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Friday July 26, 1996

From: Dave Katoh <Dave5092@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 02:30:42 -0400
Subject: Re: The Coupon

I think there is a confusion about this coupon offer.

First, the coupon will be sent from AT&T, not Sony.

Second, the software will not come directly from General Magic.  I think it
is fulfilled by Sony.

Finally, AT&T cannot provide the customer list to any third parties due to
legal issues.  I would be very upset if they gave my personal information to
third parties.

From: Kevin Fries <A5743644696@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 07:38:29 +0000
Subject: Re: Help!

Dear Magic Cap Discussion List,
Michael Roeser writes:
> Is there anything I can do to restore the 2 meg
> card?  It's a used Grid card.
> Paul writes:
> >I highly recommend that you contact Magic Link Technical
> >Support at 1-800-55MAGIC for this type of problem.  DO
> >NOT re-initialize the card without first exploring all options
> >for recovering your data.
> I just finished calling the ML tech support line,
> but was told flatly that since the SRAM card is
> not a Sony product, they won't provide any
> support.  I asked for any tips on recovering data
> from the card, but he told me contact the mfg and
> request a new card - he thought that the data
> would be impossible to recover.

This is exactly what I am going through.  My lockup was caused by
Farcast and the people at Farcast have been terific about tring to get
the problem solved.  Unfortunately, SNT and Sony have made up for it.
If they greatly improved their customer service, it would be completely
useless.  I am using a PIC 1000 and wanted to see if a 2000 and it
larger memory could unlock my card.  Fortunate for me I live in Denver
which has one of the 4 Sony service centers.  However, Sony stayed true
to form,   The service guy had no idea what a MagicLink even was.
After calling the Sony service number that he gave me, I was refered to
1-800-55MAGIC.  These were the people who refered me to 1-800-222SONY
in the first place when I told them what I wanted to try.  So, it
appears that Sony's marketing department is not the only department
that is totally clueless.

All you tech guys, I have documented my trouble here the other day.
Since one of the first error messages that it gives is about memory, I
figured that the corruption has bloated either the Farcast or new items
package to take up most or all of the 888k of free memory on the card.
Therefore maybe a PIC 2000 with its larger memory could open the
package.  Then I could delete the deseased tissue and save the patient.
 A simple amputation.  Does this sound feasable to you guys?

I think the only other solution is for Michael and I to form a club, go
out and buy a beer and cry in it.

TIA for any help

Kevin Fries

From: Kevin Fries <A5743644696@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 07:38:57 +0000
Subject: Re: Recovering a crash

Hi guys,
Paul writes:
> One point that I would like to clarify is that is
> that you are running out of workspace (aka
> transient) memory even though you have 300K of
> permanent memory free.  Memory is divided into
> permanent and workspace memory.  You can monitor
> your current workspace by looking at the
> thermometer at the far right side of the store
> room.
> Farcast does use more workspace memory than most
> applications becausecertain types of incoming
> messages are stored in the Farcast package.
> Messages with list article buttons and
> unprocessed articles (with droid stamps in the
> upper right corner) fall into this category.
>      Processed news
>      stories are moved to new items package and do not
>      take up workspace memory.
> Things you can do free up more workspace memory
> are:
> (1) Delete Farcast messages with "get" buttons
> after you request articles (this is probably the
> most important item on this list)

This is a wee bit irresponsible, especially on a machine with very
limited resources.  I have programmed in Windows, Mac, and Unix for
many years and am always aware of the platform I am developing for.

Since I was having trouble getting my farcast messages I did have a few
collected.  Despite your staffs denial (see below) I talked to your
staff about this and never got the promised return call.

> (2) Delete packages you don't use regularly
> and/or delete changes to packages.  These compete
> for workspace memory since there is a workspace
> overhead for each package.  (One reason I counsel
> against 4mb SRAM cards is because there is a
> tendency to store too many packages which are not
> used thus eating up all the workspace memory.)

Get real!  Farcast can not be the only package on my machine because
you are irresponsible with memory resources.

> While it is true that there is a tendency for
> applications developers to point the finger at
> the OS & vice versa, I checked with our small
> team and we don't have any recollection of being
> contacted by you on this issue.  Who and how did
> you contact us?  We are definitely interested in
> bug reports on this type of problem (particularly
> concerning data losses).

Ask again.  One of the girls in your office called ME.  She told me
that she did not know what was wrong.  I would need to speak with
someone else.  Since I am on the road alot, we aranged a time to talk
with the other person, therefore, I should receive a call back at 4:00
that afternoon.  That call never came, and since you refuse to answer
your phone, I was not able to speak to you until the crash.  The
original symptoms were that the messages would not process correctly.
The window would show up and the number of articles and get button
showed at the bottom of the window with the article list pushed off the
screen.  NOW DO THEY REMEMBER!  Therefore only poor customer service
stands between a happy customer and the current situation.

Regretfully yours
Kevin Fries

From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 08:36:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Web Page

> I like your page.

Thanks. It didn't take long to load, did it?

> Will be looking forward to more downloads

I've got two more Magic Cap items to put out there. A new developer
example dealing with global coordinates and the Touch() method. The
other is a simple application which acts like a Tyco Magic Eight Ball.
You know, "Reply Hazy Ask Again."

Hopefully I'll get these out there this weekend.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: Paul <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 12:39:05 +0000
Subject: ISP's and the coupon

Is there any ISP out there that will let me have multiple screen names
for one account. (Similar to AOL) If so does PrestoMail support this?

There is no way I can wait several more weeks to receive the coupon
(who knows how much longer it will take for SONY to ship once they
receive). PLS is closing in 30 days. I want some sort of window to get
PrestoMail configured and working. So I am going to order it now
without the coupon and frame the coupons as they come in. Thanks for

From: Bruce Tong <zztong@MAIL.EV.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 10:04:40 -0500
Subject: Title Bar vs Tote Bag

Here's a weird tidbit I've picked up from some or our user testing.
You might even find it has a practical use.

Things which can be dragged, such as a Stamp, of course can be dropped
into the Tote Bag, so you can carry them to other places. One of our
users (unintentionally) discovered they can be dropped on the Title
Bar as well, and you can drag them off. So you can use it somewhat
like the Tote Bag if you can stand the mess. The advantage being you
don't have to open the Tote Bag to find the stamp.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


From: Karen H <A5953643689@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:07:06 +0000
Subject: Title Bar vs Tote Bag

Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> Here's a weird tidbit I've picked up from some or
> our user testing. You might even find it has a
> practical use.
> Things which can be dragged, such as a Stamp, of
> course can be dropped into the Tote Bag, so you
> can carry them to other places. One of our users
> (unintentionally) discovered they can be dropped
> on the Title Bar as well, and you can drag them
> off. So you can use it somewhat like the Tote Bag
> if you can stand the mess. The advantage being
> you don't have to open the Tote Bag to find the
> stamp.
> --
> Bruce Tong

Yep.  I use this all the time.  It is the only way to get things in
places where the tote bag is not accessible, such as the password
screen.  Also, I used this to move a text coupon with my sig file into
the stamper.

Karen H

   " "     <----- this blank intentionally spaced left

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 10:17:45 -0700
Subject: Re: AOL in Hawaii

>It's really easy to check out whether SprintNet and Tymnet have
>discontinued access in Hawaii. For information on SprintNet, you may be
>able to get local access numbers via modem(and this may be how the ML
>does it from inside the AOL building).

Contact SprintNet for local access numbers (SprintNet support is: USA:
(800) 827-4685; Outside the USA: (703) 318-7740).


Sony New Technologies

From: Bread Mold <moldy@IME.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:28:37 -0400
Subject: bizarre...

I'm just writing to see if anyone has a solution to a couple of odd things on
my PIC-1000.
1.  There is a page in my notepad that looks like the remote control package,
but it doesn't have a discard button.
2.  There is an extra picture frame, two clocks, and another directory sign at
the ed of my hallway.

How can I get rid of these?
My guess is that these are memory problems, because, of course everything is a
memory problem on MagicLink!  :)


From: Andy Belk <Andy_Belk@NEXT.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 13:20:58 -0700
Subject: Re: Presto!Mail 1.5 and ReplyReturn

Hi all,

I would second Greg's comments. I can get my Reply-To: header to appear
correctly using Presto!Mail 1.5 on my PIC-1000 and the ReplyReturn package,
but not the From: header. Note: it is NOT my ISP as my Mac (with NetScape
and/or Claris emailer) works fine. It could a difference in the SMTP
implementation, but I think somehow Presto!Mail is forgetting to stuff in my
From: header off my telecard.

Andy Belk

P.S. Someone else was asking about ATT PLS in recent days - I also had
problems connecting until yesterday.

Date:    Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:28:18 -0700
From:    Greg Satz 
Subject: Re: foo  Presto!Mail 1.5 and ReplyReturn

It appears that Presto!Mail 1.5 (PPP/POP/SMTP version) and ReplyReturn work
halfway together. ReplyReturn lets you set both your From: and Reply-To:
addresses in outgoing email on PersonaLink. With Presto!Mail 1.5 it only
works for the Reply-To: field.

Greg Satz

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:16:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Recovering a crash


>This is a wee bit irresponsible, especially on a machine with very
>limited resources.  I have programmed in Windows, Mac, and Unix for
>many years and am always aware of the platform I am developing for.


>Get real!  Farcast can not be the only package on my machine because
>you are irresponsible with memory resources.

Well, previous OS experience doesn't really apply all that well, mainly
because none of those OS's are a PDA. The difference between PDAs and other
OS's are really huge, mainly because system resources are fixed. On
Windows, Mac, and Unix, you can always explicitly page to the hard disk, or
your stuff is implicitly paged by the OS. Plus, the magnitude of secondary
(and primary) storage is huge, relatively speaking.

The problem really is that email is an infinitely huge pipe, and the user
is the only one who can really control how much stuff comes through it.
Would you rather be able to send only 2 droids out to fetch news, have
FarCast automatically delete messages at random to make space, and be
limited to 5K message sizes?

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"A small boy with diamonds is no match
for a large burglar with experience"

From: Andy Belk <Andy_Belk@NEXT.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 13:29:34 -0700
Subject: Re: The Coupon

Hi all,

Karen, as always, is right on the ball - why don't AT&T just automatically
provide GM with their PLS subscriber's list for the purposes of sending them
a copy of Presto!Mail ?

Incidentally, is anyone else like me in the rather unlucky (some might say
unfair) position, of having bought Presto!Mail about a month ago and
cancelled my PLS subscription (and my wife's) once I figured it was working
ok ... two days before they announced the coupon deal ? Funny, no-one
mentioned it on the phone ...

I would write it off as bad luck, except that they didn't ACTUALLY cancel my
account. When I re-established it (because I thought something was up) I had
about 7 mails sitting in my mailbox that hadn't bounced ... and my friends
were wondering why I was ignoring them.

Currently, I'm with MCI as a long-distance service, so even though I did
think about switching to AT&T and getting WorldNet access, I think I'll leave
it ... and my average phone bill is $200 a month. AT&T - you listening ?

By the way, various people have asked about getting permanent email
addresses, such as by using or - there's also the way we
chose - buy a domain name - the ultimate in Internet snobbery ;-).

Andy Belk

Or better yet, why do we have to wait for a coupon at all.  Why can't
ATT send a file of PLink subscribers to GM, and just let us send an
email saying 'send me Presto'.  They can verify that we are a
subscriber and ship it off.  I'm all for making this paperless... It
seems so inefficient to have to wait for a piece of paper in the mail,
then send it to GM, then wait for the software to arrive by mail.


From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 13:39:54 -0700
Subject: Re: Presto!Mail 1.5 and ReplyReturn

From:     Andy Belk 
> I would second Greg's comments. I can get my Reply-To: header to appear
> correctly using Presto!Mail 1.5 on my PIC-1000 and the ReplyReturn package,
> but not the From: header. Note: it is NOT my ISP as my Mac (with NetScape
> and/or Claris emailer) works fine. It could a difference in the SMTP
> implementation, but I think somehow Presto!Mail is forgetting to stuff in my
> From: header off my telecard.

I have concluded that Presto!Mail 1.5 lack of support for setting the From
field from the Telecard (PersonalMessage object actually) is a bug. If you
are a Farcast user and utilize one of those universal mailboxes like or, you have no way to originate mail from your universal
mailbox address. Farcast, and listservs, want you to use the address they
are ultimately sending to.

Any chance a Presto!Mail 1.5 bug fix release could resolve this in the near

Greg Satz

From: Joe Solem <JoeSolem@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 17:05:12 -0400
Subject: Re: AOL in Hawaii

Greg Satz wrote:

>Don't you just love it when the top executive tells you he doesn't give a
>hoot about a product he is responsible for? Unless I am mistaken and AOL is
>not responsible for the Magic Cap AOL package, this is a slap in the face
>as far as I am concerned. It really is sad to see such poor behavior. He
>doesn't even attempt to make an excuse. What address did you send your
>original note to? I think we should all bombard this fellow with some
>serious feedback that his attitude is not acceptable.

I posted that letter to give mainland AOL users a "heads up" or "this
could happen to you" kind of alert. Unlike PersonaLink, who is at least
giving us two months notice, AOL cut us off without warning. They sent us
an email a week before, saying some access numbers would change, but
nothing about dropping support for Magic Link. Their PDA support people
were in the dark about it ,as well.

For those of you who have suggested various ways of getting SprintNet
numbers, thanks, but I've been through all that and have tried seven or
eight numbers without success. The only way to connect  to AOL from
Hawaii with a Magic Link is to place a long-distance call to a mainland
AOL access number. As soon as I get my coupon in the mail I'm ordering
Presto!Mail and talking to a local isp.

My original message was sent to Steve Case, chairman of AOL.  He's from
Hawaii, so I thought he might do something about the situation, but
apparently not.  I don't think writing him will do any good, but his
address is .

Thanks for your input. Sometimes it's difficult for those of us working
in Hawaii make people realize we're not all down at the beach sipping mai
tais out of coconuts. :-)

Joe Solem

From: Jim Hinson <JimNKar@AOL.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 18:07:13 -0400
Subject: Re: backup failures?

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

Yep, I'vehad the exact same problems.  In adddition I can't ever keep a
connection with Xchange if I've checked 'new items go here' on my SRAM,
putting it's package there.

Sure will be glad to see the 'synchro' button on MCW...

I'm having difficulty with Magic Exchange doing full backups of my ML2000,
and am wondering if any of you have also had this experience.  When doing a
full backup to a Windows PC, MXchange gets stuck on the last past and says
"waiting for communicator.  this could take several miniutes"....

From: Phyllis Brown <phyllis@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 15:04:39 -0700
Subject: Looking for 2 meg card

I called Mac Mall at 1-800-552-8883 and they have no SRAM cards compatible
with personal communicators like the Sony Magic Link and Motorola Envoy.

Mac Zone has 4 meg Eiger(sp?)  FLASH ONLY cards at the $169 mentioned on
this list.

Surplus Technologies has no 2 and 4 meg SRAM cards in stock.

Obviously I too am interested in a source for 2 and 4 meg cards.   Still
looking . . .

Phyllis Brown
Sony New Technologies

From: Charlie F <A5123644606@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 22:54:01 +0000
Subject: Re: AOL in Hawaii

Dear Magic,
Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> My original message was sent to Steve Case,
> chairman of AOL.  He's from Hawaii, so I thought
> he might do something about the situation, but
> apparently not.  I don't think writing him will
> do any good, but his address is
> .

Well, he USED to be from WICHITA, and worked at PIZZA HUT Corp, then I
think he even owned a few Huts.
            From the desk of Charlie F...

From: Kevin Fries <A5743644696@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 23:40:00 +0000
Subject: Re: The Coupon

Hi all,
Karen writes:
> Or better yet, why do we have to wait for a
> coupon at all.  Why can't ATT send a file of
> PLink subscribers to GM, and just let us send an
> email saying 'send me Presto'.  They can verify
> that we are a subscriber and ship it off.  I'm
> all for making this paperless... It seems so
> inefficient to have to wait for a piece of paper
> in the mail, then send it to GM, then wait for
> the software to arrive by mail.

I sugested they send magic enhanced mail with
a button.  Press it and the order goes out.  That
way, they release the name list to no-one and
everyone is happy.  No muss no fuss, they gave
me an excuse that was so lame that I do not
remember it exactly.  Something about being
too easy to duplicate.  Sending paper that can be
copied at Kinkos is of coarse much safer.

Oh well

Kevin Fries

From: Kevin Fries <A5743644696@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 23:40:24 +0000
Subject: Re: recovering a crash

Hi all,

Manny Veloso at Active Paper writes:
> Well, previous OS experience doesn't really apply
> all that well, mainly because none of those OS's
> are a PDA. The difference between PDAs and other
> OS's are really huge, mainly because system
> resources are fixed. On Windows, Mac, and Unix,
> you can always explicitly page to the hard disk,
> or your stuff is implicitly paged by the OS.
> Plus, the magnitude of secondary (and primary)
> storage is huge, relatively speaking.
> The problem really is that email is an infinitely
> huge pipe, and the user is the only one who can
> really control how much stuff comes through it.
> Would you rather be able to send only 2 droids
> out to fetch news, have FarCast automatically
> delete messages at random to make space, and be
> limited to 5K message sizes?

Any windows user who has run out of GDI or USER
resource space will beat that argument in 10 seconds flat.
This is truly besides the point though.  Any computing
device that has capabilities above those of a simple solar
calculator (the ones we all carry in a feeble attempt to keep
our check books straight) needs to be able to handle more
than one pre-set task.  It matters not if that machine is a
Sun Sparc, a programmable calculator, or something in
between.  Magic Cap is designed to handle multiple tasks,
except when someone writes a program that hogs all its
resources.  I said it before, I'll say it again, it's irresponsible.
No matter what the limitation of the system is, it is the
programmers job to stay within those bounds.  I for one
would rather have a less capable program that is well
behaved than a flamboyant more full featured program that
crashes my system.  If you have any doubts about that, you
only need to look a system that I have set up for one of my

Kevin Fries

From: Kevin Fries <A5743644696@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 00:05:50 +0000

Hi all,

Phyllis Brown at Sony New Technologies writes:
> Obviously I too am interested in a source for 2
> and 4 meg cards.   Still looking . . .

I bought an Epson 2 meg at CompUSA for $190.00.  They had to order it
and it took about a week.  That price included our awfully high sales


Kevin Fries

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 23:08:24 -0400
Subject: Re: bizarre...

Bread Mold wrote:
> I'm just writing to see if anyone has a solution to a couple of odd things on
> my PIC-1000.
> 1.  There is a page in my notepad that looks like the remote control package,
> but it doesn't have a discard button.

  Have you tried to delete changes in the Sony Remote package in the

> 2.  There is an extra picture frame, two clocks, and another directory sign at
> the ed of my hallway.
> How can I get rid of these?

  This is a strange one.  You most likely have attempted a forced
clean-up, right?  Also, try pulling out any SRAM card and try booting
without it.  Do the extraneous objects go away?  If so, you might want
to reinstall the card and slowly pack up each package and watch to see
if any particular one causes them to vanish.  Then you can delete
changes, and/or remove and reinstall the culprit package completely.

  Finally, if none of the above is successful, you may want to try a
full backup and a reset of the device, then restore the backup (remember
to make manual copies of all packages on the main memory shelf too) and
see how that effects the problem.

  Let me know what happens :)


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 22:41:13 -0500
Subject: Re: recovering a crash

>Any windows user who has run out of GDI or USER
>resource space will beat that argument in 10 seconds flat.

Well, that's only if some poor sucker held onto one of those MemDC's for a
little too long, or had too many drivers running.

>Magic Cap is designed to handle multiple tasks,
>except when someone writes a program that hogs all its

True, up to a point.

>No matter what the limitation of the system is, it is the
>programmers job to stay within those bounds.  I for one
>would rather have a less capable program that is well
>behaved than a flamboyant more full featured program that
>crashes my system.

One of the problems that FarCast can't get around, though, is it has _no_
control at all over mail collection. Even if the user sent out one droid,
that droid could come back with a 500K mail message. FarCast comes into the
picture _after_ the message is collected, which means that it can't filter
messages based on size. In the above case, the device will barf long before
FarCast comes into the picture.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"A small boy with diamonds is no match
for a large burglar with experience"

From: Wayne Sanderson <A5023644635@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 03:45:25 +0000
Subject: Re: recovering a crash

If none of the suggestions made already have worked and you are truly
desparate to save the stuff on the card then maybe you would consider
trying this experiment. If you have the freeware package called BatchUp
handy on your desktop (backed up with Magic XChange) then load it into
main memory with XChange and unpack it or use the Go To button if there
is one. Then with Magic XChange still running and the ML still
connected, insert the card into the slot, with the write protect switch
on.  Ignore any messages, and attempt to access the BatchUp icon in the
Magic Lamp. You might even try entering BatchUp first and then
inserting the card. Maybe-just maybe- the list of batch transferrable
packages that BatchUp gives you will include the packages on the card.
If it does, start checking them for transfer and check mark Computer
Link as the destination at the end and start it up. If the
semi-conductor gods are smiling upon you today, you might get your data
off of the card. Or the ML might crash, lock up, or just plain refuse
to do anything. As I said- If you are truly desparate.........

From: Bill Bereza <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 00:09:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Title Bar vs Tote Bag

You wrote:
> into the Tote Bag, so you can carry them to other places. One of our
> users (unintentionally) discovered they can be dropped on the Title Bar
> as well, and you can drag them off. So you can use it somewhat like the

But accidents can happen if you use the Title Bar. One time I
accidentally dropped a rabbit on my title bar and it dropped down too low
for me to grab again. So I had a rabbit hopping around behind my screen.
I was eventually able to grab it as it's ears popped into view.

It's almost scary to think about all the animals and things which might
accumulate behind a person's Magic Cap screen.

Bill Bereza  
Wave your hand and the eyeball will follow you.

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