that is still running MC 1.0, you can edit your
new items package with a freeware app called Onno's Tools, available at Spies
and the other usual freeware download forums on AOL and Compuserve.

As for keeping track of all of this info, you might try taking advantage of
the ease with which you can attach minimized documents to maximized pages. For
example, suppose you were going to keep track of client data on a Pencell page, a notebook page, and you would have a dozen or so notecards in the rolodex,
plus you might leave yourself the occasional stickynote when you are in a
hurry. Guess what: All Of The Above can be kept on one namecard in the rolodex! And the namecards in the group can be organized on a Group namecard.
Try this. Start a Pencell page, and then discard it, but do not empty the
trash. A very simple and useful concept with these machines: anything you put
in the trash can be taken out and put in the totebag. Not everything will
leave a scene in the totebag, but these documents will travel everywhere in
it. With the Pencell page in the totebag, go to the namecard of the client.
Pull the page out and drop it on the name card. It's that simple. It will stay
there until you take it out, and when you tap it it will maximize and you can
make entries. This can be done with notebook pages, sticky notes, etc. (If you
haven't discovered them yet, the postit notes are in the General drawer in the
stamper) When you create each item, you can choose what package it gets stored
in by tapping the lamp and then tapping File. Also Pencell can be used for
invoicing with the aid of the Invoicing System, freeware also available at the
Spies MC archive.

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