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Saturday July 13, 1996

From: Mark Marshall <MaxLink644@AOL.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 09:53:05 -0400
Subject: Re: Sources of MC software [long]

In a message dated 96-07-12 16:33:49 EDT, you write:

>(2) Our sister organization, Sony Electronics, distributes Magic Link
>accessories and software:
>(i) Magic XChange for (Mac or Windows) desktop connectivity
>(ii) Magic XChange Plus (Windows) add-in translators
>(iii) Wireless Modem Link software for connecting to cell phones
>(iv) Farcast agent-based news service on disk
>(v) OAG FlightLine real-time flight & scheduling information on disk
>(vi) Presto!Mail (internet e-mail) & Presto!Links (web browsing)
>(vii) Ink Writer from Aha (handwriting word processor)
>(viii) Pencel 2.0 spreedsheet
>(ix) QuickPrint character recognition
>(x) Berlitz Speaking Translator
>(xi) Magic Bag Game Pack
>Sales: (800) 571-SONY.
>Product info: (800) 55MAGIC.
>Overseas Sales: (212) 833-8800

Not to bust chops TOO much here, but don't bother calling Sony Electronics
for Magic Exchange.  I called them the better part of EIGHT weeks ago, and
they still don't have it, and have no clue when they're gonna get it.  ARRGH!


From: Paul McHugh <A5043644623@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 15:12:04 +0000
Subject: PrestoMail rules?

I rely heavily on the forwarding rules that Plink provided. In
particular the ability to have things sent to my SkyTel was critical.
Does PrestoMail do this?

From: Scott Doniger <A5603644614@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 15:25:25 +0000
Subject: Re: Problem with PIC

Dear Magic,
Kevin Writes:
> You guys missed the true hypocrisy of it all.
> They are dropping PersonLink because it is too
> proprietary.  However, PC systems that need
> software specifically configured by AT&T is not
> too proprietary. HUH?  I would not even think
> about trusting AT&T again until they learn to
> tell the truth.  Guess its my turn to be OTR.
> Kevin Fries
> Looking for mail provider

Kida funny, but kevin also writes:
> Looks like some people need to take a break from
> this group about every 28 days.

> Just to set the record straight, not only does
> Sony monitor this forum, I have received 3
> responses.  Maybe when you have the right
> attitude....
> Not only do I have an abundance of help, I was
> thanked for my overall positive attitude.
> Kevin Fries

Get a life
            From the desk of Scott Doniger...

From: Jonas Millan <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 13:39:02 +0400
Subject: Re: PrestoMail rules?

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,
Do u have the skycard? If yes could you please send me the patch to work with
the pic2000

Jonas Millan

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: Jonas MIllan <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 14:04:10 +0000

Hello Everyone,

Can anyone please send me the the patch to make the skycard for the ML
work with pic 2000???


Jonas Millan

I have called son just too many times.... and I ave receive nothing from

From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.CALYPSO.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 10:21:03 -0700
Subject: Re: 28.8 card modems


Thanks for the feedback.  I'm downloading about 70 messages a day from my
ISP and it sounds like the faster modem would help.  It would also help
when surfing as I may click through alot of links before getting to the
page I really want.

I'll just have to wait awhile till the prices come down, or my SO allows me
to dip into our savings.  Maybe if I buy her that new stovetop.........


From:   Steve Schramm[SMTP:steve_schramm@GENMAGIC.COM]
Sent:   Thursday, July 11, 1996 11:38 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
Subject:        Re: 28.8 card modems

Subject:  RE>28.8 card modems

As with all things having to do with hardware, software and communications,
depends. For short transfers with a lot of back-and-forth communication, a
faster modem is no help in this situation. For downloads of large objects,
e.g. graphics, it will help. You won't see true 28.8 speeds because the OS
crunching, but you'll get quicker response than with a slower modem. \Steve

Date: 7/11/96 3:33
To: Steve Schramm
From: Magic Cap Discussion List

I too think a 28.8 modem would be nice.  However, the response from my
previous suggestion indicated the OS was the limiting factor, not the
modem.  Active Paper said that a faster modem wouldn't improve the speed of
Presto!Mail or Presto!Links.  Any comments from Sony or General Magic?


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From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.CALYPSO.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 10:52:00 -0700
Subject: Re: it's 3 a.m. do you know how your screen is?


Sounds like a good tip.  Has anyone else got any shortcuts they want to share?


From:   Bruce Tong[SMTP:zztong@MAIL.EV.NET]
Sent:   Friday, July 12, 1996 9:56 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
Subject:        Re: it's 3 a.m. do you know how your screen is?

> I have used all the different handwriting packages at one point,
> but none longer than a month (two stylii (no laughing Karen) make
> for some pretty impressive two-fisted typing).

Two styii? I'll have to try that.

I've gotten pretty fast with one stylus, so I don't think I'll be
using a hand writiing recognition system.

Here's a typing trick I've found which saves a great deal of time on
the communicator. Whenever you want to use a set of parens... () or a
pair of quotes "", get both symbols as the same time, then hit the
back arrow to locate the cursor between the symbols, then switch back
to text and go.


Bruce Tong
Systems Programmer
Electronic Vision / Fitne


Phone : (614) 592-2511
Fax   : (614) 592-2650


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From: Cut Throte1 <A5453644674@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 18:45:03 +0000
Subject: Re: Graffiti!

Sat., July 13, 1996 @ 10:21 a.m. PST

Dear jas,
O Wise Magicians writes:
- ^}   I am considering getting some sorta OCR software, I
- ^}   was thinking about Graffiti? Opinios anyone???
I use Graffiti almost exclusively and i really like it. It worked best
with my natural way of printing with very little change on my part. I
tried QuickPrint and Scribe and had actually switched to Scribe because
of it's smaller size, but then i acquired a Pilot and switched back to
Graffiti will not be updating their current version for Magic Cap in
the future, so what you see is what you get.

- ^}   Anyone wanna send me one to see if I like it?
They all have demo versions available you just need to look around.

- ^}           jas

            From the desk of Cut Throte1...

From: Robert Joy <A5043644610@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 19:24:49 +0000
Subject: Brenda H.

Brenda Holloway,

Could you please send me your name card? I have an old email address
for you and email to you is bouncing back to me.

Also if you the names cards for the Magic Lists, I think they were
called MUL-PLINK and MUL-AOL. Could I get those from you too?

Robert Joy

From: Jonas MIllan <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 22:29:15 +0000
Subject: skytel card on an envoy


anyone knows if the skytel card will work on an envoy?



From: Richard Brodsky <rbro@WCO.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 22:50:44 -0700
Subject: Time out

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,
I keep getting the "time out waiting for TOP command" message with Presto
Mail. Is there anything I can do?
Content-Type: application/prestomail

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From: Richard Brodsky <rbro@WCO.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 23:19:45 -0700
Subject: quoter and onno's

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,
Can somebody Presto Mail me Quoter and Onno's tools?
Content-Type: application/prestomail

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