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Saturday June 29, 1996

From: Kevin Fries <A5783644665@ATTPLS.NET>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 06:19:47 +0000
Subject: Mail Order PIC

Dear Magic,
>> Gripe #1:  I couldn't find PIC-2000s anywhere in the DC >> area.
None of the places listed on Sony's web site carry
>> them, and most don't even carry the 1000....
> Justin,  The only place in the DC area that I've found so far > that
carries Magic Link gear is Circuit City, and even then
> its a *VERY* spotty proposition.  Best to call first.  Don't
> even bother with Montgomery Ward, if it's still listed on
> Sony's webpage...
> Circuit City is *NOT* competitive price wise.  Your best bet > is
mail order. I've found that PDA Direct offers some pretty
> competitive pricing.  (Others may want to chime in here...)
> Places like PDA Direct also usually undercut the price of
> buying direct from Sony (whose warehouse is close-by
> here in the Northern Virginia burbs.)

I know for a fact that Elec-Tek sells them.  Don't know about their
price on PICs but I just got a pager card from them for $200.00 ($250
at sound track).  Also, rumor has it that Incredible Universe has good
prices on this stuff also.

Kevin Fries

From: Mike Lombrozo <lombroma@MAIL.CALYPSO.COM>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 00:48:10 -0700
Subject: Re: presto links/mail


There's a rule that you turn on or off to delete the mail from the server
after you collect it.


From:   Charles Ashley[SMTP:charlesa@NETVENTURES.CO.UK]
Subject:        Re: presto links/mail

Hi all -

Does anyone know if the new presto mail program allow users to leave email
on the PoP server after collection, or does it delete everything?  Does the
user get a choice?



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