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Monday July 01, 1996

From: Dr Colin Quek <colin@TTSH.GOV.SG>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 15:22:36 +0800
Subject: How to change international dialing code?

I've got a PIC-1000 which I'm using out of Singapore.

Our telephone provider has changed the international dialling code to 001
(from the original 005).

How do I reflect that change in my PIC-1000?

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 23:44:02 +0000
Subject: Epson Memory Card?

Dear Magic,
> I have recently been told by the folks at Sony that an
> Epson 2Mb memory card is supported by Sony for the ML.
> Is anyone using one of these, and what's your experience?
> Where do I go and get one?

I have been told the same thing..  As a matter of fact, what I was told
was that the SML wil work with any SRAM card that comes in the form of
a PCMCIA type 2 card that runs from 5v.  I was also told that the only
memory that Sony has tested other than their own was Epson 2M.  BTW,
Epson also makes a 4M.  I just ordered a 2M Epson memory card from
CompUSA for 190 something.  Sounded like a good deal so I jumped on it.

Kevin Fries

From: Shawn Jipp <A5873644615@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 01:26:42 +0000
Subject: BAMCUG Meeting

I have written a record of the first BAMCUG (Bay Area Magic Cap Users
Group) meeting which took place on Thursday, June 27th at General Magic
in Sunnyvale, CA.

I will probably email it to this list on Tuesday of this coming week.
I am waiting for General Magic to send me some info, to clarify some
items, and to look at the article before I send it out.

BTW, we had 15 people attend and the meeting lasted for 3 hours!  It
was very informative.  More news at 11.....

///////Shawn Jipp

From: Cut Throte1 <A5453644674@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 12:23:51 +0000
Subject: Re: wireless modem

Sun., June 30, 1996 @ 9:31 p.m. PDT

Dear O Wise Magicians,
O Wise Magicians writes:
 " -}  Dear Magic,
 " -}  I now have two copies of the Sony PICS-WM1. That
 " -}  is the wireless modem link package, both for the
 " -}  PC MAC, original box and books. I just bought a
 " -}  bunch of used stuff and and now i have two. If
 " -}  any one wants it, i will take $25.00 for it and i
 " -}  will ship.

I'll give you $25.00 for it just let me know how you want to get paid.
            From the desk of Cut Throte1...

From: "Andrew P. Gibbons" <A5903644600@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 16:45:18 +0000
Subject: PICS-WM1

Recently someone had mentioned that they would like to part with an
extra Wireless Modem Link.  I didn't catch the email address of this
individual...  I am very interested in this.


From: Luke Derossi <lderossi@COMCAT.COM>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 19:10:50 -0400
Subject: Magic Cap classes available! A few openings eft

General Magic University is holding Magic Cap programming classes next
week.  Sign up ASAP to get a seat!

Work through hands-on programming exercises to learn the secrets of
Magic Cap, its debugging tools, and the Magic Developer environment.
Contruct a complete Magic Cap game package.

Prerequisites:  C and object-oriented programming proficiency required.
Macintosh experience recommended.

Date:  July 8th and 9th
Price:  $800.

 - Check out the web page


Luke Derossi
  General Magic, Inc.

From: Karen H <A5953643689@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 22:17:04 +0000
Subject: Eternity question

Dear Magic,
I never saw an answer to this one, so I'll bite.

Magic Cap Discussion List writes:
> Dear Magic,
> I seemed to have missed what 'eternity' is.. If
> it is for the magiclink,i must have it.

Eternity:  when Market Square will be available
Eternity:  how long your cleanup will be if you don't empty your new
items package

Okay, that's enough.  Eternity is a package that lets you get back
missing memory.  It is a MUST HAVE for the PIC1000.   Get it.  I use it
every few months, and I am diligent about managing my memory daily.
(well, okay every few days anyway)

> I was never this attached to my PC.

Your PC was never this easy to use, or this much fun.  Now, if someone
would just write Descent for MagicCap, I'd be in heaven.

> Karen

 If love is blind, then why is lingerie so popular?

From: Dave Mayfield <jdm326@REVEALED.NET>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 21:40:39 -0500
Subject: Re: PICS-WM1

This message contains mail encoded for MagicCap


Dear Magic,
Sorry but the PICS-WM1 has been sold. Thanks to all who responded.

Content-Type: application/prestomail

begin 000 PrestoMail


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