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Saturday August 03, 1996

From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.FIA.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 00:34:39 -0700
Subject: Re: Changes to my download page


Thanks for the freeware.  I just downloaded some of them and am looking forward to trying them out.  Keep up the great work.


From:   brenda holloway[SMTP:brendah@MBAY.NET]
Sent:   Thursday, August 01, 1996 10:40 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
Subject:        Changes to my download page

Due to popular demand, the packages on my download page are no longer
stuffed and BinHex-encoded, so they should be easier to use.

My downloads page is at


Brenda Holloway (   deeds cannot dream what dreams can do
Sony New Technologies, Monterey CA   -time is a tree (this life one leaf)      but love is the sky and i am for you        just so long and long enough

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From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.FIA.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 02:23:42 -0700
Subject: Re: got free XChange

>Hey, all, let's hear it for Gen Magic and AT&T... they must feel biiiig
pressure, and they're >slowly but surely making good on their promises.
>Bravo, keep up the good work, and please don't go out of business.
>And when can we expect a backlit color touchscreen? (asked only in
And when can we expect a fax receive package?
And Sony, how about an upgrade to a faster processor?


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From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.FIA.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 02:29:29 -0700
Subject: Re: link to link

Why not use the IR link to beam things between communicators?


From:   Wayne Sanderson[SMTP:whsander@IX.NETCOM.COM]
Sent:   Friday, August 02, 1996 8:21 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
Subject:        link to link

Has anyone ever cabled 2 communicators together with the Magic XChange cables
with a double male DB-9 connector in between? What would happen if you did
this and touched the computer link icons in the storeroom? Could you send
packages back and forth this way? I'm pretty sure you can talk back and forth
this way with Cujoterm or the Magic Connection emulator.

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From: OPC_office <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 12:58:27 +0000
Subject: WorldNet as an ISP

We have multiple Links and Envoys. Do I have to set up an account using
a Windows based machine for each one? Can I just contact Worldnet and
get the dial-in and account numbers I need?

Paul McHugh

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 10:04:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Netcom questions

Poster:       Michael Roeser 
> One thing I've liked about Plink is the reliability when downloading
> e-mail, and  the lack of busy signals.  Is it Netcom, or can I adjust a
> setting somewhere?

Then you had a much better experience with PersonaLink then I did. I could
only download 10-15 messages at a time before I would be a transient memory
cleanup. This was pretty consistent. I often got connection timeouts
attempting to get mail from PLS. I agree busy signals weren't that common
but did occur. The worst aspect about PLS from my perspective was that it
lost email via its internet gateway. I often sent myself internet mail and
a number of times I had to resend it since it never arrived and no error
indication either.

Greg Satz

From: Johnny Culver <A5133644645@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 22:17:28 +0000
Subject: Re: Changes to my download page

Dear Magic,
please forward to brenda h

the freeware i tried to download, uudecode said it was badly formatted.


 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Wayne Sanderson <WHSanderson@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 22:46:32 +0000
Subject: Happy with Presto!Mail and !Links

After a week of use, I have to say that I am thoroughly delighted with
Presto!Mail 1.5 and Presto!Links 1.0. This has also been my week of summer
vacation, so I have had ample opportunity to burn up my ISP's modem dialup,
and I have given it my best shot. The only problem that I had with any of it
was on day one, when Presto!Diner kept packing up rather than get my mail.
The last time 3 packages packed up, !Diner, !Mail and !PPP. Resetting all 3
dispelled the problem and it has been smooth ever since. !Links never gave
me any trouble.
Presto!Links is not fast by any stretch of the imagination at 2400 baud.
Neither is it intolerably slow. As a competitor to a desktop browser
application like Netscape Navigator, it will always come in second. It has a
niche, however. Consider this. If you want to look at lots of full color
GIFs, you should be using a PC or MAC based browser anyway. If you wish to
use the PIC and Presto!Links as an information retrieval method, however,
you get quite satisfactory service. The text only retrieval option gets
pages loaded in seconds, and you touch the GIF icons individually to
download them as you wish.  I have started using my PIC1000 in ways that I
never thought possible when I purchased it. Here is one thing that is a
plus, and a big part of the niche that these products allow the
communicators to fill. Everywhere you go anymore you see print and video
ads, and even billboards that have a URL included where you can view a HTML
ad. I used to jot them down on scraps of paper, and later in the ML's
notebook. Now I type it in on the Go To line in the Presto!Links vertical
toolbar, and when I hook up later (usually when I hit the front door at
home!)Presto!Links grabs the page. And it uses all of the search engines
I've tried without a hitch.
Now all I need is a cybercafe with free refills- They will never get me out
of there!

From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.FIA.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 02:18:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Presto!Mail Presto!Links


Links & Mail are great packages.  There' re bugs that need fixing and
enhancements I'd like to see, but nothing that I'd consider major.
 However, I do sympathize with PIC-1000 users.  I'd probably get very
frustrated with a 2400 baud modem and 1MB RAM.  I'll probably buy another
2MB SRAM card to keep all the web pages and mail I'm putting in the file
cabinet.   I currently use Ecco Pro as a desktop PIM, but am looking
forward to MCW.  It'll be great to use the same program on the PIC and the

I originally got the ML for my wife who's a graphic artist.  She hates
command lines and wasn't happy with the Boss or Wizard.  She loves the ML
and finds it very easy to use.  The surprise is that I like it too.  You're
right when you say the PIC is a PDA, not a laptop or notebook.  I look at
it as a high powered organizer (read overkill), with communications that
previously required a notebook or laptop.  The communications capabilities
are great now that there's internet access.  I don't need to carry around a
laptop to stay in touch anymore.  The laptop is now only needed when I
really need to do computing or access my network.  Now that I've got access
to the internet, the only other thing that's on my list is a fax receive

I'd like to hear how you (and other users) are using (or plan on using)
PICs.  My wife is a wedding consultant who's using it to make appointments
with clients and take notes.  She uses the notepad to draw layouts for
receptions and invitation designs and puts the pages on the client's
namecard.  It impresses her clients and she even gets them to "sign" their
name to pages.  She then faxes the approved layouts and designs to our home
computer.  At home, she calls up the fax, copies the sketches to a graphics
program and completes the design work.


From:   D'angelo, Leo[SMTP:LEO.D'ANGELO@FMR.COM]
Sent:   Friday, August 02, 1996 8:19 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
Subject:        Re: Presto!Mail Presto!Links


Glad to hear someone speak highly of PL & PM for a change. I too have
used it
with great success for about 2 months. I had nooo problem setting it up
to talk
to my ISP ( who by the way has an on-ramp from MSN (so I
access local numbers in town and MSN POP's from out of town). I wish
of the folks on this list would remember that a couple months ago none
of this
internet connectivity was possible at all. It is the first rev of a
product and I would
expect there to be some difficulties. All in all I think the PL & PM
software is great.
Good job guys.  BTW) I think some of the people on this list have lost
sight of the
fact that this is a PIC not a laptop/PC there is a BIG difference.

Happy as a clam with my ML.

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From: MaxNight@AOL.COM
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 20:26:54 -0400
Subject: Re: Are Presto products safe?

In a message dated 96-08-03 11:08:29 EDT, you write:
>> At this very moment they are probably working on a way to keep Navigator
from working on Microsoft Network(if they haven't already). <<

They have not been actively pursuing MSN for the better part of 5 months now.
 They are instead focusing on Iexplorer.

>>I am glad that AOL is now pushing IExplorer- I can now conveniently boycott
them both with a single command>DEL C:\AOL25\*.*<. >>

AOL is not pushing anything....they have ben looking for an alternative to
their browser, and chose IE.  The nice thing about AOL 3.0 is that you can
use the browser of your choice effortlessly, and they tell you so.  Just
minimize AOL and open up your browser.

From: MaxNight@AOL.COM
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 20:30:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Magic Cap Complete

In a message dated 96-08-03 11:08:59 EDT, you write:
 Has anyone purchased from outfitters direct? I am curious how it went and
 what you thought.
  Greg Satz  >>

I bought Scribe through OD, and it was one of the nicest software shopping
experiences I've ever had - sitting on my couch with my ML.  It took all of
10 minutes.


From: breadmold <moldy@IME.NET>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 21:13:29 -0400
Subject: *More* AC Adaptor Problems

Well, I posted a message on teh list the other day explaining that my AC
adaptor wasn't working.  So, I took some of the advice and went to radio
shack, where I purchased an adaptor with exchangable tips, and I also
picked up the set with the compatable tip.  I got home, raced to my
'link, and unfotunately, this didn't work.  So, something *worse* is
happeneing.  I don't have any aaa bateries, so I can't tell if the
problem is that the dc in is broken or not...anyone have a similar
problem before?  Anyways, I hope my warranty is still in effect...



"Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" -FZ

From: Lee Butler <leebu@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 23:18:05 -0700
Subject: Freestyle

Does anyone know how to get the windows version of the Freestyle data tranfer
program working?

I'm trying it on win95 with no success...

Lee Butler
Phone:303.843.1738          Pager:800.480.9079

Mailing Lists MagicCap List