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Friday July 19, 1996

From: "David Devaney, Jr." <daviddjr@SHADOW.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 02:55:39 -0400
Subject: Untitled

Hi Magicappers,

Sprattling writes:
> Dear MAGICCAP List,
> I'd like to buy the following accessories for my
> PIC-2000:
> - telephone headset
> - 520 battery
> - Sony leather case

Regarding the headset.  You don't need the special one that is needed for the
PIC1000 since the 2000 has a built in speakerphone.  You only need your basic
Walkman type headset for private listening.  I'm not sure but I don't think
you can even use the special headset.

Sorry I don't have any of these.

David Devaney, Jr.

From: Matthew Richardson <yakko@VOICENET.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 07:00:21 -0400
Subject: Screen darker on one side

Hey all-
I have a PIC-1000 and it seems to be that the contrast is considerably
darker on the left side.  Anyone else having this problem?  I think it's
because I hold it on the left side and put a small amount of pressure
there.  Is there anyone who holds it on the right side that has a darker
screen on the right?


From The Windows95/MagicCap Desktop of:
Matthew Richardson

From: Dave Bushong <A5763644634@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 11:44:18 +0000
Subject: Re: Screen darker on one side

Matt, in the Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> I have a PIC-1000 and it seems to be that the
> contrast is considerably darker on the left side.
>  Anyone else having this problem?  I think it's
> because I hold it on the left side and put a
> small amount of pressure there.

Close, but it's actually due to the heat from your hand, not the
pressure.  It's temporary.  You probably notice the display is darker
after you've left the device in you car and it gets hot - same effect,
but for the whole screen.


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From: Nicholas Jitkoff <nicholas@HQ.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 09:32:26 EDT
Subject: Cupon

What is the deal with the 150$ cupon from AT&T?
(I used bastille to unsubscribe and hide the building, so I am not able to
receive notices through PersonaLink.)

Nicholas Jitkoff =8D

From: Karen H <A5953643689@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 14:40:11 +0000

>  I have noticed that every so often when typing, the cursor jumps
> to another place in the document.  To me it seems random, but I have
> been writing programs too long to expect that it is.  The problem
> mainly happens when I get tapping or typing real fast.

This is a known problem when the main memory gets low.  If it gets low
enough, the cursor will not 'stick' at all, but will drop to the bottom
of the screen.  Try doing a clean up and deleting some things from
memory next time it happens and see if that clears it up.

I see stray marks when I am handwriting sometimes.  One of the
developers addressed this issue on this list in the past, but I forget
what was said.  I think the end result was 'it happens, live with it'.

Karen H

Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.

From: Richard Brown <A5403644662@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 14:46:01 +0000
Subject: RE Coupon
Richard Brown Photography
725 NW Flanders #204
Portland, Oregon. 97209

This is what was sent from AT&T about the coupon.

To enable you to use an alternative messaging service, AT&T is mailing
you a coupon valued up to $150 which you can apply toward the purchase
of one of the following:
QuickLink (for connection to QuickMail e-mail

        - Mail on the Run! (provides connectivity to cc:Mail  or Microsoft

        - Presto!Mail 1.5  (for access to any Internet

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graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Justin Martin Anderson <janderso@MNSINC.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:25:10 GMT
Subject: Busted speaker on new PIC-2000

Ack!  I've got a PIC-2000, which I love, but it's speaker has rapidly
gone south on me.  Worked fine up until two days ago, then the shlurp
sound effect started to be staticky, then everything was staticky, and
now it is silent at all times :(.  I got it (barely) less than a month
ago from PDA Direct, so I can ship it back for a replacement, or
(presumably) ship it to Sony...but I don't wanna be without it for
long...waaah.  Also, I'm going to England for a week and a half
starting July 31, and I'd very much like to have it over there.  Is it
possible that there's a Sony repair center that I could physically
take it to (I live in Northern Virginia) and get it back soon?  What
do you guys think my best bet is?



Justin Martin Anderson
The Anderson Hypothesis:  People are stupid.

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:35:25 +0000
Subject: Re:

Hi Richard
Richard Brown  writes:
> Anyone know if USA.NET has a 1-800 access # ?

USA.NET is a service on the net.  You must already have net access to
use it.


Kevin Fries

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:35:42 +0000

Paul writes:
> Jim Ofter, CEO of Farcast, recommended USA.NET to
> Farcast subscribers looking for a new ISP after
> the PersonaLink announcement particularly to
> address the issue of keeping a consistent e-mail
> address.
Hi Paul,
     I actually went with  After a $10.00 setup fee, it
is free.  Could not pass up that deal.

Kevin Fries

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:03:30 -0500
Subject: Untitled

What Daivd has said is correct, the headset will not plug into a PIC-2000.
If you use the built in speaker phone, it only works in half duplex mode,
what stinks. But by using a cheep Walkman type head set that just plugs in
the side, it works as a speaker phone very well.

>Date:         Fri, 19 Jul 1996 02:55:39 -0400
>Reply-To: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>Sender: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>From: "David Devaney, Jr." 
>Subject:      Untitled
>To: Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP 
>Hi Magicappers,
>Sprattling writes:
>> Dear MAGICCAP List,
>> I'd like to buy the following accessories for my
>> PIC-2000:
>> - telephone headset
>> - 520 battery
>> - Sony leather case
>Regarding the headset.  You don't need the special one that is needed for the
>PIC1000 since the 2000 has a built in speakerphone.  You only need your basic
>Walkman type headset for private listening.  I'm not sure but I don't think
>you can even use the special headset.
>Sorry I don't have any of these.
>David Devaney, Jr.
James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: Wayne Sanderson <A5023644635@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 17:10:59 +0000

Please tell me about $10.00 setup and free thereafter? Is
this an ISP or a supplemental e-mail address registry/forwarding scheme
like appears to be?

From: Steve Wolfson <wolfson@UCS.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 10:31:43 -0700
Subject: NP-720 Battery in a PIC

The Sony Camcorder accessories list a NP-720 battery as a replacement
for the 520.  It has a larger rating and would theoretically give
at least a 30% increase between charges.  Anyone know if this fits
into the PIC-2000?

-- Steve

From: Bill Bereza <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 15:11:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Screen darker on one side

> there.  Is there anyone who holds it on the right side that has a darker
> screen on the right?

I sometimes get a darker screen on the left, but it's not from holding
it. It usually happens when I have it connected to the AC power and a
phone line and have it turned on for a long time.

Bill Bereza  
Wave your hand and the eyeball will follow you.

From: Paul Linhardt <plin@SONYSOFT.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:36:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Wireless Web?

>I'd like to configure my envoy to browse the web wirelessly, using
>PrestoLink. Is it possible? Is there a way to link up using Ardis? Many
>thanks for any advice anyone can offer...Gigi

I tend to doubt that Presto!Links is compatible with the packet structure
used by ARDIS.

Your choices are:

(1) Radiomail w/ WebMail.  Fetch web-pages as e-mail.

(2) Presto!Links with the wireless modem redirector software + Apex + a
data enabled cell-phone
(  (I'm not sure if
anyone tried this combination on an Envoy, but it should work with a Magic
Link).  If you are in an area covered by the Ricochet packet network
( then you have much cheaper
solution available.

In my mind, it doesn't really make sense to do wireless "browsing" because
of the high cost of wireless transmission.  It makes a lot more sense to
fetch specific web pages if you have some specific information you need.
In this case, I recommend WebMail (


Sony New Technologies

Attention!  New e-mail address:

From: Steven Anderson <A5513644654@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 20:18:48 +0000
Subject: Prestomail - window

Dear Magic,
Is there a version of Prestomail to run on MagicCap for Windows?

Steve Anderson

From: Keith Felkins <A5393644684@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 20:30:35 +0000
Subject: Re: Busted speaker on new PIC-2000

Dear Magic,

Speaker went out on my Pic 2000.  Sent to "Sony Service Center" San
Jose, Ca. friday June 28th 2nd Day Air. They received Monday July 1st
and sent back to me Wednesday July 3rd FedX. I received Saturday the
6th do to holiday. I paid freight both ways. Good Service.
Ph 1-800-282-2848
fax 1-408-955-5450

Lemon Head

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From: MCW Online <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 13:31:56 -0700
Subject: Re: Prestomail - window

At 08:18 PM 7/19/96 +0000, Steven Anderson wrote:
>Dear Magic,
>Is there a version of Prestomail to run on MagicCap for Windows?
>Steve Anderson

Hi Steve,

The answer is a No and Yes.

No we will not be porting the PrestoMail/PrestoLinks package to Magic Cap
for Windows.

We are instead creating a complete ISP client using Microsoft's MAPI
standards. The client will allow you to connect to any existing provider via
modem or direct internet connection.

Hope this answers your question.

Joel Connors   / Magic Cap For Windows Support
Email at:
Phone at: (408) 774-4041
Fax at: 800-774-3311
Support hours are 9am to 5pm (PST) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 18:30:31 -0700
Subject: Greg Satz: Fwd: Reminder Notice

Received: by with Magicmail;20 Jul 96 01:10:15 UT
Date: 20 Jul 96 01:22:34 UT
From: AT& (AT&T PersonaLink Services)
Subject: Reminder Notice
To: (Greg Satz)

                PersonaLink Services

                                              July 19, 1996

Dear AT&T PersonaLink Customer,

I want to contact you with a reminder that we have reached a difficult
decision to discontinue PersonaLink Services effective August 30, 1996.  It
has become clear that a proprietary messaging service like PersonaLink will
have difficulty competing with new Internet technologies.  We made this
announcement on July 11.

If you were a registered subscriber as of 7/11/96 AT&T is offering you a
"transition package" which includes Free software for AT&T WorldNet Service
(for dial-up Internet access from a Windows based pc) and a coupon you can
use to acquire Magic Cap compatible communications software.  You will
receive this package via the U.S. Mail.

If you joined PersonaLink on 7/12/96 or later we are waiving the $9.95
Monthly Subscription Fee.  Surcharges for use of fax or Wireless
PersonaLink (from the Envoy) will still apply.

The AT&T PersonaLink Service Customer Care Center will remain in operation
until 8/30/96.  Should you have any questions or need assistance please
call us at 1-800-400-LINK.


Tom Redmond
Director, AT&T
PersonaLink Services

- ---
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From: Paul <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 1996 01:21:26 +0000
Subject: PLS

What happens now to MCW. It was totally built around PLS. Is it
finished too. Will the new version be out before PLS closes its doors?
I have several Links, Envoys, SkyTel pagers and systems running MCW. We
invested a lot of money into the Magic Cap platform. Now all these
devices no longer can do what they did when we bought them. I am sure
PrestoMail is a great product. It seems that it will fill most people's
needs. I never understood Telescript or cared if the MarketSquare ever
appeared, but the features of PLS email is what sold me on the unit.
Just look at the box and manuals for these products. PLS was the
cornerstone. Now they decide they are out. I feel like they are asking
us to saw the units in half and mail half back. I know ATT is not a
charity, but it is more complicated than that. They are part of the GM
alliance. We will find alternate solutions. It just seems that GM is
getting off the hook a little too easy.

Mailing Lists MagicCap List