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Sunday July 14, 1996

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 07:23:58 +0000
Subject: Re: death of PL

Dear Magic,
Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> 3- I have a 1000 and concerned that I wont be
> able to handle Presto Mail and Link
> 4- I will still need a dial up account ?
> 5- What are my choices besides America Online ?
I obtained an internet account from a local provider for $8 for 20
hours.  I figure that should be plenty for simple E-Mail even at 2400
baud.  Now I just need to get Presto Mail.  I will not even bother with
Presto Link.

Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> Compuserve Companion is available on the
> Compuserve PDA forum in the MagicCap section. I
> have not tried it, so I have no opinion to share
> other than it has garnered mixed reviews on this
> list. It is a free download if you are a
> Compuserve subscriber; If you are not, you will
> either have to subscribe conventionally using a
> PC or Mac and download it yourself, which would
> conveniently establish an account for you to
> access when you do load the package, or you could
> get someone else who already has an account to
> download it onto a floppy for you and install it
> using Magic XChange and hope you can sign up for
> an account using that package. Try calling
> Compuserve and run it by them- maybe they will
> send it to you on disk. That would be a smart
> marketing move on their part

I talked to Compuserve this afternoon and this is what they told me:
They said that the package cost $10.00 but you would get the $10.00
back in usage credit, thereby making the item free.  There is also some
type of demo.  This is how I was told to get it:

Procedure for temp login:
   Use terminal program to access via a local number
   (I have the number for Denver Metro if anyone needs)
   @ Host prompt type "CIS"
   @ Login Prompt type "177000,2000"
   @ Password type "explore/world"
   @ Agreement type "Replace"
   @ Serial Number type "802"
   Type CS4MAGIC

You might want to check with Compuserve if this method will work for you.

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 07:26:03 +0000
Subject: Re: Outfitters Direct

Dear Magic,
Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> Has anyone actually gotten Outfitter's Direct to
> work?

Yep no problem.  I saw the email message and updated my catalog
yesterday.  Pulled down several freeware packages.  I find this much
more convenient than Spies since it goes directly to the ML.

Kevin Fries

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:16:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Modem question

>Can I put a 28.8 pcmcia modem in my Envoy? If so, which brand, which
>drivers, where do I get them, etc? Any advice would be greatly

Personally, I've always wondered if Wireless Modem Link (WML) would work on
an Envoy. If it did, it'd be a bonanza for all those Envoy users who need
(uh, want) wireline access at acceptable speeds. Anyone?

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:30:35 -0500
Subject: Re: Outfitters Direct

>I was told that with PrestLinks, I will be able to download packages from the
>internet directly on my link. ( Note that I am NOT talking about UUencoded
>packages. A GM employee said that packages on the internet will have a magic
>cap tag or something and will enable you to download large packages.). As of
>today, I am still unaware of how this works.

Yep, you can. Currently the only place I know of that does this is at:

The server does have to be configured to recognize the MagicCap type, though.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:32:55 -0500
Subject: Re: Phone Number

>Ok, no biggie, I've got one of the options set wrong. But which one?
>If during step 6 Presto!Links would have displayed the number it was
>dialing, I would have something to go on. In my case, I forgot to tell
>my new locality the prefix it was dialing was a local toll call, so it
>didn't dial the area code. But, it took 5 minutes of fiddling to find
>it. If I'd have seen the number, I would have known the problem.

Yep, you're right: links (unlike mail) doesn't show the number that was
dialed (or is dialing). That'd be a good thing for the next version (hint,

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:48:46 -0500
Subject: Re: SoftModem

>I just finished reading the press release for SoftModem. I had trouble
>parsing the press-release speak. I believe I know what it is. Can
>anyone explain what problem it solves?

My guess is that it'd allow the vendor to reduce the number of chips
needed, which would drop the overall cost of a given unit. There'd be less
board design, less manufacturing/logistics, etc. OTOH, it uses the CPU and
memory whereas a real modem wouldn't. It'd push the cost of a modem into
the 'back' (user impact) instead of the 'front' (user cost). Back-end costs
are much harder for users to understand, and can be effectively hidden in
the marketing stuff.

Of course, there are real benefits too. A software modem is theoretically
upgradable (though the GeoPod belies that somewhat). The unit is smaller,
since you don't need space on the board (you still need the phone jack,
though). And, most importantly, the unit as a whole costs less, since it's
cheaper to add software than hardware.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:05:15 -0500
Subject: Re: AT&T WorldNet being "proprietary" (was Re: <No subject give

Hi Ray! Got you!

>Currently, CHAP is not supported on all platforms (It's supported for
>drivers with WinSock, Linux, most UNIX variants, &c, &c - it's not
>some Redmond, Washington thorn in our side...)  Notably, the Mac's
>existing PPP drivers have not adopted CHAP, which is why Macintosh
>access is lagging Windows.

Actually, all (or at least FreePPP) Mac PPPs support CHAP, as far back as
MacPPP 'SD' releases. The problem, I think, is that AT&T is using a funky
version of Navigator. If you pull the configuration info from the WorldNet
setup file and enter the data into FreePPP (using the format as described
by Bruce Porter), it should work fine.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:20:36 -0500
Subject: Re: IWish#373

>>where on earth did you get the specs for the connector? >did you have
>to sign away your firstborn child (NDA)? or is >it on some web page
>I read this in one or more writeups in computer journals when I was
>actively shopping for a PDA. I think they were Pen Computing, and
>Computer Shopper in a big PDA comparison they did some time back last

From what I remember (and it's been a long time) the connector itself is a
honda d-shell connector. There is some kind of voltage thingy in there
somewhere, and it'd be easy enough to figure out what it was by dissecting
a cable.

I'm not sure how to activate the 'magicbusness' of the port, since most
things I've seen are dumb serial. Mitsubishi, I think, made the interface
kit. You could try mailing GDT and asking how they did the print
cable/video mirror peripherals.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:28:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Presto Mail & 2 DNS's

>With Presto mail can a person have more than one DNS? When i try to add
>a secondary DNS stamp it just jumps off the card into the trash. Can
>someone help me set up a secondary DNS?

The PrestoStuff only supports one DNS per provider. There was a reason for
this, but I don't remember why anymore. Another feature request?

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:33:05 -0500
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

>I rely heavily on the forwarding rules that Plink provided. In
>particular the ability to have things sent to my SkyTel was critical.
>Does PrestoMail do this?

No. The reason is that the forwarding was done on the TeleScript server run
by AT&T. To do something like the auto-forwarding would have required
writing a totally new POP server and making every ISP transition to it,
something which is way outside the scope of the Presto products.

It's too bad...PLink had a lot of neat fatures in the new incarnation
that'll be sorely missed, like directory lookups.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 06:27:17 -0500
Subject: Re: large text messages under presto!mail 1.5

>It is a well known feature, er, failure under MagicCap that large text
>messages cannot be received on either MagicCap 1.0 or MagicCap 1.5. Large
>in this case is anywhere from 45k for the Envoy to 50 or 60k for the PICs.

Well, you can get around this somewhat by doing annoying memory things when
you want to collect mail. Basically, when you want to collect mail, turn
off your device, hold the option key, and turn it on. This clears out
workspace memory (techspeak: this nukes the transient clusters), giving the
mail service as much memory as possible. Then option-tap the inBox.

This is only useful, BTW, on MagicCap 1.5 communicators.

>Has anyone tried receiving text messages of this size or large using the
>new Presto!Mail 1.5 on any flavoer of communicator?

Beats me; I was on links . I'd think the above would work.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 05:59:33 -0500
Subject: Presto!Stuff and CHAP

>the readme files are not clear on the subject
>does anyone know?
>MCI absolutely requires it for their PPP access

Well, in theory it does. Unfortunately, there was a last-minute bug
discovered in the CHAP implemenation that didn't make it into the final
release. I assume that there'll be an updated version of PrestoPPP posted
sometime soon.

This means that any CHAP-based ISP might or might not work. ISPs known to
use CHAP include AT&T WorldNet, uunet, and MCI.

Note that WindowsNT RAS CHAP never was supported, due to RAS' non-standard
CHAP implementation (grrr). If you're using RAS, enable plaintext passwords
on RAS, which tells RAS to use PAP instead.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"home again, home again"

From: Jonas Millan <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 11:09:54 +0400
Subject: Re: SRAM Card

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,
I read that you have  a Pager card , could you please send me the patch to
make it work with the pic 2000/?

Jonas Millan
Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:13:51 -0700
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

Poster:       Manuel Veloso 
> >I rely heavily on the forwarding rules that Plink provided. In
> >particular the ability to have things sent to my SkyTel was critical.
> >Does PrestoMail do this?
> No. The reason is that the forwarding was done on the TeleScript server run
> by AT&T. To do something like the auto-forwarding would have required
> writing a totally new POP server and making every ISP transition to it,
> something which is way outside the scope of the Presto products.
> It's too bad...PLink had a lot of neat fatures in the new incarnation
> that'll be sorely missed, like directory lookups.

This isn't a major challenge. Most ISP mail receivers are running sendmail
or some other mail delivery system. Most of these support user configurable
forwarding or filtering either through a file or another application.

What is missing is a remote interface to the forwarding/filtering
functionality. A nice web page or email interface that controlled this
forwarding/filtering would be a really neat thing (tm).

The Post Office Protocol (POP) is performed after the mail is delivered to
the mailbox and the message forwarded/filtered.

Greg Satz

PS. The difference between forwarding and filtering is that forwarding is
done for all messages all the time. It is a subset of the capability of
filtering which is what PersonaLink supported.

From: Lee Butler <leebu@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:45:22 -0700
Subject: 4sale-presto!mail/links

I've ended up with an extra copy of Presto!Mail/Links...

The first $35 offer gets it, I'm covering shipping.

Send email to

Lee Butler
Phone:303.843.1738          Pager:800.480.9079

From: Richard Brodsky <rbro@WCO.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 10:55:46 -0700
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Greg and Magic,
I use Claris Emailer on my Mac, which can perform any one of a number of email
actions based on the sender,subject,text string etc. I can forward to another
account, set up an autoresponder, file in a specific folder etc. based on
these attributes. Why wouldn't something like this be available with Presto
Mail? After all if I can filter incoming messages based on subject, sender
etc., why can't I forward or file them based on the same things?
Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 11:51:51 -0700
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

Poster:       Richard Brodsky 
> I use Claris Emailer on my Mac, which can perform any one of a number of email
> actions based on the sender,subject,text string etc. I can forward to another
> account, set up an autoresponder, file in a specific folder etc. based on
> these attributes. Why wouldn't something like this be available with Presto
> Mail? After all if I can filter incoming messages based on subject, sender
> etc., why can't I forward or file them based on the same things?

This is very different from a PersonaLink mailbox. A PLS mailbox acted on a
set of filtering rules before the mail is delivered to your mailbox (inbox
on your communicator). In your case the rules are acted on as it is being
delivered to your mailbox (mac). The crucial difference is the filtering
functions must wait for you to claim your mail, which is undetermined.

Having said that there is no reason I can think of why the good folks at GM
and Active Paper couldn't add filtering to Presto!Mail at some point in the

Greg Satz

From: "Rishi R. Oswal" <Yipadedoda@AOL.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 17:04:50 -0400
Subject: Need 1meg card

[This message may have contained graphics created by a Magic Cap device on
America Online.]

Dear MagicCap,
I'm looking for a 1 meg. Sram card for Magic Link. Will pay $55. Anyone

Rishi Oswal

From: Manuel Veloso <veloso@APIX.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:20:24 -0500
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

>Having said that there is no reason I can think of why the good folks at GM
>and Active Paper couldn't add filtering to Presto!Mail at some point in the

Uh, make that 'the good folks at GM'. It actually shouldn't be too hard
(famous last words) to add auto-forwarding on collect, since PMail already
can check the sender info.

Manny Veloso          Digital Plumber
Active Paper, Inc.
"One boxer who bribed three others was socked
with a fine so heavy it paid for three statues"

From: Lee Butler <leebu@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 21:55:34 -0700
Subject: gone-presto!mail/links

Remember that message from me about a presto!mail 1.5 for sale?  Its already
gone!  That's a new record for an ad for me...

Lee Butler
Phone:303.843.1738          Pager:800.480.9079

From: Greg Satz <satz@CISCO.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:00:08 -0700
Subject: presto!mail 1.5 bugs

I am not sure where to send bugs about presto!mail so I am sending them
here. Hopefully folks won't mind and it may help resolve some of the

1) I select the prompt checkbox in the PPP login stamp in the service
provider form. This allows me to enter my password without storing it on
the communicator. However the password prompt window occurs after the phone
is dialed and the far modem answers. It should prompt before the phone is
dialed. If you must enter a combination of numbers and letters, your login
time may run out.

2) I cannot seem to get the script statement 'expect ">" :5' to work. Is it
something I am doing wrong?

3) When I selected the presto!mail rules stamp from the stamper in the
provider form, my presto!link stamps and presto!mail stamps disappeared. I
had to throw away that particular provider card and start over.

Greg Satz

From: Richard Brodsky <rbro@TALENTWORKS.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:25:02 -0700
Subject: Re: presto!mail 1.5 bugs

>3) When I selected the presto!mail rules stamp from the stamper in the
>provider form, my presto!link stamps and presto!mail stamps disappeared. I
>had to throw away that particular provider card and start over.
This happens to me constantly. Also if I try to manually disconnect
because the connection is just hanging, my ML freezes, cleans up and then
my provider card is blank. When I try to re-enter the info, it tells me
there is already a service by that name, even after I trash the blank
card. This happens at least once a day on my PIC 1000.

Richard Brodsky

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