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Thursday July 04, 1996

From: Mark Nomady <trustno_1@GERMANY.IT.EARTHLINK.NET>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 23:18:44 -0700
Subject: Re: PrestoMail/PrestoLinks

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,

I had the exact same problems, but found out it was my Internet service
provider(Earthlink).  I tried Netcom, but though the connection was more
reliable the number was always busy. Because they are all inherently evil, I
think they tend to dump slower connections during peak use (even the 2000
rarely hits 14.4).  I would get timeout and ppp authentication errors, or
unable to connect to pop server.  Try it at an off time and see if it
connects.  Increase your timeout settings.  Reinstall.  Pray.

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail

From: "David Devaney, Jr." <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 04:08:00 EDT
Subject: Re: PrestoMail/PrestoLinks

On Wed, 3 Jul 1996 22:35:43 -0400 you wrote:

>I've been having nothing but problems since I got PrestoMail/PrestoLinks.
>I must have made a dozen calls to General Magic's tech support (followed
>their advice to the letter). After each call the situation is worse than
>before I placed the call:( When first installed I was able to send email
>and browse the web but could not retrieve email (timed out while checking
>mail). Now, several calls later, I can't do anything . . . can't send
>email, browse the Web or even connect. Anyone else experiencing such
>exasperating problems with this package? OR is it just me :(

My problems aren't as bad but they are still inconvenient.

I am unable to collect a summary of my mail.  P!Mail will start checking then either when trying to go from the 3rd to the 4th or 4th to the 5th message it will "Stall/Hang" and I will have to stop it.  Then I have to immediately turn it off otherwise if I try to go somewhere/do something, ie go to the desk, I will hear the long beep followed by a long cleanup.  I don't have a problem with !Links or if I go to the Inbox and tap the mail button I can collect everything but then I worry that I might run out of Transient memory.  I have called twice.  I did what he said to do the first time.  Yesterday when I called they said they would have to get back with me.  We'll see what happens.
David Devaney, Jr.

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 09:35:34 -0500
Subject: Presto Mail

I too had lots of trouble logging into my ISP. I always got an PPP
authentication error. I talked to Active Paper several times, but as I was
the only person having this trouble (They say) they were UN-WILLING to help
me. I went to my ISP and we tried a few things but I just could not log in,
each time I tried my SML would send my user name and then two or three trash
chacters, at that point it was all over.

I thought that perhaps Presto Mail was just not going to work on a PIC-1000,
so I bought a PIC-2000 and installed the software again, it did the same
thing. (Now I am really mad) I called another ISP and set up a demo account
for a few days. I was able to log in to them just fine. Now I know the
trouble is with my ISP, so I called them and went over to thier office, I
loaned them my PIC-1000 so that they could get to the bottom of it. While in
his office we found that we could use the logging script stamp in Presto, we
edited it a bit and PRESTO I am now able to loggin to his system 100% of the
time. Works on both my PIC-1000 and 2000. I have left the 1000 with him for
a few days, as he wants to really get to the bottom of it. I should not have
to use the login in script.

Anyway I am very happy to have it working, I also have been doing a lot with
it via my cellular phone, last week I went walking around my office as I was
surfing on the web, I went office to office showing my co-workers differnet
web cams around the world. It was really cool... (WIRELESS is my job)

James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: Wayne Sanderson <A5023644635@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 15:12:45 +0000
Subject: Re: Protective Covers for Screen

>Really, is saran-wrap the >answer?  Are we sure we >don't want to use
trojan >condoms?

Go to a stationary supply store and buy a pack of Static Vinyl report
covers and a razor blade, then spend a few minutes cutting one to size.
This is the same stuff that most commercial screen protectors are made
of, and the price is alot less.

From: Bill Bereza <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 11:20:31 -0400
Subject: PIC-1000 crashed hard


I have a PIC-1000 which appears to be completely hung up. The crash
happened after I installed and started playing around with DoodleMeister
(which I installed using UUDecode 0.981).

I was testing DM out on a notebook page, then I discarded it to the
trash, but then I changed my mind and slid the notecard out of the
dumpster right after it went in. When I was looking at the page, I
noticed that it was longer, more extended, than it had been when I threw
it away. I started hitting the arrow button to go down the page when I
noticed that there was no spiral graphic drawn next to it. Just at that
moment the PIC crashed. The screen showed just a series of vertical black
bars and there was a constant beeping, like the sound made when you turn
it on or off.

Nothing I could do would turn it off or stop the beeping. I tried
holding the power switch for a while. I tried it with the option button.
I even tried resetting, but the only thing that turned it off was
removing the battery cover. Now I can turn it on, but all I get is the
screen of bars, and no sound. If I hit the reset button I hear a beep but
nothing else happens.

Here's the things I had installed on my system. UUDecode, Steve's Mail
Tools, Quoter, Safe Erase Button, Alarmed Again and DoodleMeister. I was
using Magic Cap 1.0f.

Unfortunately I just recently got the PIC and I didn't have any way to
make a backup. But the only important thing lost was one notecard, and my
PersonaLink information.

I'm hoping that someone here might know if anything is possible besides
pulling the batteries. If I do that, what will happen to my PersonaLink


From: John Culver <A5133644645@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:14:11 +0000
Subject: steves mail

Dear Magic,
How do i get steves mail.

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Wayne Sanderson <A5023644635@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:48:46 +0000
Subject: PIC-1000 crashed hard

Your PLink account is probably toast. If you had a full backup stored
on a mem card or on your desktop via Magic XChange, you could restore
from backup, which would overwrite any corruption that may be fouling
your system. Also, if you had a mem card and Eternity, you could pull
the batteries and restore the PLink info. Without any of the above,
your choices are trying the reset button, which is a small pinhole on
the underside of the case, and if that doesn't work then I'm out of
suggestions other than cold booting and resubscribing to PLink. Anybody
have any other ideas?
P.S.> Magic XChange is so cheap right now that if I were you I would
spend the $41.00 total including shipping and guarantee that I wouldn't
be caught out there without a backup again. Call PCZone and
order-1-800-258-2088.  P.P.S.> No I do not work for them; I'm still
doing cartwheels over the quality of their service. Shipping was cheap
and I had it next day without paying next-day-air prices.

From: Martin Simoneau <simoneau.martin@UQAM.CA>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 13:35:31 -0500
Subject: Wanted: Magic Xchange for Mac

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I'm looking for Magic Xchange for the Mac, and the Sony distributor
don't sell it in Canada (I don't understand why they don't want to
make money here).

Anybody interested to sell it? Maybe someone knows where I can
purchase it from a distributor that deliver in Canada.


Martin Simoneau

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Cyberdog-MixedBoundary-0009AF69"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: text/enriched; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

GenevaI'm looking for Magic Xchange for the
Mac, and the Sony distributor don't sell it in Canada (I don't
understand why they don't want to make money here).

Anybody interested to sell it? Maybe someone knows where I can
purchase it from a distributor that deliver in Canada.




Martin Simoneau




From: Richard Brodsky <rbro@TALENTWORKS.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 10:47:00 -0700
Subject: Presto mail font

Is there any way to change the default font and style for Presto Mail

Richard Brodsky

The Online Casting Source
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Website Design, Hosting and Promotion

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 13:28:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Protective Covers for Screen

>Date:         Thu, 4 Jul 1996 15:12:45 +0000
>Reply-To: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>Sender: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>From: Wayne Sanderson 
>Subject:      Re: Protective Covers for Screen
>To: Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP 
>>Really, is saran-wrap the >answer?  Are we sure we >don't want to use
>trojan >condoms?
>Go to a stationary supply store and buy a pack of Static Vinyl report
>covers and a razor blade, then spend a few minutes cutting one to size.
>This is the same stuff that most commercial screen protectors are made
>of, and the price is alot less.

This works good, but if you cant find this material, then Condoms are ok.
But be sure to get the un-lubricated kind.

Happy 4th!!!

James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 13:36:23 -0500
Subject: Re: steves mail

What is Steves Mail??????

The only thing I can think of is, I think there is a package called Steves
mail tools, or something like that. If this is what you are looking for try
the spies web site at

Also it would be of great help to thoses of us that you seek help from. If
in the future would provide more info on what you are looking for.

As you can see from the copy of your orginal message 6 words is a bit vague!

At 04:14 PM 7/4/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear Magic,
>How do i get steves mail.
James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: "800541D4 (via RadioMail)" <800541d4@RADIOMAIL.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 11:53:31 -0700
Subject: presto isp connect

Hello all. I just received PrestoLink and PrestoMail. I can't get the
script to my ISP to connect, though. Does anyone have a working script for
connecting to Florida Digital Turnpike? Or, does anyone have any helpful

From: Nancy Knickerbocker-Penick <nkp@EDEN.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:11:03 -0600
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

At 9:35 AM 7/4/96, Dave Mayfield wrote:
>I too had lots of trouble logging into my ISP. I always got an PPP
>authentication error. I talked to Active Paper several times, but as I was
>the only person having this trouble (They say) they were UN-WILLING to help
>me. I went to my ISP and we tried a few things but I just could not log in,
>each time I tried my SML would send my user name and then two or three trash
>chacters, at that point it was all over.

Excuse me - does the following exchange of email show Active Paper was
"UN-WILLING" to help?
At 12:34 PM 6/12/96 -0600, you wrote:
>At 7:15 PM 6/11/96, Dave Mayfield wrote:
>> Nancy, today I tried dumping the software and re-installing it. It still
>>sends trash and I can not get connected. What do you suggest I do?????
>I called your ISP, and they offered to set up a test account - I sent all
>this information to General Magic - they are going to have to get a
>developer to look into this - it is a weird case.  I'll let you know if and
>when I hear anything further.

Nancy Knickerbocker-Penick
Software Quality Assurance Czar
Active Paper, Inc. work: home:

From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:57:29 -0400
Subject: Re: PIC-1000 crashed hard

Bill Bereza wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PIC-1000 which appears to be completely hung up. The crash
> happened after I installed and started playing around with DoodleMeister
> (which I installed using UUDecode 0.981).
> I was testing DM out on a notebook page, then I discarded it to the
> trash, but then I changed my mind and slid the notecard out of the
> dumpster right after it went in. When I was looking at the page, I
> noticed that it was longer, more extended, than it had been when I threw
> it away. I started hitting the arrow button to go down the page when I
> noticed that there was no spiral graphic drawn next to it. Just at that
> moment the PIC crashed. The screen showed just a series of vertical black
> bars and there was a constant beeping, like the sound made when you turn
> it on or off.
> Nothing I could do would turn it off or stop the beeping. I tried
> holding the power switch for a while. I tried it with the option button.
> I even tried resetting, but the only thing that turned it off was
> removing the battery cover. Now I can turn it on, but all I get is the
> screen of bars, and no sound. If I hit the reset button I hear a beep but
> nothing else happens.
> Here's the things I had installed on my system. UUDecode, Steve's Mail
> Tools, Quoter, Safe Erase Button, Alarmed Again and DoodleMeister. I was
> using Magic Cap 1.0f.
> Unfortunately I just recently got the PIC and I didn't have any way to
> make a backup. But the only important thing lost was one notecard, and my
> PersonaLink information.
> I'm hoping that someone here might know if anything is possible besides
> pulling the batteries. If I do that, what will happen to my PersonaLink
> account?
> Thanks.

  Are you using a SRAM card?  I recommend removing the battery cover to
shut the device off, and remove the RAM card and then turn on the
device.  Doodlemeister seemed to give me a similar problem a long time
ago, so I stopped using it.  Its really just meant to be a code
demonstration above all, and as is most of the quickly written freeware,
its a 'use at your own risk' kinda thing.  If my guess it right, you'll
find the unit will power up without the RAM card, and go back into
spasms as soon as you insert it.  You'll have to erase everything on
your card if this is the case, by holding down the option button while
inserting the card with the power on.

  The good news is your personalization, including PLink, should be ok
if it turns out to be the SRAM card.  The bad news is of course,
everything on the card is gone.


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:25:42 -0500
Subject: Re: presto isp connect

You should not have to use a log in script. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP.
Take it out and try it again.
At 11:53 AM 7/4/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello all. I just received PrestoLink and PrestoMail. I can't get the
>script to my ISP to connect, though. Does anyone have a working script for
>connecting to Florida Digital Turnpike? Or, does anyone have any helpful
James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: "J. Eric Townsend" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 13:32:38 -0700
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

"jdm326" == Dave Mayfield  writes:
jdm326> I too had lots of trouble logging into my ISP. I always got an

Which ISP, and which version of PrestoMail?

The 1.5 version -- now shipping -- is pre-configured for the WELL (my
ISP).  It was actually easier to get my PIC-2000 talking to the WELL
than it was to get my Mac to talk to the WELL....
J. Eric Townsend  USA 408.774.4252 (play:
        URL bandwagon of hipitude
"All those moments will be lost, in time, like tears in rain.  Time to die."
 -- Roy Batty, in Blade Runner

From: Steve Cooley <Stevec@POBOX.COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 16:00:43 +0000
Subject: Re: steves mail

> Dear Magic,
> How do i get steves mail.
Why do you want my mail? :) sorry.

From: Bill Bereza <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 19:04:30 -0400
Subject: Re: PIC-1000 crashed hard

>   The good news is your personalization, including PLink, should be ok
> if it turns out to be the SRAM card.  The bad news is of course,
> everything on the card is gone.

Unfortunately since I just bought the PIC a few months ago I hadn't
gotten around to buying an SRAM card or Magic XChange. I ended up pulling
the batteries and re-signing up for PLink. I guess I won't play around
with too many packages until I'm able to do backups.

I was using the PIC to keep a journal, and fortunately I had just
uuencoded all my entries except for one day, and mailed them to a
seperate account. And I still had paper copies of most of my name cards.

It could have been worse.

Hopefully it won't be a hassle to close my old account and have the mail
forwarded to the new one.

Bill Bereza  
Wave your hand and the eyeball will follow you.

From: Charlie F <A5123644606@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 23:19:50 +0000
Subject: Re: PIC-1000 crashed hard

Dear Magic,
Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> Are you using a SRAM card?  I recommend removing
> the battery cover to shut the device off, and
> remove the RAM card and then turn on the device.
> Doodlemeister seemed to give me a similar problem
> a long time ago, so I stopped using it.  Its
> really just meant to be a code demonstration
> above all, and as is most of the quickly written
> freeware, its a 'use at your own risk' kinda
> thing.  If my guess it right, you'll find the
> unit will power up without the RAM card, and go
> back into spasms as soon as you insert it.
> You'll have to erase everything on your card if
> this is the case, by holding down the option
> button while inserting the card with the power
> on.

WAITTTTTTT...  I don't have time to get into the details right now, but
try to write protect your sram card, and then backup all packages
BEFORE yoy reset your sram card.

Charlie F

 Never hold a grudge one you get even

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Micheal Kelly <mkelly@GOLDEN.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 18:43:01 -0400
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

On Thu, 4 Jul 1996, Dave Mayfield wrote:

> I too had lots of trouble logging into my ISP. I always got an PPP
> authentication error. I talked to Active Paper several times, but as I was
> the only person having this trouble (They say) they were UN-WILLING to help
> me. I went to my ISP and we tried a few things but I just could not log in,
> each time I tried my SML would send my user name and then two or three trash
> chacters, at that point it was all over.

Random problems that I've been having in PrestoMail/Links:

        1.  Random PPP authentication problems.  Sometimes it works,
            sometimes it doesn't.

        2.  Choking on the first mail message in my mailbox.  It'll
            say "Checking message 1", then pause, then "stopping"
            Repeated attempts will allow me to access my mail.

        3.  Random problems connecting to websites - PrestoLinks
            will retrieve anywhere from 1k to 12k, but not display
            anything, and just hang.  This happens on web-sites
            that I *know* are not busy (such as my own)...

However, when it works, it works, and nicely too.  I hope that these bugs
get ironed out soon...

- Mike

| |     .-.                    "We're very sorry, Mister Schrodinger,  |
| |    /   \         .-.        but the cat refuses to go in the box." |
| |   /     \       /   \       .-.     .-.     _   _                  |
| +--/-------\-----/-----\-----/---\---/---\---/-\-/-\/\/------------- |
| | /         \   /       \   /     '-'     '-'   ^         Mike Kelly |
| |/           '-'         '-'              |

From: Micheal Kelly <mkelly@GOLDEN.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 18:48:14 -0400
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

On Thu, 4 Jul 1996, Nancy Knickerbocker-Penick wrote:

> Excuse me - does the following exchange of email show Active Paper was
> "UN-WILLING" to help?
> >I called your ISP, and they offered to set up a test account - I sent all
> >this information to General Magic - they are going to have to get a
> >developer to look into this - it is a weird case.  I'll let you know if and
> >when I hear anything further.

Hi Nancy,

I was in the Beta program for PrestoLinks/Mail and just want to say that
I've appreciated all the help you offered.  Everyone should remember that
PrestoLinks is pretty revolutionary - a handheld *graphical* web-browser
with PPP capabilities...  there are bound to be problems, especially when
you consider the sheer number of ISPs, each one requiring a slightly
different configuration.  I've experienced nothing but positive responses
from both Active Paper and General Magic, and want to thank you for the
product.  It may be buggy at the moment, but at the very least it is a
step in the right direction.

- Mike

| |     .-.                    "We're very sorry, Mister Schrodinger,  |
| |    /   \         .-.        but the cat refuses to go in the box." |
| |   /     \       /   \       .-.     .-.     _   _                  |
| +--/-------\-----/-----\-----/---\---/---\---/-\-/-\/\/------------- |
| | /         \   /       \   /     '-'     '-'   ^         Mike Kelly |
| |/           '-'         '-'              |

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 19:19:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

I stand somewhat corrected: You Nancy were very helpful in your capatice as
a representative of Active Paper. When my ISP spoke with the people at
General Magic they were UN-WILLING to help, they told my ISP that they were
not interested in a test account, because I was the only one having this
type of trouble.

That was the last I heard from ANYONE on this subject, I was just out in the
cold. Thanks to my ISP who was WILLING to help me I am now able to log in.

>Date:         Thu, 4 Jul 1996 16:11:03 -0600
>Reply-To: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>Sender: Magic Cap Discussion List 
>From: Nancy Knickerbocker-Penick 
>Subject:      Re: Presto Mail
>To: Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP 
>At 9:35 AM 7/4/96, Dave Mayfield wrote:
>>I too had lots of trouble logging into my ISP. I always got an PPP
>>authentication error. I talked to Active Paper several times, but as I was
>>the only person having this trouble (They say) they were UN-WILLING to help
>>me. I went to my ISP and we tried a few things but I just could not log in,
>>each time I tried my SML would send my user name and then two or three trash
>>chacters, at that point it was all over.
>Excuse me - does the following exchange of email show Active Paper was
>"UN-WILLING" to help?
>At 12:34 PM 6/12/96 -0600, you wrote:
>>At 7:15 PM 6/11/96, Dave Mayfield wrote:
>>> Nancy, today I tried dumping the software and re-installing it. It still
>>>sends trash and I can not get connected. What do you suggest I do?????
>>I called your ISP, and they offered to set up a test account - I sent all
>>this information to General Magic - they are going to have to get a
>>developer to look into this - it is a weird case.  I'll let you know if and
>>when I hear anything further.
>Nancy Knickerbocker-Penick
>Software Quality Assurance Czar
>Active Paper, Inc. work: home:
James (Dave) Mayfield   E-Mail:
GTE Mobilnet            Phone: 319-386-2483
5010 North Brady St     Mobile: 319-340-7397
Davenport,Iowa. 52806   Fax: 319-388-0335
GTE Mobilnet of Iowa Web Page, with links to other
GTE Mobilnet sites:

From: John Culver <A5133644645@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 01:10:13 +0000
Subject: Re: steves mail

Dear Magic,
Ha  ha. Great the first magiccap comic

 NOTICE: This message originally included graphics and/or sounds which
can only be received by AT&T PersonaLink(sm) subscribers. You received
only the text portion(s) of the message.  Please contact the sender for
information that was deleted. To learn how to send and receive
graphics, voice and text messages via AT&T PersonaLink Services, call

From: Kevin Brandt <kbrandt@NETDOOR.COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 20:09:02 -0500
Subject: Re: steves mail

I laughed out loud when I read your posting.  I thought that was really

> From: Steve Cooley
> To: Multiple recipients of list MAGICCAP
> Subject: Re: steves mail
> Date: Friday, July 05, 1996 11:00 AM
> > Dear Magic,
> > How do i get steves mail.
> >
> Why do you want my mail? :) sorry.

From: Scott Doniger <A5603644614@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 01:34:51 +0000
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

Dear Magic,
Go gettem girl!!!
Yaaa Nancy...

let that be a lesson...  Dont mess with good tech people...
            From the desk of Scott Doniger...

From: Gloria Gigi Pflugfelder Lipori <A5283644694@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 01:37:02 +0000
Subject: Modem question

Can I put a 28.8 pcmcia modem in my Envoy? If so, which brand, which
drivers, where do I get them, etc? Any advice would be greatly

From: Robert Kantor <r.kantor@POSTOFFICE.WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 05:17:27 GMT
Subject: Re: Presto Mail

Scott, I am still awaiting the Freestyle program you offered me. PLEASE ship
same ASAP.  Thank you, Robert Kantor
At 01:34 AM 7/5/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear Magic,
>Go gettem girl!!!
>Yaaa Nancy...
>let that be a lesson...  Dont mess with good tech people...
>            From the desk of Scott Doniger...

Mailing Lists MagicCap List